
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/01 03:25:15


This paper takes the C3 wheat plant as an example and analyzes the impact of CO2 density on the wheat through a series of experiments.
The first part is about the impact of the rise in the C02 density on the wheat biomass and the grain output.It is confirmed through the empirical data that the rise in the CO2 density is beneficial to the accumulation of wheat biomass and the rise of grain output.
The second part is about the impact of the rise in the CO2 density on the peroxidation of the membrane fat in the wheat leaf.With the increase of the carbon dioxide density to enhance the impact on the wheat conductivity and the MAD density,the rise in the CO2 density causes the reduction of the exosmosis conductivity and the increase of the MDA content,the change of which is the same as the exosmosis conductivity.
The third part is about the impact of the rise in the CO2 density on the active oxygen in the wheat leaf.With another increase of the carbon dioxide density in the experiment,an observation is made on the H2O2 content in the wheat and the impact of the free radicles in the ultra oxygen,the result of which is that the highly concentrated carbon dioxide may reduce the active oxygen content in the wheat leaf and hence reduce the poisonous effect of H2O2.
The last part is about the impact of the CO2 density on the oxidation resistance system of the wheat leaf,wherein with the impact on the resistance oxydase,it is concluded that the highly concentrated carbon dioxide has the enhancement effect on the vigor of SOD and CAR as well as the activeness of POD in the wheat leaf.The impact on the crazy oxide compound also shows the obvious increase of ASA and CAR content in the different periods.But with the change of the growing time,the content of ASA and CAR is somewhat reduced.


This article take the C3 plant wheat as an example, through a series of experiments, has analyzed the CO2 density to the wheat the influence first part is briefly the CO2 density ascension to the whea...


This article take the C3 plant wheat as an example, through a series of experiments, has analyzed the CO2 density to the wheat the influence first part is briefly the CO2 density ascension to the wheat biomass and the grain output influence, confirmed through the empirical datum, the CO2 density ascension is advantageous to the wheat biomass accumulation and the grain output enhancement. The second part is the CO2 density ascension to the wheat leaf blade membrane fat peroxidation influence, increases the carbon dioxide density to increase to the wheat conductivity and the MAD density influence, the co2 density ascension causes the exosmosis conductivity to reduce, the MDA content has the increase, the MDA content change tendency and the exosmosis conductivity is same. The third part is the CO2 density ascension to the wheat leaf blade active oxygen influence, increases the carbon dioxide density to carry on the experiment once more, the observation wheat H2O2 content and the ultra oxygen anoin free radical influence, obtains the result is the highly concentrated carbon dioxide may reduce in the wheat leaf blade the active oxygen content, thus can reduce H2O2 to poison the function. Last the part is the CO2 density ascension to the wheat leaf blade oxidation resistance system influence, in here through the resistance oxydase influence, obtains the highly concentrated carbon dioxide has the enhancement regarding the wheat leaf blade SOD vigor and CAT and POD activeness; But to crazy oxide compound influence, also obtains ASA and the Car content all has the increase in the different time, achieves the remarkable level, but along with the birth time passage, ASA and the Car content has the reduction.


Based on C3 plants wheat as an example, through a series of experiments, a brief analysis of CO2 concentration on the impact of wheat
The first part is eleva...


Based on C3 plants wheat as an example, through a series of experiments, a brief analysis of CO2 concentration on the impact of wheat
The first part is elevated CO2 concentration on wheat biomass and yield of grain through the experimental data confirm that, CO2 concentrations rise to the accumulation of biomass of wheat and grain yield increase.
The second part is elevated CO2 concentration on wheat leaves lipid peroxidation the impact of increased carbon dioxide concentrations to increase the conductivity of wheat and the concentration of MAD, co2 concentrations higher conductivity makes reduce leakage, MDA content has increased , MDA trends and changes in the conductivity of the same leakage.
The third part is elevated CO2 concentration on the wheat leaves the impact of active oxygen, carbon dioxide concentrations increased again experiment to observe the content of wheat H2O2 superoxide anions and the impact of free radicals, the result is a high concentration of carbon dioxide can reduce wheat leaves reactive oxygen species The content and therefore can reduce the toxic effects of H2O2.
The last part of the elevated CO2 concentration on wheat leaves antioxidant system in the confrontation here oxidase through the impact that high concentrations of carbon dioxide to the vitality of wheat leaves SOD and CAT and POD activity has increased and the oxidation of mad Of the impact, and that ASA Car in at different times have increased, reaching significant level, but as time goes by birth, ASA and a decrease in the Car.


