初中二个英语单词的区别和用法,求求...mind 的意思一共有什么?在日常生活中的短语和用法是什么?opinion 和 mind 用法的区别有什么?

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初中二个英语单词的区别和用法,求求...mind 的意思一共有什么?在日常生活中的短语和用法是什么?opinion 和 mind 用法的区别有什么?
mind 的意思一共有什么?在日常生活中的短语和用法是什么?
opinion 和 mind 用法的区别有什么?

初中二个英语单词的区别和用法,求求...mind 的意思一共有什么?在日常生活中的短语和用法是什么?opinion 和 mind 用法的区别有什么?
名词 n.
He has a brilliant mind.
It completely slipped my mind.
He has a good mind to quit that job.
Two days later he changed his mind.
I have your safety in mind.
及物动词 vt.
Mind the wet paint.
Do you mind if I put my bag here?
Would you mind switching the television to channel 8?
She wouldn't mind taking care of our children.
Your son can mind your shop for you.
不及物动词 vi.
If you don't mind I'll open the window.
a one-track [single-track] mind 狭隘而固执的头脑, 死心眼儿, 只想一件事的头脑
a piece [bit] of one's mind [口]坦率的话, 心里话
A sound mind in a sound body. [谚]健全的精神寓于强壮的体格.
absence of mind 心不在焉
after one's mind 合...的心意
against sb.'s mind 违反某人的心愿, 没有得到某人的同意
an easy mind 心境宁静, 无忧无虑, 轻松的心
apply [give, set, bend] one's mind to 专心., 一心一意.
arise in one's mind 浮上脑际, 涌现在头脑里
be a mind to do sth. [方]打算做某事, 想做某事
be clear in one's (own) mind 认识得很清楚
be in a good mind (=have a good mind) 极想, 极有意
be in twenty mind s 犹豫不决, 动摇起来
be in [of] two [several] minds 三心二意, 犹豫不决
be of [in] a [one] mind 意见一致
be of [in] the same mind 意见一致 保持原来意见
be out of one's mind 精神不正常, 发疯; 忘记
bear good mind to sb. 对某人有好感, 以善意待人
bear [keep] in mind 记住, 记在心里
blow (sb.'s) mind 产生幻觉 极度兴奋, 欣喜若狂, 心醉神迷 极为惊异, 困惑
bring [call] to one's mind 想起, 回忆起
cast one's mind back 想起往事, 追忆
change [alter] one's mind 改变想法[主意]; 变卦
change sb.'s mind 使某人改变主意
come to [into] sb.'s mind 浮现在某人的脑海中
cross [flash across, flash into, flash through, rush into] sb.'s mind 掠过某人的脑际, 被某人突然想到
cross-bench mind 公平无私, 不偏不倚; 犹豫不决
disburden [disburthern; unburden] one's mind (of) 把心里话说出来, 倾吐积愫
disclose [say, speak, tell] one's mind 坦率表白意见, 谈出心事
Do [would] you mind ...? 你反对...么? 请你...好不好? ...可以么? [仅用Do you mind?]请不要这样好么? 别来这一套好不好?
Don't mind me. [口]别管我, 别为我操心
drive sb. out of his mind [wits] 逼得某人发疯; 使某人神经紧张不安
float in the mind 浮现在脑海里, 浮上心头
fresh in one's mind [memory] 记忆犹新
frighten [scare] sb. out of his mind [wits] 把某人吓得要死
get (sth.) out of one's mind 不去想(某事); 暂时忘掉(某事)
give one's (whole) mind to 一心一意地., 专心.
give sb. a bit [piece] of one's mind 坦率地批评某人; 责备某人, 教训某人
go out of one's mind 发疯, 发狂; 精神失常, 不知所措
go [pass] out of sb.'s mind 被某人忘记[忘却]
Great minds think alike. [谚]英雄所见略同.
have a great [good] mind to 非常想., 极有意.
have a mind like a sieve 记性不好
have a mind like a steel trap 记性极好
have a mind of one's own 自有主见, 性格果断
have a mind (to do sth.) 想, 有意
have a month's mind to sb. [sth.] 倾心于某人[某事]; 切望做某事
have [keep] an open mind 没有成见, 抱着虚心态度
have half a mind (to do) 想, 颇有意
have in mind 记得, 记住 想到; 考虑到, 打算
have little mind to do sth. 不大想做某事
have no mind to do sth. 不想做某事
have sth. on one's mind 把某事挂在心上, 担心着某事
have [keep, put, set] one's mind on [upon] sth. 热衷[专心]于某事, 决心要做某事
He who has a mind to beat a dog will easily find a stick . [谚]欲加之罪, 何患无辞.
