翻译:英文转中文 谢绝机译Linus wanted to run UNIX at home, but at the time the software cost $5,000, and it ran only on $10,000 workstations. He began to work on his own UNIX clone, one that would bring all the hacking power of UNIX to a

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/05 07:39:14

翻译:英文转中文 谢绝机译Linus wanted to run UNIX at home, but at the time the software cost $5,000, and it ran only on $10,000 workstations. He began to work on his own UNIX clone, one that would bring all the hacking power of UNIX to a
翻译:英文转中文 谢绝机译
Linus wanted to run UNIX at home, but at the time the software cost $5,000, and it ran only on $10,000 workstations.
He began to work on his own UNIX clone, one that would bring all the hacking power of UNIX to a desktop PC. By early 1991, Linus had created a kernel--the heart of the operating system that works directly with the processor. He called it "Freax," a play on "free UNIX" or hacker "freaks," but when he tried to post it to the Web, the FTP site manager didn't like the implication. He named the FTP site "Linux," after the label Linus had put there for his personal use.
"I never wanted to use that name because I felt, OK, that's a little too egotistical," he remembers. "The name stuck, and right now I'm very happy I didn't call it 'Freax.' "
In October 1991, Linus announced the release of Linux .02, the first functional Linux operating system. Linus predicted the bare-bones code would appeal to shade-tree programmers who were then using a UNIX clone called Minix to tinker with their Intels.
"Do you pine for the nice days of Minix 1.1, when men were men and wrote their own device drivers?" Linux queried in a Minix newsgroup. "Are you without a nice project and just dying to cut your teeth on an OS you can modify for your needs?"
The post reads like a taunt: Come and get it if you're man enough.
He patented Linux under the Free Software Foundation's General Public License, which made it free and available and prevented anyone from distributing it without the source code.
Back then, in 1991, UNIX couldn't run on PCs. Linux made an impact at universities, where they were teaching UNIX and using Minix.
Linux's beauty is that it can do anything UNIX can do--on a $1,000 desktop PC. What's more, anyone can download it off the Internet for programming or hacking or to convert a desktop PC into a Web server.
His first surprise came when he got emails from five other people claiming to be running their PCs on Linux. "The source code got some people really excited," says Linus. "A lot of people who used it were people who wanted to play with it." Then Linus got emails from 100 other new Linux users. "After that," he says, "I stopped being surprised."
分数有的是~可是最多就是100分 外加增加的100分还有最后采纳后加的50分。然后你还能白得到20分。最多就是270分啦。

翻译:英文转中文 谢绝机译Linus wanted to run UNIX at home, but at the time the software cost $5,000, and it ran only on $10,000 workstations. He began to work on his own UNIX clone, one that would bring all the hacking power of UNIX to a

1991 年7 月3 日在comp.os.minix 上发布的post 上就已经提到了正在搜集POSIX 的资料。(当然此时还不存在Linux 这个名称,当时Linus 的脑子里想的可能是FREAX ,FREAX 的英文含义是怪诞的、怪物、异想天开等)。其中透露了他正在进行Linux 系统的开发,并且在Linux 最初的时候已经想到要实现与POSIX(UNIX 的国际标准)的兼容问题了。


