
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/06 22:41:19


为你找的好辛苦终于找到了,不知道满不满意: My dear Margarita: I can not receive your letter, you can not receive my letter, we can not understand each other's current situation. I have been thinking very hard, how can we solve this intractable problem months. Although people have praised me wise, but I am baffled. At present, I started reading a book about magic and projections. It convinced me that somewhere there is the devil caught in the us, lost our fish Yan Chuan-shu. Hopefully, pleasant scenery at home, you live a bed of roses life. I'm all right, work very smoothly. I lay on the couch, dangling from your send pipe, water the night, I fired off letters with your favorite pencil. I wish all good! Kiss you! Your A · E "in the word or two sections in showing affection. This is not an ordinary letter, it is from the 20th century's greatest physicist, founder of the theory of relativity Einstein's hands. This letter with Einstein a watch, many of the paintings, a number of precious photos and Letters Chang appeared in Sotheby's auction. they are showing the world renowned and world leading authority prominent Russian sculptor's wife Nenkov Feel the love story between a. 对了,还有中文译本:我亲爱的玛加丽塔:我不能接到你的信,你无法收到我的函,我们不能了解彼此的近况.我一直在苦苦思索,如何才能解决个这棘手的问题.尽管人们都称赞我聪明睿智,但我对此却束手无策.目前,我开始阅读一本有关魔法和预测的书.它使我确信,冥冥之中有魔鬼夹在我们中间,弄丢了我们的鱼雁传书.但愿在家乡宜人的风光中,你能过上称心如意的生活.我一切都好,工作非常顺利.我躺在沙发上,叼着你送的烟斗,如水夜色中,我用你心爱的铅笔奋笔疾书.祝一切好!吻你!你的A·E”在只言片语中流露出款款深情.这不是一封普通的书信,它出自20世纪最伟大的物理学家、相对论的创立者爱因斯坦之手.此信与爱因斯坦的一块手表、多幅绘画、若干张珍贵照片和信札出现在索思比的拍卖会上.他们向世人展示了蜚声世界的科学泰斗与声名显赫的俄罗斯雕塑大师之妻玛加丽塔·科年科夫之间一段缠绵悱恻的爱情故事.