
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/03 18:15:45


I think there are certain bad things,but did not expect such a serious matter.I also chatting with the people,treat them as friends!So ridiculous,like a fool do not know."First love","friends" these beautiful words in my view are rubbish,nothing!I do not know how I could describe the feeling.oh my,i can be so strong!

I had thought certainly tihngs had the matter, but had not thought the matterhas such seriously I am also ignorant and others chat, regards asothers the friend! Really laughable, own like a fool actua...


I had thought certainly tihngs had the matter, but had not thought the matterhas such seriously I am also ignorant and others chat, regards asothers the friend! Really laughable, own like a fool actually not toknow. " First love " " Friend " These happy wordsand expressions in my opinion all are trash, anything is not! I alldid not know how describes my mood Originally I actually may the likethis strong!


I think there are certain things, but did not expect such a serious matter. I also ignorant people and chatting, others as a friend! Real ridiculous, like a fool do not know. "First love", "friends" t...


I think there are certain things, but did not expect such a serious matter. I also ignorant people and chatting, others as a friend! Real ridiculous, like a fool do not know. "First love", "friends" these beautiful words in my view are rubbish, nothing is! I do not know how I like to describe the feeling. originally I can so strong!


I did realize that something happened, but I didn't realize it is that serious. And I stupidly chat with the family members, treating them like friends. How native am I! Didn't realize how stupid I ...


I did realize that something happened, but I didn't realize it is that serious. And I stupidly chat with the family members, treating them like friends. How native am I! Didn't realize how stupid I was. "First love", "Friends", these wonderful words are now garbage to me, they are nothing to me. I don't know how to describe my feelings. I don't know I can be this strong.


I realized there was something I didn't know, but I never knew it could be this serious. And I even chatted with him/her (因为不知道你所写的是男的还是女的) ignorantly, treating him/her as a friend! How funny, I was a...


I realized there was something I didn't know, but I never knew it could be this serious. And I even chatted with him/her (因为不知道你所写的是男的还是女的) ignorantly, treating him/her as a friend! How funny, I was acting like a fool without my own knowing. "First Love" "Friends" these wonderful words are nothing but trash! I don't even know how to describe my feelings, I never knew I could be this strong!
前面的我用了过去式因为感觉相识已经发生了那个事情了, 所以..
嗯。.还有最后那一句不是很懂在讲什么, 所以翻译出的最后一句也不是很准确.


英语翻译我想到了一定有事情,可是没想到事情有这么严重.我还无知的和人家聊天,把人家当成朋友!真可笑,自己像一个傻子却不知道.初恋朋友这些美好的词语在我看来都是垃圾,什么都不 英语翻译外语翻译这首词,可能会有一定的难度,可是英语老师非要翻译呀,我想半个月没想出来 Ask myself:What's like to be me?这个学期我都没想到会进年级上的小火箭班 可是 发现自己各种不适应 喜欢安静话很少却没想到碰到了一堆令我始料未及的狗血事情 成绩有下滑压抑加郁闷 迷茫可是 我记得有一个小故事.是一个德国留学生应聘的事情一个德国留学生,早车站逃过票,被逮到过,然后他去应聘,没想到这件事情竟被写到了档案上,然后任何一家公司都找不到他,这个故事,谁知道? 周末就要到了,你一定有许多事情想做吧.下表是你的周末计划,请你用英语谈谈你的周末计划.不少于70词. 人们常说:小孩盼过年.春节快到了,你一定十分盼望过年吧?过年有哪些快乐的事情让你向往呢?作文 400字 物极必反中的寓意是什么?为什么事情到了一定的极端,就会顺其作出反效果其中有什么规律与寓意 要一篇作文 600字以上 老师,我想对你说一件事 一定要有事情.急 老人与海鸥短文中说意想不到的事情发生了,请根据你的理解写一写,我们没想到什么?没想到:没想到:没想到“没想到: 自然界没想到的事 意思是比喻到了一定的时候,事情真相彻底暴露的成语 比喻到了一定的时候,事情真相彻底暴露 是什么成语? 英语翻译我想学习葡萄牙语,想到安哥拉那边当翻译,本人有杭州,有没有很快就能学到了培训班或者学校 看到浊浪排空一词,让我想到了 一件事情,概括出来。 老人与海鸥我们没想到那哪些事情 有事情跟你确认一下.英语翻译 怎么看天气才是下雨一定是有乌云才下雨吗,那么有乌云的时侯为什么很久都没有下起雨来比如前些天有乌云我以为快要下雨了,就马上上去天棚收衣服下来,没想到居然没有下,可是天空是有乌 我想,我对你的爱,已经到了极限 英语翻译