1991 年7 月3 日在comp.os.minix 上发布的post 上就已经提到了正在搜集POSIX 的资料。(当然此时还不存在Linux 这个名称,当时Linus 的脑子里想的可能是FREAX ,FREAX 的英文含义是怪诞的、怪物、异想天开等)。其中透露了他正在进行Linux 系统的开发,并且在Linux 最初的时候已经想到要实现与POSIX(UNIX 的国际标准)的兼容问题了。
Linux 操作系统的诞生
1981 年IBM 公司推出享誉全球的微型计算机IBM PC。在1981-1991 年间,MS-DOS 操作系统一直是微型计算机上操作系统的主宰。此时计算机硬件价格虽然逐年下降,但软件价格仍然是居高不下。当时Apple 的MACs 操作系统可以说是性能最好的,但是其天价没人能够轻易靠近。
当时的另一个计算机技术阵营是Unix世界。但是Unix操作系统就不仅是价格贵的问题了。为了寻求高利率,Unix经销商将价格抬得极高,PC小用户就根本不能靠近它。曾经一度受到Bell Labs的许可而可以在大学中用于教学的UNIX源代码一直被小心地守卫着不需公开。对于广大的PC用户,软件行业的大型供应商始终没有给出有效的解决该问题的手段。正在此时,出现了MINIX操作系统,并有一本详细的书本描述它的设计实现原理。由于AST的书写的非常详细,并且叙述有条有理,几乎全世界的计算机爱好者都在看这本书以理解操作系统的工作原理。其中也包括Linux系统的创始者Linus Benedict Torvalds。当时(1991年),Linus Benedict Torvalds 是赫尔辛基大学计算机科学系的二年级学生,也是一个自学hacker。这个21 岁的芬兰年轻人喜欢鼓捣计算机,测试计算机的能力和限制。但当时缺乏的是一个专业级的操作系统。MINIX 虽然很好,但只是一个用于教学目的简单操作系统,而不是一个强有力的实用操作系统。
到1991 年,GNU 计划已经开发出了许多工具软件。最受期盼的Gnu C 编译器已经出现,但还没有开发出免费的GNU 操作系统。即使是MINIX 也开始有了版权,需要购买才能得到源代码。而GNU 的操作系统HURD 一直在开发之中,但并不能在几年内完成。对于Linus 来说,已经不能等待了。从1991 年4 月份起,他开始酝酿并着手编制自己的操作系统。刚开始,他的目的很简单,只是为了学习Intel 386 体系结构保护模式运行方式下的编程技术。但后来Linux 的发展却完全改变了初衷。
1991 年初,Linux 开始在一台386sx 兼容微机上学习minix 操作系统。通过学习,他逐渐不能满足minix 系统的现有性能,并开始酝酿开发一个新的免费操作系统。根据Linus 在comp.os.minix 新闻组上发布的消息,我们可以知道他逐步从学习minix 系统到开发自己的Linux 的过程。
Linus 第1 次向comp.os.minix 投递消息是在1991 年3 月29 日。题目是"gcc on minix-386 doesn't optimize",是有关gcc 编译器在minix-386 上运行的优化问题,由此可知,Linus 在1991 年的初期已经开始深入研究了minix 系统,并在这段时间有了改进minix 操作系统的思想,而且在进一步学习minix系统中,逐步演变为想自己重新设计一个基于Intel 80386 体系结构的新操作系统。他在回答有人提出minix 上的一个问题时,所说的第一句话是"阅读源代码"("RTFSC (Read the Fucking Source Code :-)")。他认为答案就在源程序中。这也说明了对于学习系统软件来说,你不光需要懂得系统的工作基本原理,还需要结合实际系统,学习实际系统的实现方法。因为理论毕竟是理论,其中省略了许多枝节,而这些枝节问题虽然没有太多的理论含量,但却是一个系统必要的组成部分,就像麻雀身上的一根羽毛。
从1991 年的4 月份开始,Linus 几乎花了全部时间研究386-minix 系统(hack the kernel),并且尝试着移植GNU 的软件到该系统上(GNU gcc、bash、gdb 等)。并于4 月13 日在comp.os.minix 上发布说自己已经成功地将bash 移植到了minix 上,而且已经爱不释手、不能离开这个shell 软件了。
第一个与Linux 有关的消息是在1991 年7 月3 日在comp.os.minix 上发布的(当然此时还不存在Linux 这个名称,当时Linus 的脑子里想的可能是FREAX ,FREAX 的英文含义是怪诞的、怪物、异想天开等)。其中透露了他正在进行Linux 系统的开发,并且在Linux 最初的时候已经想到要实现与POSIX(UNIX 的国际标准)的兼容问题了。
