
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/07/05 16:21:41


A Wolf Is Coming
Once upon a time ,there was a boy called Peter.Peter lived in a country.Every day he had to take his father’s sheep to a mountain.There was fresh ,green grass.The sheep liked to eat it.The boy looks after them every day.Nobody plays with him.He feels very lonely.He thinks his work is not interesting at all.He wants to have some fun.
So one day ,Peter decided to play a trick on the farmers.And in the middle of the afternoon,Peter ran down the mountain and shouted,“wolf .wolf.” and everyone ran to help him.When they came he just said,“there is no wolf.It was only a joke.” He did this three times.Then one day a wolf really came.“Help!Help!The wolf is here.” called the boy.But everyone said,“No you know that there is no wolf.He is just calling us for fun.There is no danger.” So Nobody helped him.The wolf killed all the sheep then.
This story tells us a person should tell the truth.If you get used to lying,you will lose the trust of others.So when you really tell the truth no one will believe you,and at last you will be punished for yourself.

初一5分钟英语小故事.要长一点的.最好是正好3——5分钟的.有点难度的,但不要太难,有5.6个难词最好. 初一的英语小故事,最好三分钟以内并且生词少一点. 5分钟英语小故事求一个3到5分钟的英语小故事急用!要有趣一点,最好能体现文化差异最最最最重要的是一定要够3到5分钟我搜了很久发现都是不够长的但是我要的是一个够3到5分钟的故事,不 英语1分钟小故事带翻译,最好是有趣一点的 谁有英语小故事啊,初中生不要有过去式的小短文,但是不要太幼稚,初一年级的.要小故事,最好有意思一点.长一点,但也不要太长 5分钟的名人名言小故事 最好短一点的. 跪求初一上册英语小故事里面的单词三年级也好初一也好什么都可以啊,最好是笑话!(短一点,三分钟之内讲完!)越多越好! 一片英语小短文,五分钟之内要讲完.一篇小故事要带翻译,最好短一点。比赛用的。 谁有一个简单的英语小故事.(最好是比三年级稍微难一点)【2~3分钟】 求两分钟以内的英语小故事我是初一的.故事不要太长,通俗易懂就行了最好是有点意义的 英语小故事(一分钟)最好是寓言的小故事,最晚在5月19号. 请帮我找一篇英语小故事,我要演讲的,3到5分钟,最好是动物小故事,不用太长,要带译文, 求一个长一点的英语故事,三分钟左右英语课上要讲的,不要那种很老的故事,最好是真事.后天演讲, 三分钟的英语小故事带翻译初一水平 课前演讲小故事!适合初一的1分钟左右!不是寓言!要有道理的!最好是现代故事! 简单英文小笑话故事程度最好只有初二,但要长一点,也不要太长,可以用口语慢一点,说上3分钟的 4至5分钟左右的英语小故事最好有翻译!星期四要用! 英语小故事 长一点!