来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/19 21:45:35
昨天晚上我没睡好觉,今天早上一醒来就感到难受,不想吃东西,口渴.于是妈妈带我去看医生.医生给我量了体温后说我发烧,得了重感冒,要我服一些药,多喝水并卧床休息两天.因此,我需要向王老师请病假两天 办班目的:提高学生英语听力和口语表达能力 时间:2月1日——2月25日 地点:教学楼402室 报名地点:No.15 Middle School 学习内容:Learning English Course 发布单位:No.15 Middle School 参加对象:发布时间:2008年1月20日 补充说明:每周两次外教授课,由加拿大籍教授Mr Wood 与学生做会话练习.优点:能容丰富(有故事、游戏、英文歌曲等),有利于提高英语水平(词汇量、听说能力),能了解更多的外国文化.不足:语速有点快,每周只播出两次.每篇80——100个词 谢拉
第一篇:last night I sleep and wake up one morning to feel uncomfortable, do not want to eat, thirsty. So Mother took me to see a doctor. Doctor give me the volume of the body temperature of a fever after that I got a bad cold, asked me to serve a number of drugs, drink plenty of water and bed rest for two days. Therefore, I need to take sick leave for two days Ms. Wang 第二篇:Objective: To improve students English listening and speaking ability to express time: 2 1 - February 25 Location: Academic Building Room 402 registration sites: No.15 Middle School Learning: Learning English Course release units: No.15 objects take part in Middle School: middle school students Published: January 20, 2008 supplementary explanations: teachers teaching twice a week by the Canadian Professor Mr Wood to do with the students to practice conversation. 第三篇:Advantages: to allow the rich (has the story, games and English songs, etc.) will help improve the standard of English (vocabulary, listening and speaking ability), to understand more foreign culture. Inadequate: speed a bit faster, only broadcast twice a week.