1.I‘d like_some water.A.drink B to drink Cdrinking 选什么,为什么 .

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/09/08 04:20:42

1.I‘d like_some water.A.drink B to drink Cdrinking 选什么,为什么 .
1.I‘d like_some water.A.drink B to drink Cdrinking 选什么,为什么 .

1.I‘d like_some water.A.drink B to drink Cdrinking 选什么,为什么 .
would like to do sth.表示“想要做某事”.

选B 我想要喝一些水。
I would like to do sth “我想要做....”。

would like to do sth "想要做某事" ,相当于want to do sth

1.I‘d like_some water.A.drink B to drink Cdrinking 选什么,为什么 . I love you when you say wate! I have no water to drink(意思不变) I ____ _____ wate to drink I have cities but no houses,forests but no trees,rives without wate.What am You must be K_____!I can't believe wate you said Wate-dou-you-dou?. 能答出几道是几道,1.the boy can play the guitar.(对划线部分提问)( )can the boy ( 2.Wate a funny time ( )breakfast!A .eat B.eats C.to eat D.eating3.Please ( )(write)to your mother soon.(用所给单词的适当形式填空).4 Wate's this in English?It's_apple.It's_red apple.A.a,an B.an,an C.an,a D.a,a Does she need some wate?的回答1.Yes,she is 2 .Yes,she needs 3.Yes,she does.4.No,she doesn't选几,理由是什么? Write down wate you like to do in summer. 手表背面写有stainless steel sapphire crystal wate... 只解沙场为国死,的下句是Wate? 英语翻译When You're Looking Like ThatShe's a 5 foot 10 in catsuit and bambi eyesEverybody's who's staring wouldn't believe that this girl was mineI should have know I was wrongWhen I left her for a life in pity.Butthey say you never miss the wate 阅读填空Once there lived a man___1___liked gold very much.He often said,While I have gold,I'm the happiest man in the world.And so he_______2_money all his life.One day when he was travelling in the desert,he lost his way.He had no food or wate 1 __________boy is riding a bike,he is my younger brother 2 The pears are big, would you like to buy__________pear? 3 she can play __________baseball. 4 Don't worry!I will finish __________work in 2 minutes. 5 There is__________snake is in the wate 一.把下列单词分类apple meet brend milk cake eye wate roodle desk rice tea vegetable food bird hanburg juice可数名词(单数):(复数):不可数名词:二填空hi tom______you like to have lunch_____me OK i'd___to.welcom!_____doun please na :-D 8-) :-[ (:-D I-) ( 金榜学案英语八年级上册练习题He hardly takes ____,so the doctor asks him to do some running and morning____.A.exercises;exercises B.exercise;exercisec.exercises;exercise D.exercise;exercisesI wonder ____you'll wate this kind of tree.—O