
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/24 22:49:58


This project is18storey shear wall structural system,design the structure to plane structure arranged symmetrically,shear wall is uniformly arranged landing.In the process of design,beam,column and shear wall arrangement fully consider the use of the building function and the rationality of the structure,not only satisfy the space flexible layout,but also considers the shearing force wall structure under vertical load and lateral force.Meet resistance in the horizontal and vertical load and the ability of bearing capacity and deformation.
The topic for the city of Chongqing double happiness life park planning the overall layout of a small high-rise residential.The main work is as follows:
(1) according to the owner and specification requirements for architectural design.
(2) for the structural design of shear wall arrangement,upper and lower,shear wall is uniformly arranged landing.Each member's force clear,structural safety,reasonable economy,convenient construction principle.
(3) structure load calculation of floor live load,dead load,wind load and seismic load level is calculated and the combination of internal forces.The most disadvantageous load combination of strength,stiffness,stability calculation.
(4) residential underground chamber adopts frame structure,the large span beam bending moment,reinforcement,shear calculation.
(5) the stairs using reinforced concrete slab stairs,the platform board,board of the ladder,ladder beam were calculated.

This project is18storey shear wall structural system, design the structure to plane structure arranged symmetrically, shear wall is uniformly arranged landing. In the process of design, beam, column a...


This project is18storey shear wall structural system, design the structure to plane structure arranged symmetrically, shear wall is uniformly arranged landing. In the process of design, beam, column and shear wall arrangement fully consider the use of the building function and the rationality of the structure, not only satisfy the space flexible layout, but also considers the shearing force wall structure under vertical load and lateral force. Meet resistance in the horizontal and vertical load and the ability of bearing capacity and deformation.
The topic for the city of Chongqing double happiness life park planning the overall layout of a small high-rise residential. The main work is as follows:
(1) according to the owner and specification requirements for architectural design.
(2) for the structural design of shear wall arrangement, upper and lower, shear wall is uniformly arranged landing. Each member's force clear, structural safety, reasonable economy, convenient construction principle.
(3) structure load calculation of floor live load, dead load, wind load and seismic load level is calculated and the combination of internal forces. The most disadvantageous load combination of strength, stiffness, stability calculation.
(4) residential underground chamber adopts frame structure, the large span beam bending moment, reinforcement, shear calculation.
(5) the stairs using reinforced concrete slab stairs, the platform board, board of the ladder, ladder beam were calculated。


This project is18storey shear wall structural system, design the structure to plane structure arranged symmetrically, shear wall is uniformly arranged landing. In the process of design, beam, column a...


This project is18storey shear wall structural system, design the structure to plane structure arranged symmetrically, shear wall is uniformly arranged landing. In the process of design, beam, column and shear wall arrangement fully consider the use of the building function and the rationality of the structure, not only satisfy the space flexible layout, but also considers the shearing force wall structure under vertical load and lateral force. Meet resistance in the horizontal and vertical load and the ability of bearing capacity and deformation.
The topic for the city of Chongqing double happiness life park planning the overall layout of a small high-rise residential. The main work is as follows:
(1) according to the owner and specification requirements for architectural design.
(2) for the structural design of shear wall arrangement, upper and lower, shear wall is uniformly arranged landing. Each member's force clear, structural safety, reasonable economy, convenient construction principle.
(3) structure load calculation of floor live load, dead load, wind load and seismic load level is calculated and the combination of internal forces. The most disadvantageous load combination of strength, stiffness, stability calculation.
(4) residential underground chamber adopts frame structure, the large span beam bending moment, reinforcement, shear calculation.
(5) the stairs using reinforced concrete slab stairs, the platform board, board of the ladder, ladder beam were calculated.


英语翻译本工程是18层剪力墙结构体系,设计此结构体系力求平面结构布置对称,剪力墙布置均匀落地.在设计过程中,梁、柱和剪力墙的布置充分考虑了建筑物的使用功能和结构的合理性,既满足 结构层楼面标高,是指本层的底标高还是顶标高?比如,图纸的楼层表中,1层的结构层楼面标高是-0.03,2层的结构层楼面标高是4.47,在图纸1层剪力墙布置图中,有1道连梁:LL1,1层300*1500(-0.5),那么 剪力墙,结构受力体系,土石方的英文怎么说 30.下列几种结构体系中,使用房屋建筑高度最小的是() A.框架结构体系 B.剪力墙结构体系 C.框架&mdash剪力墙结构体系 D.筒体结构 此题的参考正确答案是A,但是其中有问题,框架结构体系书中 剪力墙结构是什么意思? 什么是剪力墙结构 框架剪力墙结构的10层左右的建筑,主体的墙体砌筑工程一般放在什么时间开始?砌筑工程一般多少天一层啊?每层约有2000平方! 什么叫剪力墙结构 村居改造工程 剪力墙结构条形基础 11层总建筑面积3900左右,我做钢筋抽样,单方含量42kg含基础,是不是少点了?有的说会在50kg左右. 剪力墙与梁的连接纯剪力墙结构中,剪力墙和梁是如何连接的.施工如何实现的? 结构层标高和建筑层标高有什么区别啊,为什么梁的顶面标高会出现负值啊.剪力墙开洞中心标高也出现负值,这是为什么啊.剪力墙是在地上面,怎么可能出现负值啊,我初学,不懂,希望大虾仔细 框架剪力墙结构受力分析 剪力墙结构 KL受力分析 框架剪力墙结构只要柱子每层都一样,每层梁的位置都不是完全相同也可以吗? 建筑的结构形式 及对各种结构形式的详尽解释架结构、剪力墙结构、框架-剪力墙结构、框架-核心筒结构、筒中筒结构、板柱-剪力墙结构、部分框支剪力墙结构 基础梁上的砖墙是承重墙吗,上部为剪力墙结构 上层剪力墙超短,梁如何锚固.例如,本层剪力墙为3米,上层剪力墙收为2米,但梁如何锚固在剪力墙内.墙变短了,现在梁锚固部位上部没有墙柱压着.梁是不是取一倍锚固长度,然后下弯15d!还是直锚1 建筑地基结构与抗地震能力我家的房子是9层的,建成有8年了,地基是采用“满堂红”结构(伐板基础,挖深为2m),没有打桩,没有剪力墙,有框架结构.土地有一层较厚的粘土层,深入至少十米以上