Aron Ralston was trapped,his right arm under a 200 kg stone.He was deep in a canyon (峡谷) in Southern Utah.All he had with him was a day’s worth of food and water,and some ropes and climbing equipment.Aron was an outdoorsman,and knew how to take

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/19 12:14:09

Aron Ralston was trapped,his right arm under a 200 kg stone.He was deep in a canyon (峡谷) in Southern Utah.All he had with him was a day’s worth of food and water,and some ropes and climbing equipment.Aron was an outdoorsman,and knew how to take
Aron Ralston was trapped,his right arm under a 200 kg stone.He was deep in a canyon (峡谷) in Southern Utah.All he had with him was a day’s worth of food and water,and some ropes and climbing equipment.Aron was an outdoorsman,and knew how to take care of himself.He liked climbing 5,000-meter peaks,often by himself in the winter.For the next four days he tried to break or shift the rock as he waited for help.His knife had little effect on the hard stone.He made his food and water last nearly three days.Finally,on the fifth day,Aron realized he had no other choice:to free himself,he would have to cut off his own hand.He knew that the knife would cut skin and muscle,but not bone.So first Aron had to break his own arm by twisting it against the rock.He then tied a rope tightly around the upper arm to control the bleeding,and cut through his hand to free himself.The entire procedure took approximately an hour.Tired,hungry and bleeding heavily,Aron climbed out of the canyon and walked nearly 8 kilometers to find help.“Iˊm not sure how I handled it,” he later said.“I felt pain and I coped with it.I moved on.”
1.Aron was trying to climb ______ when he got stuck.
A) a mountain
B) a canyon
C) the forests
D) a river
2.On the 5th day,Aron had to make a decision to ________.
A) have his right arm cut off
B) eat up all the food and water
C) cut off his right arm himself
D) throw away all the ropes
3.Aron used a ______ to cut his hand.
A) gun
B) sword
C) stick
D) knife
4.The tone of the author is ________.
A) respectful
B) cold-blooded
C) indifferent
D) serious
5.What is this passage mainly about?
A) Climbing peaks by oneself is not always an exciting thing.
B) Aron was known as a successful outdoorsman around the world.
C) Aron decisively cut off his own hand to free himself when trapped.
D) Knowing how to take care of oneself is important for outdoorsmen.

Aron Ralston was trapped,his right arm under a 200 kg stone.He was deep in a canyon (峡谷) in Southern Utah.All he had with him was a day’s worth of food and water,and some ropes and climbing equipment.Aron was an outdoorsman,and knew how to take
1B[He was deep in a canyon (峡谷) in Southern Utah.]2C[ on the fifth day,Aron realized he had no other choice:to free himself,he would have to cut off his own hand.]3D[He knew that the knife would cut skin and muscle,but not bone]4A5D

b c d a d

Aron Ralston was trapped,his right arm under a 200 kg stone.He was deep in a canyon (峡谷) in Southern Utah.All he had with him was a day’s worth of food and water,and some ropes and climbing equipment.Aron was an outdoorsman,and knew how to take Aron Ralston was trapped,his right arm under a 200 kg stone.He was deep in a canyon (峡谷) in Southern Utah.All he had with him was a day’s worth of food and water,and some ropes and climbing equipment.Aron was an outdoorsman,and knew how to take 英语翻译Aron Ralston was trapped,his right arm under a 200 kg stone.He was deep in a canyon (峡谷) in Southern Utah.All he had with him was a day’s worth of food and water,and some ropes and climbing equipment.Aron was an outdoorsman,and knew Aron Ralston was trapped,his right arm under a 200 kg stone.He was deep in a canyon (峡谷) in Southern Utah.All he had with him was a day’s worth of food and water,and some ropes and climbing equipment.Aron was an outdoorsman,and knew how to take 请高手帮忙做下英语的阅读理解,Aron Ralston was trapped,his right arm under a 200 kg stone.He was deep in a canyon (峡谷) in Southern Utah.All he had with him was a day’s worth of food and water,and some ropes and climbing equipment.A 英语翻译Last Sunday,Aron Ralston,an experienced hiker and mountaineer,set off to walk alone through the Bluejohn desert canyon (峡谷) in Utah.He was planning an eight-hour,21-kilometre hike.While he was climbing through a narrow part of the can 英语翻译Aron Ralston is an American man who is interested in mountain climbing.As a mountain climber,Aron is used to taking risks.This is one of the exciting things about doing dangerous sports.There were many times when Aron almost lost his life 英语翻译Aron Ralston is an American man who is interested in mountain climbing.As a mountain climber,Aron is used to taking risks.This is one of the exciting things about doing dangerous sports.There were many times when Aron almost lost his life 2014春新目标人教版八年级下英语课文he lost his arm but is still climbing里的短语,从句Aron Ralston is an American man who is interested in mountain climbing.As a mountain climber,Aron is used to taking risks.This is one of the exci 英语翻译Finding the order of events Writers describe events in a certain order.Finding the order of the events will help you understand what you are reading.He lost his arm but is still climbing Aron Ralston is an American man who is interested i TRA是什么意思? There were many times when Aron almostThere were many times when Aron almost lost his life because of accidents和On that day ,Aron·s arm was caught under a 360-kilo rock that fell on him when he was climbing by himself in the mountains.这两个句 翻译一下- I took my first uneasy look at what was to be my only means of tra Aron英文名翻译中文是什么意思 线性代数中trA是什么意思 i tra to 线性代数中trA是什么意思~~ aron的中文意思是什么?求详解