
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/03 05:36:34

关键词:电子商务; 中小企业; 实施

Inevitable outcome Electronic Commerce being developed as the whole world economy and IT and interacting,being able to criticize it is not a simple technology concept ,organic also being not a simple commerce concept ,but both combines.How to grasp the chance that Electronic Commerce brings about to medium-sized and small enterprises,Electronic Commerce building the condition perfect ,corresponding to enterprise reality operates system,be accelerated the Electronic Commerce application step,answer our country adding fierce WTO queen market competition ,improve the enterprise international competitiveness ,promote rapidly healthy development of enterprise ,be that at present,graveness that our country medium-sized and small enterprises is confronted with challenges and is badly in need of the problem solving.The main body of a book out of,peanuts puts the Electronic Commerce proceed from the actual situation into practice ,carry out thorough investigation and discussion,have explored ASP ,have put tactics five aspect put forward into practice from pattern choice of Electronic Commerce ,talented person strategy ,technology tactics,Electronic Commerce is put into effect tactics,the Electronic Commerce putting into effect has provided a basis to medium-sized and small enterprises.
Keywords:E-commerce; Medium-sized and small enterprises; Be put into effect

E-commerce as the global economy and information technology development and the inevitable outcome of the interaction, you can say that it is not a purely technical concepts, nor is it a simple busine...


E-commerce as the global economy and information technology development and the inevitable outcome of the interaction, you can say that it is not a purely technical concepts, nor is it a simple business concept, but an organic combination of both.How to make use of e-commerce opportunities for small and medium enterprises, the establishment of a sound, consistent with the actual situation of e-commerce business operation system, speed up the pace of e-commerce applications, to deal with China's accession to the WTO after the fierce market competition and improve the international competitiveness of enterprises, to promote rapid and healthy development of SMEs in China is facing serious challenges and urgent problems. In this paper, the implementation of small and medium-sized e-commerce from the reality of in-depth, from the choice of e-commerce model, the human resources strategy, technology strategy, the search for ASP, the five aspects of the implementation strategy for the implementation of e-commerce strategy, e-commerce for SMEs provided the basis for the implementation.


Inevitable outcome Electronic Commerce being developed as the whole world economy and IT and interacting, being able to criticize it is not a simple technology concept , organic also being not a simpl...


Inevitable outcome Electronic Commerce being developed as the whole world economy and IT and interacting, being able to criticize it is not a simple technology concept , organic also being not a simple commerce concept , but both combines. How to grasp the chance that Electronic Commerce brings about to medium-sized and small enterprises, Electronic Commerce building the condition perfect , corresponding to enterprise reality operates system, be accelerated the Electronic Commerce application step, answer our country adding fierce WTO queen market competition , improve the enterprise international competitiveness , promote rapidly healthy development of enterprise , be that at present, graveness that our country medium-sized and small enterprises is confronted with challenges and is badly in need of the problem solving. The main body of a book out of, peanuts puts the Electronic Commerce proceed from the actual situation into practice , carry out thorough investigation and discussion, have explored ASP , have put tactics five aspect put forward into practice from pattern choice of Electronic Commerce , talented person strategy , technology tactics, Electronic Commerce is put into effect tactics, the Electronic Commerce putting into effect has provided a basis to medium-sized and small enterprises。
Keywords: E-commerce; Medium-sized and small enterprises; Be put into effect


英语翻译电子商务作为全球经济和信息技术发展并相互作用的必然产物,可以说它并非是一个单纯的技术概念,也不是一个单纯的商业概念,而是两者的有机结合.如何把握电子商务给中小企业带 网络会计安全问题及对策的英文摘要当今世界,随着信息时代的到来,互联网不仅给全球经济和社会带来了巨大变革,也给企业创造了无限商机,推动企业经营走向电子商务,而作为电子商 英语翻译RT 翻译的准确点就好了 答案取准确度最高的另外追加分数 电子商务的盈利模式分析摘 要:电子商务作为一种新兴行业,近几年来得到了迅猛的发展,为全球经济带来新的增长契机.电 英语翻译随着信息技术、Internet技术、数据库技术的迅速发展,互联网上商品零售额不断地冲击着传统的购物、消费模式。在研究鲜花电子商务网站的业务流程和开展鲜花电子商务的可行性 随着信息技术的发展,电子商务、电子银行、电子政务正在走进人们的生活.人们在购物和旅游时越来越喜欢使用信用卡,其原因是().1.信用卡是一般等价物,可以作为财富的代表 2.能够方便购 英语翻译电子商务----? 电子商务物流配送信息技术的应用有哪些? 英语翻译随着信息技术和电子商务的飞速发展,经济活动的不确定性和经营风险的加大,商业活动周期的日益缩短以及经营决策者和投资者对信息实时性需求的日益增强,传统审计面临挑战.同时 英语翻译电子商务是通过电子信息技术、网络互联技术和现代通讯技术,使得交易涉及的各方当事人借助电子方式联系,实现整个交易的电子化.由于信息技术的逐渐完善和国际贸易的日益发展, 英语翻译随着网络技术的发展,电子商务已成为新的商业媒介,它的产生对管理模式和信息的交互提出了新的要求.就是在程序化和信息化前提下,电子商务需要管理信息系统作为支撑,在认识到 英语翻译论文摘要随着信息技术的发展,电子商务在各个国家的战略地位越来越重要.但是,没有物流基础,电子商务的发展就受到极大的制约.也就是说,物流的发展水平决定着电子商务的发展水 英语翻译作为新的贸易保护主义的手段,绿色贸易壁垒正为越来越多的经济发达国家所采用,它正成为制约我国纺织品参与全球经济竞争的最大障只一.本文通过分析绿色贸易壁垒和对我国纺织 本文以大型电子商务网商京东商城为例,介绍了物流客户服务的基本概念和基本理论及其在电子商务中的应用.建立在网络技术、计算机技术、信息技术等技术平台基础之上的电子商务在新经 英语翻译经济的发展和科技的进步为电子商务开辟了无比广阔的前景,在全球信息化大势所驱的影响下,各国的电子商务不断的改进和完善,电子商务已成为21世纪先进生产力的标志之一.作为一 英语翻译摘要 :网络时代电子商务的兴起给人类社会带来了巨大的变革,物流作为电子商务流程中的重要环节,对电子商务的发展起着至关重要的作用.电子商务物流现已经明显区别于传统的物 英语翻译经济全球化作为当今世界经济和社会发展的趋势,促进了我国国民经济形态和传统产业边界的变化,推动生产资源要素配置全球化.作为一种全新的经济运作模式,电子商务显示出强大的 英语翻译摘要:电子商务(Electronic Commerce)的基本内涵就是利用现代先进的电子技术从事各种商务活动.电子商务并不是一个新鲜的事物,但是直到90年代中期以后,随着信息技术的突破、互联 英语翻译摘要:随着信息技术日新月异的发展,人类正在进入以网络为主的信息时代,基于Internet开展的电子商务不断影响着人们的日常生活,行为习惯等.电子商务造就了人们工作方式、娱乐休