考过托福的朋友帮忙写个口语段子,What important lesson have you learned from a family member?Explain the significance of this lesson in your life,请不要粘贴答非所问的段子 而且总是一样的很无奈呀

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/03 13:56:30

考过托福的朋友帮忙写个口语段子,What important lesson have you learned from a family member?Explain the significance of this lesson in your life,请不要粘贴答非所问的段子 而且总是一样的很无奈呀
What important lesson have you learned from a family member?Explain the significance of this lesson in your life,
请不要粘贴答非所问的段子 而且总是一样的很无奈呀

考过托福的朋友帮忙写个口语段子,What important lesson have you learned from a family member?Explain the significance of this lesson in your life,请不要粘贴答非所问的段子 而且总是一样的很无奈呀
In my opinion,the lesson that I learned the most from my grandpa is to be optimistic about the life.My grandpa is a railway worker who worked really hard.Everytime I visited him,he would tell me about the interesting stories and people around him.Besides,sometimes I was in a very bad mood,it is my grandpa who encouraged me and helped out.His favorate maxim is from Forrest Gump,"life is like a box of chocholate,and you never know what you're gonna get".As a result,this is the lesson I learned from him.

图片: The painting I like most is "the fourteen sunflowers" by Vincent Van Gogh. One reason is that most of the works by Van Gogh are full of passion and livelyness, especially for this one. I fell in...


图片: The painting I like most is "the fourteen sunflowers" by Vincent Van Gogh. One reason is that most of the works by Van Gogh are full of passion and livelyness, especially for this one. I fell in love with this painting at the frist sight I saw it. The golden bright tone of the whole picture makes me feel warm and sweet. Another reason is that sunflower is my favorite flower, whenever I see the sunflowers I would forget the bad things I suffered.
Someone focuses on one job throughout his life, others like to change from one job to the other. Which one do you think is better, why?
I think whether people focus one job or change from one to the another through a certain period of their lives mainly depend on their ages. For young people, what they need first is the experience. So they could change one job to another to gain more experience to adapt the socity better. Hovever, when people get older, they may want to have their own career. In that case, they should focus on one job to realize their dreams
If some people drop by my family, especially the visitors, I would like to serve them with dumplings. Frist of all, dumplings is the tradional food in China. It shows the hosts' most hospitality to the guests. Secondly, making dumplings is easy but it needs everyone work together. All of the people could enjoy the work and talk to each other. This makes people feel close and feel like just like home. And this kind of harmoney atmosphere is exactly what we want for our guests.
most important gift
Describe an object which is very important to you.
On my seven birthdays, my grandmother gave me a doll as my present. The doll has fair hair and blue eyes. Every morning I washed her face and made her hair. She had many beautiful clothes, such as skirt, trousers, blouse even fur clothes. These clothes are all made by my grandmother. The doll is the most important for me because it always reminds me to think about my grandmother.


考过托福的朋友帮忙写个口语段子,What important lesson have you learned from a family member?Explain the significance of this lesson in your life,请不要粘贴答非所问的段子 而且总是一样的很无奈呀 考过托福的朋友帮忙写个口语段子,JOB/ VOLUNTEER ----- A lifeguard on the beach如题 你想要做一个什么工作?用海边救生员来展开话题 了解托福的朋友帮写个托福口语段子谢谢What event in your life made you very happy?Explain what happened to you,and why you felt so happy.Include details and examples in your explanation.这个题目可以写 过春节 或是 去海边 帮忙帮我写一个托福口语第一题的段子吧!我要一个关于朋友的 describe a person whom you often time with...最好是有个故事什么的 实在不敢用自己写的> 考托福还是雅思好呢?考过的朋友帮忙参考下. 考托福还是雅思好呢?考过的朋友帮忙参考下. 托福口语段子用英语1 描述一个纪念活动或社会活动 2 描述一下未来十年的变化在之前的回答看到说你有考过,想必有经验,所以麻烦啦2 描述一下未来十年的变化 帮我写这个英语段子就好,第 帮忙写个托福口语第一题段子,如果你去饭店或咖啡屋,你总注意哪些特征,为什么?就从 环境 口味和服务态度 这3个方面 帮我写个英语段子吧,我语法不好,时间紧迫, 常州考过托福的朋友 请问托福收费退考标准是怎么样的啊 哈尔滨考过雅思和托福的前辈 请问雅思托福口语哪个好 我四级刚过,打算考托福 托福的口语部分怎么练习和加强 雅思备考,懂的请进英语水平一般,之前考过托福,R/L/S/W =30/23/19/27,总分99,口语稀烂.现需要考雅思,大概有两个月的时间可以准备.麻烦考过的朋友就我的情况给点备考建议,能给个比较详细的计划 有哪些考过托福的朋友看过7天搞定托福单词.感觉怎么样 我想考托福,考过的朋友请帮忙!1.每年都什么时间考,在什么地方2.怎么报名3.那些书比较不错4.怎么考5.如果您知道的更多, 托福口语辅导,考过的给点建议,熟悉的麻烦告诉下. 大学四六级的口语都过了,考托福还要准备多久? 成都考过托福的大神 请问托福口语 1 2题 准备的时候难吗 TOEFL口语里不会答,或者听力听不懂,应该说什么啊比如说什么对不起,没听清之类的.给我个模版!考过托福的进!