c++ACM简单题Description Given two integer sequences A and B,you are to find A-B,the difference of them, (i.e.,the elements that are in A but not in B),and ouput them in increasing order.Equal elements should be treated as the same.InputInput consi

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/05 07:58:19

c++ACM简单题Description Given two integer sequences A and B,you are to find A-B,the difference of them, (i.e.,the elements that are in A but not in B),and ouput them in increasing order.Equal elements should be treated as the same.InputInput consi
Given two integer sequences A and B,you are to find A-B,the difference of them, (i.e.,the elements that are in A but not in B),and ouput them in increasing order.Equal elements should be treated as the same.
Input consists of multiple test cases.The first line of input contains a positive integer T,the number of test cases.Each test case consists of two lines.The first line begins with an integer N,followed by N integers for the sequence A.The second line begins with an integer M,followed by M integers for B.0<=N,M<=1000,and all the integers are within the scope of the type int.
For each test case,output on a single line the difference of the two sequeces in increasing order.

c++ACM简单题Description Given two integer sequences A and B,you are to find A-B,the difference of them, (i.e.,the elements that are in A but not in B),and ouput them in increasing order.Equal elements should be treated as the same.InputInput consi
int IsInSet(int a[ ], int n, int key) { //设数组下标从1开始
for(int i = n, a[0] = key; a[i] != key; i--);
return i;
void InsertElem(int set[ ], int &len, int key) {
for(int i = len; key < a[i] && i > 0; i--) set[i + 1] = set[i];
set[i + 1] = key;
void main( ) {
int **set_a, **set_b, **set_c;
int n, *len_a, *len_b, *len_c, i, j;
cin >> n;
set_a = new int*[n];
set_b = new int*[n];
set_c = new int*[n];
len_a = new int[n];
len_b = new int[n];
len_c = new int[n];
for(i = 0; i < n; i++) len_c[i] = 0;
for(i = 0; i < n; i++) // 输入n组测试用例
cin >> len_a[i]; //集合a的长度
set_a[i] = new int[len_a[i] + 1];
set_c[i] = new int[len_a[i] + 1];
for(j = 1; j > set_a[i][j];
cin >> len_b[i];
for(j = 1; j > set_b[i][j];
for(i = 0; i < n; i++) //对n组测试用例进行处理
for(j = 1; j

c语言acm题 c++ACM简单题Description Given two integer sequences A and B,you are to find A-B,the difference of them, (i.e.,the elements that are in A but not in B),and ouput them in increasing order.Equal elements should be treated as the same.InputInput consi 一道ACM的编程题,帮忙看下哪儿错了⊙﹏⊙b汗.新人,如果可以的话,顺便说个简单点的代码吧.Description 还记得中学时候学过的杨辉三角吗?具体的定义这里不再描述,你可以参考以下的图形:1 1 1 ACM简单题Description 小壕是个慷慨的孩子,他喜欢收集礼物以及送礼物给别人,而且他有一个很深的口袋,可以不断的放礼物进去以及从口袋里掏出礼物,他的口袋遵从一个栈(stack)的特性:后进先 一道很简单的ACM编程题,新人,帮忙看下哪儿错了,Description 统计一篇文章里所有单词的总数,文章都是由小写字母和空格组成的,没有标点符号.Input 输入一行由小写字母和空格组成的文章,文章长 一个很简单的ACM题,这个提交后怎么会“Time Limit Exceed”?Description 给你一个整数m(1《m《1000000),你能快速算出m的因子个数是个数n吗?一个整数本身是自己的因子!Input 输入数据包含多个测试实 一个简单的acm题,超时了,求改进算法求值Time Limit:1000MS Memory Limit:65536KTotal Submit:539 Accepted:83 Description 给出N个整数X1,X2,X3,……,Xn,将这N个数从小到大排序为A1,A2,A3,……,An,记数列A1,A2,A3,……,An的 ACM 题 简单的dp 但一直提示 Runtime Error(Segment Fault) 求指导Description zyf最喜欢的数字是1!所以他经常会使用一些手段,把一些非1的数字变 成1,并为此得意不已.他会且仅会的两种手段是: 1. 杭电ACM题 在线等 急!Problem Description给定三条边,请你判断一下能不能组成一个三角形. Input输入数据第一行包含一个数M,接下有M行,每行一个实例,包含三个正数A,B,C.其中A,B,C acm的题,C语言编程,Description输入三角形的三个边长,判断是否能构成三角形.Input有多个测试用例,每个测试用例一行,为数字A、B、C,表示三角形的三条边,如果输入三个0则表示输入结束.Output对于 c语言 ACM 题Description A number is said to be made up of non-decreasing digits if all the digits to the left of any digit is less than or equal to that digit.For example,the four-digit number 1234 is composed of digits that are non-decreasing.Som 求纠正;c语言编程题,acm里的题目:首字母变大写首字母变大写Time Limit:1000MS Memory Limit:32768KTotal Submit:66 Accepted:28Description输入一个英文句子,将每个单词的第一个字母改成大写字母. Input输入 description acm刷题是什么意思 ACM题,新人,代码可能麻烦了点帮忙看下哪儿错了,可以的话顺便说个好的代码.Description 输入两个正整数,输出其最大公约数和最小公倍数.Input 输入两个正整数n和m(n ACM中的一题 找素数Problem Description对于表达式n^2+n+41,当n在(x,y)范围内取整数值时(包括x,y)(-39 ACM rightmost digit 求简单思路求简单思路 杭电acm 2035 题的算法是怎样的,杭电acm 2035 题的算法是怎样的,我要算法分析,不要代码!Problem Description求A^B的最后三位数表示的整数.说明:A^B的含义是“A的B次方”Input输入数据包含多个测试实