
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/09/08 01:38:39

时下“人肉搜索”盛行,当其突破道德涉及法律,随之而来的各种法律问题及社会问题将会引起我们的反思.文章通过对“人肉搜索”的现象分析,揭示“人肉搜索”引发的相关法律问题 ,从个人信息的保护,权利冲突,引发的网络侵权行为等角度来剖析,结合我国现行法律规定及借鉴国内外的立法实践,从而提出“人肉搜索”的相关法律问题的立法建议,以便实现“人肉搜索”的健康运行及保障人们的合法权益.

Internet Mass Hunting is now getting ever more prevalent. We have to make proper introspections when the hunting breaks regulations of laws and moral and correspondingly cause problems both socially and in the terms of law. The article avails the relevant matters of law by analyzing the phenomena of Internet Mass Hunting in perspective of personal info protection, rights conflictions and cyber-right-infringement. On the basis of comparison between terms & regulations of the law and international legislative practice, the article puts forward the propose that some specific laws have to be enacted in dealing with the matters caused by activities of Internet Mass Hunting. By doing so, can we ensure the activities of Internet Mass Hunting moving in a normal way and guarantee people’s legitimate interest