英语厉害点的进~~~帮我用chairwoman[女主席,女会长],disabled[残疾的],shut[关上],quick[快的],keep in touch with[跟.保持联系],make progess[取得进展],already[已经],succeed[成功],composider[作文],consider[考虑] 这10

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/02 18:28:33

英语厉害点的进~~~帮我用chairwoman[女主席,女会长],disabled[残疾的],shut[关上],quick[快的],keep in touch with[跟.保持联系],make progess[取得进展],already[已经],succeed[成功],composider[作文],consider[考虑] 这10
帮我用chairwoman[女主席,女会长],disabled[残疾的],shut[关上],quick[快的],keep in touch with[跟.保持联系],make progess[取得进展],already[已经],succeed[成功],composider[作文],consider[考虑] 这10个单词各造一个句子,越简单越好.急需,谢谢了!

英语厉害点的进~~~帮我用chairwoman[女主席,女会长],disabled[残疾的],shut[关上],quick[快的],keep in touch with[跟.保持联系],make progess[取得进展],already[已经],succeed[成功],composider[作文],consider[考虑] 这10
1、My good friend Jim's mother is a chairwoman.
2、She is diabled.
3、 Shut up, I want to be quiet!
4、Good friend should keep in touch with each other.
5、After one year's hard working,I made progess in English.
6、I have already wathched this movie.
7、My friend succeed to win the game against his classmate.
8、Today's homework is to write a composition .
9、I consider her as my good friend not girl friend.

1、She is elected chairwoman of the conference.
2、He is diabled.
3、Please shut the door!
4、He is quick to learn things.
5、They keep in touch with each other.
6、You have made (major)...


1、She is elected chairwoman of the conference.
2、He is diabled.
3、Please shut the door!
4、He is quick to learn things.
5、They keep in touch with each other.
6、You have made (major)progess in English !
7、I have already finished my work.
8、Hard work leads you to succeed.
9、She wrote a composition as soon as possible.
0、I consider you as a friend.


英语翻译我不要那些自动翻译的.有人英语厉害点的可以帮我翻译一下吗. 用英语来介绍一位明星.要出张手抄报没什么好写的希望有英语厉害点的朋友帮我用一段简短一点的英语介绍我喜欢的明星像郑元畅 或者蔡依林 english poem英语厉害的帮我写一首有关trouble的英语诗 put on 的意思是什么?英语厉害点的进 求个英语厉害点的帮我把 主语谓语宾语宾补定语什么什么什么词性列个表介绍下! 麻烦帮我看看选择题,英语的,错的很厉害, 英语选择题.能帮我看看那些红笔改的吗.错的很厉害,谢谢 谁英语比较厉害的,帮我写下 does life need to give up的英语口语 你们好厉害啊 英语怎么说帮我翻译一下这个句子,鄙视别人的 她牙痛的厉害,应该去看牙医.请帮我翻译成英语. 请教用英语怎么说:我今天头疼的厉害? 英语厉害点的进~~~帮我用chairwoman[女主席,女会长],disabled[残疾的],shut[关上],quick[快的],keep in touch with[跟.保持联系],make progess[取得进展],already[已经],succeed[成功],composider[作文],consider[考虑] 这10 英语比较厉害点的来吧.帮我翻译一句简单的话,我英语很一般,怕说的不对.就是我一个朋友说“one night in 北京”这是一首歌名对吧,我想用英语说“为什么是一天晚上,而不是一天的白天”就是 赞美的英语短语各位大哥大姐,路过求救,帮我写点赞美人的英语短语好吗?比如说: 你好棒啊,你好聪明啊,你好幽默啊,你好厉害啊.之类的,越多越好,谢谢啦~~~ “而且我很厉害”用英语怎么说 哪位厉害的朋友能帮我写一篇150字的英语作文,奥运观后感要中文翻译 求一句 特别 DIAO(就是厉害啦)的 客气话 英语我是真心求客气话的那种。就是说谢谢你帮了我这么多之类的这种。语句优美点的。 哪个哥哥姐姐英语厉害的帮我翻译一下一个东东!shop A53,1F,M-Zone是什么意思?