英语作文 关于游动物园你喜欢动物吗?你最喜欢哪种动物?为什么?它们有什么特点?你见过哪些动物?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/07/05 12:00:29

英语作文 关于游动物园你喜欢动物吗?你最喜欢哪种动物?为什么?它们有什么特点?你见过哪些动物?
英语作文 关于游动物园

英语作文 关于游动物园你喜欢动物吗?你最喜欢哪种动物?为什么?它们有什么特点?你见过哪些动物?
Before visiting the zoo,I had no idea how informative a visit to a zoo might be.Though the zoo I have visited is not big,I found many kinds of interesting animals and other creatures there.Lions,tigers and other animals were moving about lazily in their cages.Some of the animals appeared to be bored,and they took little interest in the visitors.The monkeys,however,showed their natural agility.Whenever they saw a visitor,they ran towards him and begged for something to eat.I was indeed amused at their behavior.Most of them were caught in Malaysia and their variety was amazing.But the most inportant is I like animals very much.
Some of the birds too were very interesting to see.Their beautiful feathers fascinated me.Birds are indeed one of the loveliest creations of god.A few birds are larger than many animals.
The lions and the tigers in this zoo were so docile that I could not but treat them as domestic animals like the dog and the cat.I went very close to them,but they showed little interest in me.I then began to think of how the animal or even human spirit could be broken by confinement.Confined to their cages,these animals had become spiritless.Even the sight of food did not see to excite them much.
Then,there was the crocodile with its usual pretence of innocence.It refused to be disturbed.Heaven knows how it might have reacted if a child had fallen into its pit.However,my visit to the zoo had increased my knowledge of animals.

东北虎(学名:Panthera tigris altaica)又称西伯利亚虎,起源于亚洲东北部,即俄罗斯西伯利亚地区、朝鲜和中国东北地区,有三百万年进化史。东北虎是现存体重最大的猫科亚种,其中雄性体长可达2.8米左右,尾长约1米,体重接近350公斤左右,体色夏毛棕黄色,冬毛淡黄色。背部和体侧具有多条横列黑色窄条纹,通常2条靠近呈柳叶状。头大而圆,前额上的数条黑色横纹,中间常被串通,极似“王”字,故...


东北虎(学名:Panthera tigris altaica)又称西伯利亚虎,起源于亚洲东北部,即俄罗斯西伯利亚地区、朝鲜和中国东北地区,有三百万年进化史。东北虎是现存体重最大的猫科亚种,其中雄性体长可达2.8米左右,尾长约1米,体重接近350公斤左右,体色夏毛棕黄色,冬毛淡黄色。背部和体侧具有多条横列黑色窄条纹,通常2条靠近呈柳叶状。头大而圆,前额上的数条黑色横纹,中间常被串通,极似“王”字,故有“丛林之王”之美称,东北虎属中国Ⅰ级保护动物并被列入濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约(CITES)附录。

