童区寄传 译文RT

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童区寄传 译文RT
童区寄传 译文

童区寄传 译文RT
儿童区寄是柳州打柴放牛的孩童.他一边放牧,一边打柴时,两个强横强盗将他绑架了,把他的双手反绑到背后捆绑起来,用布堵住他的嘴,带到四十多里以外的集市上准备卖掉.区寄假装啼哭,做出小孩子常有的恐惧发抖的样子.两强贼见此状便轻视了他,认为这孩子好对付.两人面对着喝酒,喝醉了.其中一个去谈生意,另一个躺下睡觉,把刀插在路上.区寄暗暗伺探,见他睡着了,便把捆手的绳子靠在刀刃上,用力上下磨擦,割断了绳子,然后拿刀杀死了睡梦中的强盗.逃离不远,又被谈生意回来的强盗抓获.他大吃一惊,要杀死区寄.区寄急忙说:“两个主人共有一个仆人,哪比得上一个主人独占一个仆人呢?他待我不好,但你如果真能保全我的性命,并好好待我,随你怎么处置.”强盗想了很久,说:“与其杀了这个孩子,不如卖了他;与其卖了他,两个人分钱,不如我一个人独得.幸亏这孩子杀了他,很好.”于是他埋葬了同伙的尸体,押着区寄到了墟场上窝藏豪贼的人家.为防万一,他将区寄捆绑得更加牢实.半夜时分,区寄自己转动着身体,靠近炉火将绑手的绳子烧断,即使手被烧伤了也不害怕.又取刀杀死了强盗.此后便大哭大叫,把整个集市上的人都惊动了.区寄说:“我是区氏人家的小孩,不应该做奴仆.两个强盗绑架了我,我幸好把他们都杀了,希望能把这件事告知官府.”   管集市的小吏便把这件事报告州官,州官又报告上级官府,官府长官召见了区寄,一看,想不到竟是一个年幼老实的小孩子.刺史颜证认为这孩子很了不起,想留他作一名小吏,区寄不肯.于是给他一些衣裳,派官吏护送他回家.从此,乡里那些抢劫绑架打家劫舍的人从区家门口走过时害怕得不敢正视.都说:“这孩子比秦武阳还小两岁,却杀了两个强横的强盗.怎么可以招惹呢?”
District of Liuzhou children send firewood cowherd children. While he was grazing, while the firewood, two tyrannical bandit will he kidnapped, his hands tied behind a cloth tied up, shut his mouth, with more than 40 miles to the market to sell. District send pretended to cry, make children often trembling. Two thieves see this shape will despise him, to think that this kid a good deal. Two people face a drink, drunk. One of them to talk business, another lie down to sleep, a knife in the road. District sent secretly observe, see he is asleep, then tied hand rope on the blade, with upper and lower friction, cut the cord, and then took the knife to kill the dream bandit. Escape is not far, also be business back bandits captured. He be startled at, to kill zone to send. District sent hastily said:" two masters have a servant, which is comparable to a master exclusive a servant? He treated me well, but if you can save my life, and be good to me, how do you deal with." The robber thought for a long time, said:" instead of killing the child, not to sell him; and sell him, two cents, I'm a person alone. Fortunately the child killed him, very good." He buried the bodies with associates, district sent to the field of ruins on the ho family harboring a thief. As a precaution, he will send more strong binding area. At midnight, the rotation of the body area to send, near the fire will burn the rope tied hands, even if the hands were burned also not afraid. Take a knife and killed them. Then cried, the whole market people are alarmed. District Post said: "I am the area 's people's children, should not do. Two robbers kidnapped me, I fortunately killed them all, hope to put the matter told the official." Pipe market. Then report it to the governor, state officials and report to the higher authorities, government officers summoned the area to send, a surprise to see, is a young and honest child. Provincial governor Yan Zheng to think that this kid is great, want to keep him as a servant, area to send to. And give him some clothes, school officials to escort him home. Since then, the village that robbery kidnapping raid homes and plunder houses people from the area door passed too scared to face. Saying: "this child is two years younger than Qin Yang also, killed two of violent gangster. How can you have?"

[1]童:儿童。区(ōu):姓。寄:名。   [2]越人:古代指岭南一带的少数民族。   
[3]恩:慈爱。   [4]货视之:把他们当作货物一样看待。   
[6]鬻(yù玉)卖:出卖。   鬻:卖   。觊(jì际):希图,贪图。   
[6]他室:人家的孩子。   [7]钳梏(gù故...


