来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/20 02:33:56
工作经历:一、2009.6——2010.6公司名称:(德信地产)浙江格雅装饰有限公司从事工作:工程管理管理项目:1、德信-早城售楼部、样板房(2套)施工管理【开发商:浙江德信金沙置业有限公司】 2、杭州九堡德信-金泊林公寓5#楼(64套)精装修交付房工程管理二、2010.7-2013.8公司名称:德信集团(精装修管理部)从事工作:工程管理管理项目:1、德信-中外公寓售楼部、高层样板房(2套)施工管理【开发商:浙江德信滨湖置业有限公司】 2、德信-早城公共区域装饰装修工程(包括架空层)【开发商:浙江德信金沙置业有限公司】 3、德信-中外公寓5#楼实体样板房装修工程管理【开发商:浙江德信滨湖置业有限公司】
实习经历:1)2008/07 -- 2008/09:浙江德信(恒德)控股集团公司 所在部门:项目技术部(杭政储出【22#】地块一标段——泊林公寓) 任 务:负责安全及施工技术咨询2)河南郑州亚星-世纪嘉园(江南小镇)第三项目部 施工员房地产/建筑/建材/工程 民营 规模:20人左右 时间虽然很短,但我很庆幸能够得到那个机会.至少这是我第一次接触单独施工,也许我做的不够好!但我努力了.所以不管结果如何,我不会再去想,我需要的是能够真正开始自己的事业.当你给我机会,我做我能做的去对待工作.而且我发现我喜欢有挑战的生活,所以有机会我还是愿意独立的面对.这里我要感谢那些帮助我成长的前辈们.感谢所有给我机会和教导我的领导们.
Work experience: A, 2009.6 -- 2010.6 Company Name: (Dickson estate) Zhejiang Geya decoration limited company engaged in the work of project management: Project: 1, Dickson - early City Sales Department, a model of the housing (2) construction management [developers: Zhejiang Dexin Jinsha Company Limited] 2, Hangzhou Jiubao Dexin gold Bolin apartment building 5# (64 sets) of refined decoration housing project management delivery two, 2010.7-2013.8 Company Name: Dexin group (refined decoration management department) engaged in the work of project management: Project: 1, Dickson - foreign sales of apartments, senior housing model (2) construction management [developers: Zhejiang Dexin Binhu real estate Limited] 2 Dickson, early city public area Decoration Engineering (including overhead layer) [developers: Zhejiang Dexin Sands Ltd.] 3, Dickson - foreign apartment building 5# entity model of the housing decoration engineering management [developers: Zhejiang Dexin Binhu Real Estate Limited]
4, Dickson - foreign apartment building 9# entity model of the housing decoration project management [developers: Zhejiang Dexin Binhu Real Estate Limited]
5, Dickson - foreign apartment public area decoration project management [developers: Zhejiang Dexin Binhu Real Estate Limited]
6, Dickson - Kowloon City project decoration (including the model of the housing 3 sets, 1 sets, 1 sets of club office, sales department, public area decoration and supporting engineering decoration project management [developers]: Xuzhou Dexin Ltd.
Note: the post as the group operation management center professional (refined decoration) director, directly by the Group Department to project follow-up project decoration work, directly to the deputy project director.
Three, 2013.9 to the present:
Huarun the Mixc two refined decoration management: Huarun [developers Sun Hung Kai (Hangzhou) Co., Ltd.]
Position: refined decoration Senior Supervisor
Internship experience: 1) 2008/07 - 2008/09: Zhejiang Dexin (Heng De) Holdings Ltd. Department: project technology (Hangzheng store out [22#] block a bid -- Lin Park apartment) tasks: responsible for consulting and construction technology of 2) Henan Zhengzhou Yaxing - century Jia Yuan (Jiangnan Town) third Ministry of construction project. Real estate / building / construction / Engineering private size: about 20 people although time is very short, but I'm glad to have the opportunity to. At least this is my first contact with construction alone, maybe I do not good enough! But I'm trying. So whatever the result is, I don't want to, I need to be able to really start to his career. When you give me the opportunity, I do what I can to deal with work. And I found that I like a challenge of life, so there is a chance I will separate the face. Here I would like to thank those who help me grow predecessors. Thank you all for giving me the opportunity and I teach leaders. Thank you.