我应该同时采取既AP美国历史和AP生物学?我很抱歉,我不能在我的电脑上输入中文.因此,所有的zhong文,我输入的是从谷歌翻译.我一年前来到U.S,im gonna be an junior next year,and im so confused about my course

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/19 19:51:45

我应该同时采取既AP美国历史和AP生物学?我很抱歉,我不能在我的电脑上输入中文.因此,所有的zhong文,我输入的是从谷歌翻译.我一年前来到U.S,im gonna be an junior next year,and im so confused about my course
im gonna be an junior next year,and im so confused about my courses.Im chinese,and i have only been in the U.S for a year.My English is ok,but i dont think it's that good to handle all the courses im taking next year.
Here is my schedule.
Regular English 5-6
AP U.S.history
Health( almost like,nothing)
Im not gonna take AP USH if it seems too overwhelming when i take it with ap biology.I heard a lot of people say that they are the most challenging courses,but i really have no idea how hard they are.I would like to hear from more people who are like me.We all speak english as our second language and i think we share more ideas.
Did i choose wisely or not?Should i drop AP us histry?
Looking forward to ur valuable advice.the more perspectives your answer provides,the more possible that you can get the credits =D Thank you!
qi si wo le,mei fa da zhong wen a
AP=Advanced Placement.it is to save credits for college so that we dont have to take that many classes.Colleges like to see students challenge themselves and get higher GPA by taking AP.APs r weighed 1pt higher than a regular.So my gpa will be higher if i take more,on the condition that i get good grades on them.BUT what if im pressured and all my regular classes drop because i run out of time?we r gonna cover about 30 pages every week OMG!But i still wanna get in a better college.

我应该同时采取既AP美国历史和AP生物学?我很抱歉,我不能在我的电脑上输入中文.因此,所有的zhong文,我输入的是从谷歌翻译.我一年前来到U.S,im gonna be an junior next year,and im so confused about my course
Here's my junior year schedule:
AP chem
AP Bio
Pre-calc H
AP English
As you can see, history is my only non-weighted course, and hence, my easiest class. But then I'm more of a science person than an English/history person.
Note I go to a pretty intense high school (in the top 50), so the AP courses can be very challenging.
The AP bio test itself was changed this year, it focuses way less on knowledge, more on graphical reading. It's like the science portion of the ACT.
However, I will tell you that 95% of my friends took APUSH. Although history is pretty much memorizing, for the AP test itself, I need to remind you that you have to write 3 (I think) essays in about 2 hours. This includes reading 10 different documents and synthesizing an analysis of the issue.
AP bio also have free response section (FRQ), but you are not graded on grammar or spelling.
I'm naturally good in bio, I basically got ALL A's on every single one of my tests throughout the year.
Because you have to answer about 80 questions in 55 minutes and write 3 essays in 2 hours, I suggest that you do NOT take apush. There's no way at your level you will be able to do that. I had to write 3 essays for the AP English exam, and it was horrible.
But seriously, if the only reason you are taking AP classes is so you can save money and don't have to take it in college, you will not do well in the class. GPA is only 1 component of getting into college. You can have a GPA of 100 and still won't be able to get into any good colleges. What you do OUTSIDE of school matters more.
Oh and download Google Pinyin so you can type Chinese.
You go to Mills High?! Lol... That's a pretty good school.

我应该同时采取既AP美国历史和AP生物学?我很抱歉,我不能在我的电脑上输入中文.因此,所有的zhong文,我输入的是从谷歌翻译.我一年前来到U.S,im gonna be an junior next year,and im so confused about my course 一年同时上ap物理和ap化学会很难吗?我现在在美国读书打算高二同时上物理和化学.我在想高三同时上ap化学和ap物理会很困难吗?还是应该一年一门ap,帮助准备sat? 什么是AP生物学? 介绍美国高中AP和IB课程 告诉我美国的AP test和AP课程是什么美国的AP TEST 和AP课程是什么?有什么好处吗我不要留级阿.我已经很老了.还有其它办法吗.拜托. AP 美国高中的历史和政治难不难啊?具体点啊...我选了AP微积分和AP化,我怕压力很大!急,改课只在一个星期内据说历史和政治要写论文,我词汇量真的很少,我英文属于菜鸟级的,刚到美国1个星期,我 AP世界历史和美国历史应该学哪个?今年就要考了,初步想法是自学(怕花钱).当然是中国普通高中的,精力有限,只能选一个,要用来申请. 美国IB 和 AP的区别有什么不同 新东方网课的ap 美国历史 有用吗有没有人上过新东方ap的网课,想问美国历史讲得好吗?有用吗 美国的AP课程是什么意思? AP 的宏观和微观经济学难吗?1.AP宏观和微观经济学难不难?2.哪个准备时间短 大概需要多久?3.经济学和美国历史 两个里面选的话 选哪个? AP美国历史和世界历史有什么区别啊?我在纠结是考美国历史还是世界历史.我觉得世界历史会不会考的会广泛一点,不考得那么细节.因为我总的来说历史挺好,就是不想再考得那么细致.求帮助 ap数学AB和数学BC能同时考吗 ap和ad是什么意思? 新东方的AP 网课上得好吗,有用吗有没有人上过,新东方ap的网课,想问美国历史讲得好吗?有用吗 美国高中的AP心理课和AP化学课 上之前要先看看什么中文书吗我初三毕业之后在美国读书,明年读Junior,选了2门AP课程,一门是心理学 一门是化学.听说化学的难度是高中高2的程度,但是我没有在 美国高中AP课程难不难~我是在国内上完初三才过来的,在国内数理化学的都很好,想在这边high school修AP课程,所以想问有经验的朋友AP课程难不难~尤其是AP微积分(AB和BC)、AP物理和AP化学,会用