[1]童:儿童。区(ōu):姓。寄:名。   [2]越人:古代指岭南一带的少数民族。   
[3]恩:慈爱。   [4]货视之:把他们当作货物一样看待。   
[6]鬻(yù玉)卖:出卖。   鬻:卖   。觊(jì际):希图,贪图。   
[6]他室:人家的孩子。   [7]钳梏(gù故):用铁箍套颈,用木铐铐手。   
[9]力不胜:体力支持不住。   [10]僮:仆人。   当道:在大路上,指明火执仗。  
[11]贼杀:伤害残杀。   [12]幸:侥幸。   [13]幺(yāo腰):幼小的儿童。   
[15]苟:如果。   [16]恣所为:放任他们胡作非为。   恣:听任,放纵。   
[17]滋耗:增加消耗,指死亡人数增多,人口减少。   滋:加多。  
[19]以十一岁胜:以只有十一岁的小小年纪就战胜了绑架他的强盗。   [20]斯:这。   
[21]桂部:唐高宗永徽以后分岭南道为广州、桂州、容州、邕州、交州五都督府,统称“岭南五管”。桂部是五管之一,故又称桂管,即桂州都督府。从事:官名,州都地方长官的副手。   [22]柳州:原为郴(chēn琛)州,陈景云《柳集点勘》经过考证,认为“‘郴’当从《文苑》作‘柳’”,并认为区寄的故事是柳宗元在永州听杜周士说的。何书置先生也认为本文作于永州。可信。   荛(ráo饶)牧儿:打柴放牧的孩子。荛:打柴。  
 [23]行牧且荛:一面放牧,一面打柴。   行:从事。   荛:打柴   
[24]豪贼:强盗。豪,强横。   反接:把双手反绑起来。   
[25]布囊其口:用布封住他的口。   囊:口袋,这里意为捂住。   
[26]虚:“虚”通“墟” 集市。   [27]伪:假装。   
[28]恐栗:恐惧发抖。   栗:通“傈”战栗。   
[29]为儿恒状:做出小孩常有的那种样子。   恒状:常有的情态。   
[30]易:轻忽,不在意。   [31]为市:去做人口买卖,谈生意,指寻找买主。   
[32]植刃道上:把刀插在路上。   [33]微伺:暗地等候。伺:窥察。  
[34]以缚背刃:把捆他的绳子靠在刀刃上。   [35]力上下:用力上下来回磨擦。  
[36]绝:断。   [37]遽(jù具):急忙。   [38]郎:当时奴仆称主人为郎。  
[39]孰若:何如,哪里比得上。   [40]不我恩:不好好对待我。   
[41]诚见完与恩:真能不杀我并好好待我。   完:保全。   [42]良久:好久。  
[43]计:盘算。得专:独占。   [44]主人:指墟所窝藏豪贼的人。   [45]即:靠近。   [46]疮:通“创”。惮(dàn蛋):怕。   [47]大号:大声呼叫。哭叫   
[48]愿以闻于官:愿意把这件事报告给官府。   [49]白:报告。州:指州官。   
[50]大府:“大”通“太”指州的上级官府。   [51]幼愿:年幼而老实,愿,老实。   
[52]刺史:州的行政长官。   颜证:唐代大臣和书法家颜真卿的从侄,曾任桂州刺史、桂管观察使。   
[53]护还之乡:护送他回乡。之,往   [54]行劫缚者:从事劫持和盗卖儿童勾当的人。   [55]侧目:不敢正视,形容畏惧。   
[57]讨杀:诛杀。   [58]易:轻视。   [59]微:偷偷地。   [60]虚:集市。


儿童区寄,是郴州地区打柴放牛的孩子。一天,他正一边放牛一边打柴,有两个《童区寄传》原文和译文 作者: 加入日期:10-07-15 原文: 童区寄者,



The children send, is the Chenzhou area firewood cowherd children.One day, he was walking home side firewood, two savage banditkidnap him, back to him, his mouth with cloth, leaving the village more than forty miles, think the market sell him. District sent with baby weep and sob, shaking with fear, make a child often timid. The robbers did not put him in the heart, relative to drink, drunk. One of the thievesleft Mart on child trading business, another lie down, putting his knifeon the way. District sent secretly see him asleep, put the rope tied himself on the blade, hard on the wave in cycle, the rope broke; took up the knife killed the robber.
District to send out not far, the market for business robber back,seize the area to send, very frightened, intended to kill him. Districtsend urgent quickly said: "do the servant of two masters, where more than a master slave? He doesn't treat me well, master, if you cansave my life and be good to me, no matter how can." The computerfor a long time, I thought: "and killed the servant, where to sell him?And sell him two cents, where more than one person I take? Thanks to kill him (killed robber), good!" He buried the robber's body, with the district sent to market harboring bandits master. The more theregion send bundle solid. In the middle of the night, district send their own turned, bind the rope with the fire broke, although burnt his handalso not afraid; and took the knife to kill the business robber. Then cried out, the market was moved. District sent said: "I am surnamedDistrict People's children, not the slaves. Two robbers kidnapped me,but luckily I killed them all, I would like to report the matter to the government."
Bad official town report the matter to the governor. State officials alsoreported to the government officer. Government officials summoned the area to send, but a childish honest child. Ci Shi Yan card that he was great, he left him beadle, district sent not willing to. Cishi thengave him clothes, school officials to escort him back home.
The stem looting bandits, are slanted eyes dare not face up to theregion to send, no one dare after his house, said: "this child is two years younger than Qin Wuyang, but killed two Hao thief, how can youclose to him?"
