
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/06 22:41:06


Football is the abbreviation of football,also can mean soccer ball games.But football.Football is dominant,two feet ball team at the same site within the attacking of sports.Football is an ancient history,physical activity.Originated from the ancient Chinese a ball game,"a game called cuju,then spread to Europe by arabs,develop modern football.Modern football originated in the United Kingdom,football is the world's most popular sport in the world today is one of the most widely,one of the biggest influence of sports,known as the "world first movement." many countries will be vying for football." A good football game,attracted tens of thousands of spectators,it has already become the important content of TV programs,news reports about football,occupying various world newspapers,today's football in People's Daily life has become the indispensable part.According to not complete count,often played in the world now about 80 million of the team,the registration of athletes about 40 million people,including professional athletes about 10 million people.译文:足球是足球运动的简称,也可以指足球运动的比赛用球.现在泛指足球运动.足球运动是以脚支配球为主,两个队在同一场地内进行攻守的体育运动项目.足球运动是一项古老的体育活动,源远流长.最早起源于中国古代的一种球类游戏“蹴鞠”,后来经过阿拉伯人传到欧洲,发展成现代足球.现代足球起源于英国,足球运动是世界上最受欢迎的体育运动之一,也是当今世界上开展最广、影响最大的体育项目之一,被称为“世界第一运动”.不少国家将足球定为“国球”.一场精彩的足球比赛,吸引着成千上万的观众,它已成为电视节目中的重要内容,有关足球消息的报道,占据着世界上各种报刊的篇幅,当今足球运动已成为人们生活中不可缺少的组成部分.据不完全统计,现在世界上经常参加比赛的球队约80万支,登记注册的运动员约4000万人,其中职业运动员约10万人.足球运动对抗性强,运动员在比赛中采用规则所允许的各种动作包括奔跑、急停、转身、倒地、跳跃、冲撞等,同对手进行激烈的争夺.比赛时间长、观众多、竞赛场地大,是其他任何运动项目所不及的.传统足球是20块6边形和12块5边形一共32块皮组成 .足球比赛分为11人制、7人制和5人制.年龄段有u15,u17,u19 国奥组和成年组等