英语翻译本文以C3植物小麦为例,通过一系列的实验,简要分析了CO2浓度对小麦的影响第一部分是CO2浓度升高对小麦生物量和籽粒产量的影响,通过实验数据证实,CO2浓度升高有利于小麦生物量的 英语翻译本文以C3植物小麦为例,通过一系列的实验,简要分析了CO2浓度对小麦的影响第一部分是CO2浓度升高对小麦生物量和籽粒产量的影响,通过实验数据证实,CO2浓度升高有利于小麦生物量的 小麦,大麦都是C3植物吗? 英语翻译本文基于网络数据包捕获为基础,通过协议分析数据包以达到检测数据包是否对网络具有攻击性这一目的.本文介绍了几种系统实现算法,重点指出网络流量自相似性原理的应用; 以小麦和水稻为例说明禾本科植物的特点 以小麦为例,说明和本科植物花的形态特征 甘蔗是C3植物吗?米、大麦和小麦呢? 英语翻译本文以89S52为核心,结合DAC0832实现程序控制产生正弦波、三角波、方波和锯齿波四种常用低频信号发生器.可以通过键盘选择波型和输入任意频率值,频率值用五位数码管显示,波形用一 英语翻译本文以中央电视台体育频道的足球专题类节目《天下足球》为例,通过对我国体育电视行业的整体发展的概述,对于《天下足球》节目的整体性的介绍、对于其九年以来的发展历程以 英语翻译从格网数字高程模型DEM(Digital Elevation Mode1)GIS环境下提取水文信息已经得到了广泛应用.本文通过一GIS为平台,通过实验探讨了以玛纳斯为研究对象从DEM中提取河网的详细过程:通过 英语翻译本文主要以中国银行财务报表为研究样本.采用杜邦分析的方法,通过中国银行年度财务报表数据,重点说明了公允价值运用后对我国上市公司财务报表的影响.本文从公允价值相关理论 英语翻译本文以友商网在线管理服务为例,对会计在SaaS模式中的应用进行实践和分析. C4植物会通过C3来固定CO2吗?一:是只通过C4途径来固定CO2吗?还是既C4,又通过C3途径来固定吗?二:C4植物的叶肉细胞内的叶绿体会不会通过通过光合作用生成有机物?还是只有维管束鞘细胞能生 求以下句子英语翻译,给分!文章大都覆盖面过大或不全,本文以独特、多维的角度为切入点,通过对尼采相关的各种历史信息的探究来全面阐述其思想精髓,最终寓意于其思想的延承与发展这一 英语翻译论文一:[摘要] 本文以埋地有压柔性接口给水管道水平向支墩结构设计为内容,通过受力分析、解析计算过程、举例说明的方式从结构设计条件、过程、步骤等方面,全面的解析直埋 英语翻译摘要英语翻译:摘要:本文以原苏东国家的社会转型为引子,通过对导致原苏东国家陷入转型危机的原因链条进行分析,揭示经济改革的指导思想、社会转型的初始条件、激进改革路 英语翻译随着我国中小型高新技术企业快速发展,为其提供贷款的科技银行也迅速崛起,本文通过科技银行科技贷款风险管理的分析,引入布莱克——舒尔茨期权定价模型,并以中国建设银行高科 英语翻译高句丽是我国古代边疆的少数民族政权,共存世705年,其中以集安为都城的时间长达425年.本文通过对《集安高句丽王陵—1990~2003年集安高句丽王陵调查报告》认定的13座积石墓王陵的