在Linus 的下一发布的消息中(1991 年8 月25 日 comp.os.minix),他向所有minix 用户询问"What would you like to see in minix?"("你最想在minix 中见到什么?"),在该消息中他首次透露出正在开发一个(免费的)386(486)操作系统,并且说只是兴趣而已,代码不会很大,也不会象GNU 的那样专业。开发免费操作系统这个想法从4 月份就开始酝酿了,希望大家反馈一些对于minix 系统中喜欢那些特色不喜欢什么等信息,由于实际的和其它一些原因,新开发的系统刚开始与minix 很象(并且使用了minix 的文件系统)。并且已经成功地将bash(1.08 版)和gcc(1.40 版)移植到了新系统上,而且在过几个月就可以实用了。
最后,Linus 申明他开发的操作系统没有使用一行minix 的源代码;而且由于使用了386 的任务切换特性,所以该操作系统不好移植(没有可移植性),并且只能使用AT 硬盘。对于Linux 的移植性问题,Linus 当时并没有考虑。但是目前Linux 几乎可以运行在任何一种硬件体系结构上。
到了1991 年的10 月5 日,Linus 在comp.os.minix 新闻组上发布消息,正式向外宣布Linux 内核系统的诞生(Free minix-like kernel sources for 386-AT)。这段消息可以称为Linux 的诞生宣言,并且一直广为流传。因此10 月5 日对Linux 社区来说是一个特殊的日子,许多后来Linux 的新版本发布时都选择了这个日子。所以RedHat 公司选择这个日子发布它的新系统也不是偶然的。
Linux 操作系统版本的变迁 0.00 (1991.2-4?) 两个进程分别显示AAA BBB
将Linux 系统0.13 版内核直接改称0.95 版,Linus 的意思是让大家不要觉得离1.0 版还很遥远。同时,从0.95 版开始,对内核的许多改进之处(补丁程序的提供)均以其他人为主了,而Linus 的主要任务开始变成对内核的维护和决定是否采用某个补丁程序。
Linux 名称的来由
Linux 操作系统刚开始时并没有被称作Linux,Linus 给他的操作系统取名为FREAX,其英文含义是怪诞的、怪物、异想天开等意思。在他将新的操作系统上载到ftp.funet.fi 服务器上时,管理员Ari Lemke很不喜欢这个名称。他认为既然是Linus 的操作系统就取其谐音Linux 作为该操作系统的目录吧,于是Linux 这个名称就开始流传下来。
在Linus 的自传《Just for Fun》一书中,Linus 解释说:"坦白地说,我从来没有想到过要用Linux 这个名称发布这个操作系统,因为这个名字有些太自负了。而我为最终发布版准备的是什么名字呢?Freax。实际上,内核代码中某些早期的Makefile - 用于描述如何编译源代码的文件 - 文件中就已经包含有"Freax"这个名字了,大约存在了半年左右。但其实这也没什么关系,在当时还不需要一个名字,因为我还没有向任何人发布过内核代码。而Ari Lemke,他坚持要用自己的方式将内核代码放到ftp 站点上,并且非常不喜欢Freax 这个名字。他坚持要用现在这个名字(Linux),我承认当时我并没有跟他多争论。但这都是他取的名字。所以我可以光明正大地说我并不自负,或者部分坦白地说我并没有本位主义思想。但我想好吧,这也是个好名字,而且以后为这事我总能说服别人,就象我现在做的这样。"-- Linus Torvalds《Just for fun》第84-88 页。
通过上述说明,我们可以对上述Linux 的五大支柱归纳如下:
① UNIX 操作系统 -- UNIX 于1969 年诞生在Bell 实验室。Linux 就是UNIX 的一种克隆系统。UNIX的重要性就不用多说了。
② MINIX 操作系统 -- Minix 操作系统也是UNIX 的一种克隆系统,它于1987 年由著名计算机教授Andrew S. Tanenbaum 开发完成。由于MINIX 系统的出现并且提供源代码(只能免费用于大学内)在全世界的大学中刮起了学习UNIX 系统旋风。Linux 刚开始就是参照Minix 系统于1991 年才开始开发。
③ GNU 计划-- 开发Linux 操作系统,以及Linux 上所用大多数软件基本上都出自GNU 计划。Linux只是操作系统的一个内核,没有GNU 软件环境(比如说bash shell),则Linux 将寸步难行。
④ POSIX 标准 -- 该标准在推动Linux 操作系统以后朝着正规路上发展起着重要的作用。是Linux前进的灯塔。
⑤ INTERNET -- 如果没有Intenet 网,没有遍布全世界的无数计算机骇客的无私奉献,那么Linux最多只能发展到0.13(0.95)版的水平。




