
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/06 08:16:43


look at this sketch,you can tell at a glance i'm a good-tempered man\woman.why?would you notice the big mouth of me?yeah,you are right.because i'm always laughing.in fact,i want to make a strong impression on all of you:I'm a man\woman of joy.do i succeed?if i do,you must acknowledge this opinion of mine:simplicity sometimes have more capacity than complexity to show the thoughts of a painter.
and this drawing,i only sketched it out,too.i like simple things,as i've said just now.i painted the background of the picture to black in order to make my features obvious,just obvious,not exaggerated,because i prefer reality just like i choose simplicity.and i want to give you an effect in mind about my face through the portrait,then you might try to know about my heart,if you want.

I am an outgoing person, and I always like to smile. This is a picture that I drew and I have exaggerated my mouth. I want people to understand me better through this way~I used simple lines to draw t...


I am an outgoing person, and I always like to smile. This is a picture that I drew and I have exaggerated my mouth. I want people to understand me better through this way~I used simple lines to draw this picture, the important part on my face.~ I think some times simple stuff can express thoughts better than complicated ones.
I used brief sketch to draw this picture, I drew my front side, like i said before, I like simple things~ Because they can express your feelings better, as well as your thought. The background of the picture is black, because that way it can stand out my facial features, make them more clear~ I didn't exaggerate this drawing~ Because I want everyone to know my appearence through this drawing, and then my characteristic.


10 I am an extrovert person, smile is my character, this picture over express my lip, i want people to understand my by this way~i am using a simple skretch to draw it out. to express my face portion,...


10 I am an extrovert person, smile is my character, this picture over express my lip, i want people to understand my by this way~i am using a simple skretch to draw it out. to express my face portion,~ i think using simple way rather than complexity is better to present my look, to express my real thinking.
2) i am using simple skretch to line out my contour of my front face, like the above mentioned, i simply like simple~ because it can express more excellent look, can outline what you want to express, the background of this picture is black, then it can outline my contour, more clearly, ~ i am not saturated my drawing~ because i want to use this drawing to let people know whom exactly who i am. continue to understand the further me.



我画了两幅画,一副是正常的素描,一副是夸大的卡通帮我写一篇英文作文~我上美术课,画自己~还要解释画的内容~大概内容:第一段..我是一个性格开朗的人~我总是爱笑~这幅画夸大了我的嘴巴 买了一副羊皮画,写的可能是阿拉伯语,看不懂..有谁能看懂字的意思.. 我喜爱的一副画的作文,最好是《蒙娜丽莎》400字 这是一副十分非常美丽的画.(改病句) 我国的第一副春联是? 春色满园是怎样的一副景象 大自然是一副美丽的图画吗? 林则徐的书室有一副自勉联,是 第一副画是这样写吗 一副乒乓球拍的价钱比一副羽毛球拍贵19元.乒乓球拍的价钱是羽毛球拍的1.5倍.一副乒乓球拍和一副羽毛球拍的单价是多少? 我配了一副眼镜,是平面镜,防疲劳,防幅射的,我带这副镜子会不会近视? 一副网球拍的价格比一副羽毛球拍贵59元,网球拍是羽毛球拍的1.5倍,一副网球拍和一副羽毛球拍各是多少元? 有一个财主家里很富有,过年时在门口贴了一副对联,上联是:养猪大如山老鼠头头死 下联是:酿酒缸缸好造醋坛坛酸 横批是:人多病少财富 有人看了嘲笑,有人看了夸好.嘲笑的人怎样读?夸 一副羽毛球拍的价钱是一个羽毛球的8倍.王芳买了一副羽毛球拍和3个羽毛球一共花了27.5元,买羽毛球花了几请您的解答完整内容详细,让我很快明白, 一个羽毛球的价钱是一副羽毛球拍价钱的1/18.赵红买了一副羽毛球拍和2个羽毛球一共花了60元,一副羽毛球拍的价钱是多少钱? 一副对联还是一幅对联?请问对联是一副还是一幅.请列位大虾们指点我看大多都是一幅,不过也有很多都写的是一副,到底是哪个! 一副羽毛球拍的价钱是一个羽毛球的8倍王凡买了一副羽毛球拍和3个羽毛球一共30.8元.买羽毛球花的价钱是多 我写的对不对就行了,错了就告诉我怎么是对的一个羽毛球X元,一副羽毛球拍的价钱是一个羽毛球价钱的20.5倍.一副羽毛球拍的价钱是(20.5X)元,比一个羽毛球贵(19.5X元),买一副羽毛球拍和