high mind 高尚的气概, 宽宏的度量
I don't mind if I do. 我倒不反对, 也好
I shouldn't mind ... 我倒愿意..., 我倒不反对; ...倒也不错
if you don't mind. 要是你不反对, 要是你不介意 如果你不当心
in one's right mind (=of sound mind) 神志清醒, 精神正常
know one's ownmind 有自己的想法; 有决断, 坚定不移
let sb. know [tell sb.] one's mind 坦率地把自己意见告诉某人
lose one's mind 发狂, 精神错乱
maintain an open mind on sth. 对某事采取虚心的态度, 愿意听取[考虑]别人对某事的见解
make sb.'s mind easy (=make sb. easy in his mind; set sb.'s mind at rest) 使某人放心[安心], 使某人平静下来
make up one's mind 决心, 打定主意; 接受, 承认
make up sb.'s mind 使某人下决心, 使某人打定主意
meeting of minds 意见一致
month's mind 【宗】周月弥撒 [英]强烈的愿望
never mind 不要紧, 没关系 别管, 不关你的事 不用啦, 别费事啦 更不用说, 更谈不上
not in one's right mind 精神失常, 发疯
occupy one's mind 使某人全神贯注
of unsound mind 精神失常, 头脑不健全
off sb.'s mind 被某人忘怀, 被某人抛在脑后
on [upon] one's mind 惦记, 挂在心上; 操心
one's mind is [runs] on sth. 关心某事物, 想着某事物
open one's mind to sb. 向某人讲出心里话, 向某人敞开思想
open the mind 增长见识, 扩大眼界
out of one's mind 发狂, 精神错乱 精神恍惚, 神魂颠倒
pass [go] out of sb.'s mind 被某人忘记[却]
pay no mind [方]不要理睬,不理会;不注意
poison a person's mind against 使某人对...有成见
presence of mind 沉着, 镇定, 方寸不乱
present to the mind 记得清清楚楚, 至今历历在目
prey [weigh] on [upon] sb.'s mind 紧紧压在某人心头, 使某人苦恼
put [set] one's mind to 全神贯注于..., 专心于...
put out of one's mind 忘掉, 置诸脑后
put in mind 使记起; 提醒
read sb.'s mind [thoughts] 看出某人的心思, 知道某人在想些什么
run in one's mind [head] 萦绕脑际, 不能忘怀
rush into [through] sb.'s mind 掠过某人心头; 涌现某人脑际
set one's mind [heart] on [upon] 一心想, 切望; 决心要
set [put] one's mind at rest 使某人放心[安心]
shut one's mind to sth. 拒绝承认[接受]某事物, 置若罔闻
sick in mind and body 身心都有病
sink into sb.'s mind 深深印在某人脑海里, 使某人铭记在心
slip sb.'smind 被某人忘记
speak one's mind (out) 把心里话痛痛快地说出来, 畅所欲言
take one's mind off 丢开不再想, 转移注意力
tell sb. one's mind 对某人畅所欲言
The mind boggles. [口]真是难以想象! 令人难以置信!
to sb.'s mind 在某人看来; 合某人的心意
troubled in (one's) mind 心中忧虑, 内心不安
turn one's mind to sth. 把注意力转向某事上
turn sth. over in one's mind [head] 反复思考某事
unburden one'smind 倾述衷情
uppermost in sb.'s mind 在头脑里占第一位, 成为某人注意的中心
wander in one's mind 神志昏迷, 说胡话
weigh on one's mind 挂在心上; 担心
with. in mind 把.搁在心上
with one mind 全体一致地; 同心同德
year's mind 【宗】(人死后的)周年弥撒
Mind you. [口]请听清楚; 请注意
名词 n.
Opinions differ on this matter.
Opinion is shifting in favor of the President's new policy.
act up to one's opinions 按自已的意见行事
air one's opinions 公开发表意见
air one's views 公开发表意见
forfeit the good opinion of 失掉...的好评, 丧失...的好感
form an ill opinion of 对...有不好的评价
have an ill opinion of 对...有不好的评价
halt between two opinions 拿不定主意
have a favourable opinion (of) (对...)有好感, 有好的评价
have a good opinion of oneself 自视甚高; 自信; 自高自大
have a high opinion of sb. (对某人[事])有很高的评价, 尊重(某人[事])
have a high opinion of sth. (对某人[事])有很高的评价, 尊重(某人[事])
have a low opinion of sb. (对某人[事])评价甚低; 轻视; 瞧不起
have a low opinion of sth. (对某人[事])评价甚低; 轻视; 瞧不起
have another opinion 请教其他专家(如医生 、律师等)
have no opinion of sb. (对某人[事])没有好感, 评价不高
have no opinion of sth. (对某人[事])没有好感, 评价不高
horseback opinion [美口]未经详细考虑的意见
in one's opinion 按某人的意见, 据某人看来
in the opinion of 照...的意见
of the opinion that 认为..., 相信...; 主张
of the same opinion 持同一看法
pass an opinion 表示意见, 提出看法, 发表评论
pious opinion 【宗】未经教会规定却为一般信徒所奉行的信仰; 不坚持或没有奉行的信念
public opinion 公众的舆论或意见
win (the) golden opinions 受众人尊敬, 博得美誉
opinions differ 不能达成一致意见; 各人意见不同
mind 侧重于介意
opinion 侧重于观点,比较正式的观点,强调官方书面等正式场合.