我是楼主,呵呵 不晚不晚。二楼如果想要分的话最好还是写上答案。分数最多270.择优采用。三楼忽视,感谢四楼。五楼最好还是上一下自己的ID。要是比四楼回答的好,270分就是你的了。现在分数是150.晚上涨到200,采纳为答案之后追加50分。谢谢

Linus wanted to run UNIX at home, but at the time the software cost $5,000, and it ran only on $10,000 workstations.
He began to work on his own UNIX clone, one that would bring all the hacking p...


Linus wanted to run UNIX at home, but at the time the software cost $5,000, and it ran only on $10,000 workstations.
He began to work on his own UNIX clone, one that would bring all the hacking power of UNIX to a desktop PC. By early 1991, Linus had created a kernel--the heart of the operating system that works directly with the processor. He called it "Freax," a play on "free UNIX" or hacker "freaks," but when he tried to post it to the Web, the FTP site manager didn't like the implication. He named the FTP site "Linux," after the label Linus had put there for his personal use.
他开始工作,他自己的UNIX的克隆,因为只有这样才能对UNIX的所有黑客的权力台式机。 1991年年初,莱纳斯设立了一个内核 - 操作系统的心脏,直接与处理器。他称之为“Freax,”关于“自由的UNIX玩”或黑客“怪胎”,但是当他尝试将它张贴到Web,FTP站点管理器不喜欢做的含意。他命名为FTP站点“的Linux,”莱纳斯标签后,推出了他个人的利用。
“我从来没有想用这个名字,因为我觉得,行,这是一个有点太自私,”他回忆。 “这个名字大门,现在我非常高兴,我没有称之为'Freax。 “
1991年10月,莱纳斯宣布对Linux 0.02,第一个功能的Linux操作系统版本。莱纳斯预测准系统代码将呼吁遮荫树程序员谁当时使用的是UNIX的克隆称为Minix的修补与英特尔的。
“你对Minix的1.1,天松漂亮的男子时,男子说自己的设备驱动程序?” Linux的质疑,在Minix的新闻组。 “有没有一个很好的项目你,只是死削减操作系统您可以修改您的需要你的牙齿?”
当时,在1991年,无法运行UNIX的PC上。 Linux的一个在大学教他们在那里UNIX和使用minix,的影响。
Linux的优点在于它可以在1000美元的台式机可以做任何事情的UNIX - 。更重要的是,任何人都可以下载它从编程或黑客或转化为Web服务器台式电脑互联网。
他的第一个吃惊的是,他从5人自称电子邮件,在Linux上运行他们的电脑。 “源代码都非常兴奋一些人说:”莱纳斯。 “很多人用它是谁的人谁想要玩它了。”然后,从100莱纳斯了其他新的Linux用户的电子邮件。 “然后,”他说,“我不再惊讶。”
"I never wanted to use that name because I felt, OK, that's a little too egotistical," he remembers. "The name stuck, and right now I'm very happy I didn't call it 'Freax.' "
In October 1991, Linus announced the release of Linux .02, the first functional Linux operating system. Linus predicted the bare-bones code would appeal to shade-tree programmers who were then using a UNIX clone called Minix to tinker with their Intels.
"Do you pine for the nice days of Minix 1.1, when men were men and wrote their own device drivers?" Linux queried in a Minix newsgroup. "Are you without a nice project and just dying to cut your teeth on an OS you can modify for your needs?"
The post reads like a taunt: Come and get it if you're man enough.
He patented Linux under the Free Software Foundation's General Public License, which made it free and available and prevented anyone from distributing it without the source code.
Back then, in 1991, UNIX couldn't run on PCs. Linux made an impact at universities, where they were teaching UNIX and using Minix.
Linux's beauty is that it can do anything UNIX can do--on a $1,000 desktop PC. What's more, anyone can download it off the Internet for programming or hacking or to convert a desktop PC into a Web server.
His first surprise came when he got emails from five other people claiming to be running their PCs on Linux. "The source code got some people really excited," says Linus. "A lot of people who used it were people who wanted to play with it." Then Linus got emails from 100 other new Linux users. "After that," he says, "I stopped being surprised."


