
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/03 19:07:14


1、People are willing to accept the praise but they don't want to express appreciation to others,what a pity!
2、We must not stint praise and grateful,because that can let the person warm,let person establish and long fun!

People are willing to accept the praise but they don't want to express appreciation to others, it is a pity!

We must not stint praise and grateful, because that can let the...


People are willing to accept the praise but they don't want to express appreciation to others, it is a pity!

We must not stint praise and grateful, because that can let the person warm, let person establish and long fun!


1.People willing to accept praise but do not want to personally express appreciation for others, it is regrettable that!

2.We want to be sure to not hesitate to praise and gratitude, because that will make people warm, people have confidence in the long interesting!

1, people are willing to accept the praise but they don't want to express appreciation to others, it is a pity! 2 we must not stint praise and grateful, because that can let the person warm, let person establish and long fun!

1.People are willing to accept praise rather than to express the appreciation of others, regrettable!2.We must be generous praise and gratitude, because that will make the person warm, let a person establish letter and long!

How regrettable! People are glad to accept praise while being unwilling to give it in one's presence. We must not be tightfisted to give our praise and appreciate, for that makes people feel warm and confident.

英语翻译1,人们乐于接受表扬却不愿当面表达对别人的赞赏,令人遗憾!2,我们务必要不吝赞扬和感激,因为那会让人温暖,让人树立信和长趣! 英语翻译我乐于接受新鲜事物虽然我暂时没有什么特殊技能 英语翻译中国人跟美国人对夸赞的反应方式是不同的.美国人对频频出现的称赞语从肯定方面坦然接受,并感谢对方.而中国人往往却做出自我否定或淡化表扬的反应. 英语翻译爸爸妈妈从来不当面表扬我,但是我知道他们经常在别人面前表扬我,说我这好那好,我就是不明白为什么他们不当面告诉我这些. 为什么说:“短处当面教,长处背面教.”(缺点需要当着人的面教育,而优点却背着人的面表扬.)为什么...为什么说:“短处当面教,长处背面教.”(缺点需要当着人的面教育,而优点却背着人 为什么说:“短处当面教,长处背面教.”(缺点需要当着人的面教育,而优点却背着人的面表扬.)为什么...为什么说:“短处当面教,长处背面教.”(缺点需要当着人的面教育,而优点却背着人 让人们接受新的东西,用英语翻译 仿写句子:失败虽然是人人不愿得到的结果,但有时却能激发人们坚忍的毅力 失败虽然从不愿得到结果,但有时却能激发人们坚韧的毅力. 仿写 如何接受批评和表扬我经常受到表扬,但是时常被我们班一个胖女生,指指点点,说我哪里需要改进,听了之后,心里很不好受,而她呢,却经常让语文老师表扬,我很想接受她的意见,可是心里很难受, 英语翻译本人有很强的责任心,思维敏捷,接受新事物的能力强,乐于接受新的挑战,富有创造性思维,团队和独立完成工作能力强;性格开朗,积极向上.善于也人沟通,精力充沛,有极高的工作热情. 英语翻译艺术设计小组的成员乐于帮助 英语翻译“乐”是乐于还是高兴? 英语翻译用英语翻译两个句子:1.若我没遇到你,我会被雨淋湿.2.我有点矛盾,一方面我想帮助他,另一方面又害怕他不愿接受. 人们为什么总是喜欢被表扬? 为什么 起来 不愿做奴隶的人们 英语翻译你总是对我说对不起,却从不愿改过这句话用英语说怎么来着 误会,表扬,批评,最难接受的是什么?