
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/21 13:07:50


我的好朋友 王煜给我留下深刻的印象.他长着一张瓜子脸,洁白光亮.一双黑亮的大眼睛就像宝石一样闪闪发光.在高高的鼻梁下还长着一张樱桃小嘴哪.我们一起上英语班,他的英语比我学得好.每次上英语课前我都要去问他.那时他坐在第四排,我坐在第一排,跑来跑去很麻烦,有一天老师把王煜调到了一排,我想:可能老师想让王煜帮助我,也可能是缘分.在他的帮助下,我的英语也越学越好,我们就这样成了好朋友.
还有一次.放学时我和王煜在路上,看见了一位老奶奶和她的孙子穿着很破的衣裳坐在马路边拿着一个碗,嘴里说着:“求求你,给点钱吧,我还有个孙子,还没吃饭呢.”当时我没有带钱,王煜拿了几元钱我们正要去买玩具,王煜拿出了钱,对她说 ;“给你孙子买一些书吧,如果他能像我们一样到学校去学习,那样未来的中国一定很发达.”那个老奶奶连忙说:”不知几时,眼泪早已充满了眼眶.
An impressive
My good friend 王煜 impressed me.he has a 瓜子脸,white light.a pair of black eyes shone like the stones.on the nose is a cherry mouth.we have english class.his english is better than i have to learn.english class every time i'll ask him.
Then he sat on the fourth row.i sat in the first row,running is more trouble,one day the 王煜 transferred to the row,i think,may the teacher wanted 王煜 help me,may be fate.on his help,i will learn english better,so we became good friends.
Another time.when the school and 王煜 on the way,i saw an old grandmother and her grandson is wearing a torn clothes sitting on the edge of the road with a bowl,and said :"please,give some money,i have a grandson,haven't eaten yet."I have no money with me,王煜 took a few dollars,we are going to buy a toy 王煜 took out the money,and said to her grandson ; "for you to buy some books,if he would like us to the school to study so that the future of china must have been developed." the granny said hurriedly :"thank you." when she had tears in her eyes.
This is my friend,helpfulness,kindness of 王煜

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