Linus wanted to run UNIX at home, but at the time the software cost $5,000, and it ran only on $10,000 workstations.
Linus 想要在家里运行UNIX操作系统,但是那个时候一套软件需要5000美金,并且只能在10000美金的工作站里面运行。
He began to...


Linus wanted to run UNIX at home, but at the time the software cost $5,000, and it ran only on $10,000 workstations.
Linus 想要在家里运行UNIX操作系统,但是那个时候一套软件需要5000美金,并且只能在10000美金的工作站里面运行。
He began to work on his own UNIX clone, one that would bring all the hacking power of UNIX to a desktop PC. By early 1991, Linus had created a kernel--the heart of the operating system that works directly with the processor. He called it "Freax," a play on "free UNIX" or hacker "freaks," but when he tried to post it to the Web, the FTP site manager didn't like the implication. He named the FTP site "Linux," after the label Linus had put there for his personal use.

"I never wanted to use that name because I felt, OK, that's a little too egotistical," he remembers. "The name stuck, and right now I'm very happy I didn't call it 'Freax.' "
In October 1991, Linus announced the release of Linux .02, the first functional Linux operating system. Linus predicted the bare-bones code would appeal to shade-tree programmers who were then using a UNIX clone called Minix to tinker with their Intels.
"Do you pine for the nice days of Minix 1.1, when men were men and wrote their own device drivers?" Linux queried in a Minix newsgroup. "Are you without a nice project and just dying to cut your teeth on an OS you can modify for your needs?"
The post reads like a taunt: Come and get it if you're man enough.
He patented Linux under the Free Software Foundation's General Public License, which made it free and available and prevented anyone from distributing it without the source code.
Back then, in 1991, UNIX couldn't run on PCs. Linux made an impact at universities, where they were teaching UNIX and using Minix.
Linux's beauty is that it can do anything UNIX can do--on a $1,000 desktop PC. What's more, anyone can download it off the Internet for programming or hacking or to convert a desktop PC into a Web server.

His first surprise came when he got emails from five other people claiming to be running their PCs on Linux. "The source code got some people really excited," says Linus. "A lot of people who used it were people who wanted to play with it." Then Linus got emails from 100 other new Linux users. "After that," he says, "I stopped being surprised."


Linus wanted to run UNIX at home, but at the time the software cost $5,000, and it ran only on $10,000 workstations.
莱纳斯想在家里使用UNIX 系统,但是当时该软件价格高达五千美元,而且只能在一万元的工作站运行。
He began to work on his o...


Linus wanted to run UNIX at home, but at the time the software cost $5,000, and it ran only on $10,000 workstations.
莱纳斯想在家里使用UNIX 系统,但是当时该软件价格高达五千美元,而且只能在一万元的工作站运行。
He began to work on his own UNIX clone, one that would bring all the hacking power of UNIX to a desktop PC. By early 1991, Linus had created a kernel--the heart of the operating system that works directly with the processor. He called it "Freax," a play on "free UNIX" or hacker "freaks," but when he tried to post it to the Web, the FTP site manager didn't like the implication. He named the FTP site "Linux," after the label Linus had put there for his personal use.
他开始钻研能够在个人电脑上应用UNIX所有编程功能的克隆系统。莱纳斯在1991年上旬研发了一种能够直接与处理器一起运行的操作系统内核;将之命名为“菲力士”(Freax), 它是‘免费UNIX’或是‘电脑编程怪胎’的谐音。可是,当他将之发布到网上时,ftp站点的经理不喜欢它的含义;他将之称为‘LINUX’,放在莱纳斯所贴的标签后面以供他个人使用。
"I never wanted to use that name because I felt, OK, that's a little too egotistical," he remembers. "The name stuck, and right now I'm very happy I didn't call it 'Freax.' "
In October 1991, Linus announced the release of Linux .02, the first functional Linux operating system. Linus predicted the bare-bones code would appeal to shade-tree programmers who were then using a UNIX clone called Minix to tinker with their Intels.
"Do you pine for the nice days of Minix 1.1, when men were men and wrote their own device drivers?" Linux queried in a Minix newsgroup. "Are you without a nice project and just dying to cut your teeth on an OS you can modify for your needs?"
The post reads like a taunt: Come and get it if you're man enough.
在一个MINIX新闻讨论组上莱纳斯提问:“当人人都在编写自己的设备驱动程序时,你还盼望MINIX1.1 有好日子过?你是否没有好项目却渴望从更改符合自己需求的操作系统中获取经验?”
He patented Linux under the Free Software Foundation's General Public License, which made it free and available and prevented anyone from distributing it without the source code.
Back then, in 1991, UNIX couldn't run on PCs. Linux made an impact at universities, where they were teaching UNIX and using Minix.
Linux's beauty is that it can do anything UNIX can do--on a $1,000 desktop PC. What's more, anyone can download it off the Internet for programming or hacking or to convert a desktop PC into a Web server.
LINUX 的可取之处是它可以在一千美元的个人电脑上操作UNIX的所有功能。而且,任何人都可以从网上下载它以供编程或入侵(黑客)使用,或将个人电脑转换成网络服务器。
His first surprise came when he got emails from five other people claiming to be running their PCs on Linux. "The source code got some people really excited," says Linus. "A lot of people who used it were people who wanted to play with it." Then Linus got emails from 100 other new Linux users. "After that," he says, "I stopped being surprised."


他开始工作,他自己的UNIX的克隆,因为只有这样才能对UNIX的所有黑客的权力台式机。 1991年年初,莱纳斯设立了一个内核-操作系统的心脏,直接与处理器。他称之为“Freax,”关于“自由的UNIX玩”或黑客“怪胎”,但是当他尝试将它张贴到Web,FTP站点管理器不喜欢做的含意。他命名为FTP站点“的Li...


他开始工作,他自己的UNIX的克隆,因为只有这样才能对UNIX的所有黑客的权力台式机。 1991年年初,莱纳斯设立了一个内核-操作系统的心脏,直接与处理器。他称之为“Freax,”关于“自由的UNIX玩”或黑客“怪胎”,但是当他尝试将它张贴到Web,FTP站点管理器不喜欢做的含意。他命名为FTP站点“的Linux,”莱纳斯标签后,推出了他个人的利用。
“我从来没有想用这个名字,因为我觉得,行,这是一个有点太自私,”他回忆。 “这个名字大门,现在我非常高兴,我没有称之为'Freax。 “
1991年10月,莱纳斯宣布对Linux 0.02,第一个功能的Linux操作系统版本。莱纳斯预测准系统代码将呼吁遮荫树程序员谁当时使用的是UNIX的克隆称为Minix的修补与英特尔 后读起来就像嘲讽:让我们,如果你是男人不够。
当时,在1991年,无法运行UNIX的PC上。 Linux的一个在大学教他们在那里UNIX和使用minix,的影响。
Linux的优点在于它可以在1000美元的台式机可以做任何事情的UNIX - 。更重要的是,任何人都可以下载它从编程或黑客或转化为Web服务器台式电脑互联网。
他的第一个吃惊的是,他从5人自称电子邮件,在Linux上运行他们的电脑。 “源代码都非常兴奋一些人说:”莱纳斯。 “很多人用它是谁的人谁想要玩它了。”然后,从100莱纳斯了其他新的Linux用户的电子邮件。 “之后,”他说,“我不再是惊讶。”