翻译一下这段英文,谢谢About twice every century, one of the massive stars in our galaxy blows itself apart in a supernova explosion that sends massive quantities of radiation and matter into space and generates shock waves that sweep through

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/06 13:43:07

翻译一下这段英文,谢谢About twice every century, one of the massive stars in our galaxy blows itself apart in a supernova explosion that sends massive quantities of radiation and matter into space and generates shock waves that sweep through
About twice every century, one of the massive stars in our galaxy blows itself apart in a supernova explosion that sends massive quantities of radiation and matter into space and generates shock waves that sweep through the arms of the galaxy. The shock waves heat the interstellar gas, evaporate small clouds, and compress larger ones to the point at which they collapse under their own gravity to form new stars. The general picture that has been developed for the supernova explosion and its aftermath goes something like this. Throughout its evolution, a star is much like a leaky balloon. It keeps its equilibrium figure through a balance of internal pressure against the tendency to collapse under its own weight. The pressure is generated by nuclear reactions in the core of the star which must continually supply energy to balance the energy that leaks out in the form of radiation. Eventually the nuclear fuel is exhausted, and the pressure drops in the core. With nothing to hold it up, the matter in the center of the star collapses inward, creating higher and higher densities and temperatures, until the nuclei and electrons are fused into a super-dense lump of matter known as a neutron star.
As the overlying layers rain down on the surface of the neutron star, the temperature rises, until with a blinding flash of radiation, the collapse is reversed. A thermonuclear shock wave runs through the now expanding stellar envelope, fusing lighter elements into heavier ones and producing a brilliant visual outburst that can be as intense as the light of 10 billion suns. The shell of matter thrown off by the explosion plows through the surrounding gas, producing an expanding bubble of hot gas, with gas temperatures in the millions of degrees. This gas will emit most of its energy at X-ray wavelengths, so it is not surprising that X-ray observatories have provided some of the most useful insights into the nature of the supernova phenomenon. More than twenty supernova remnants have now been detected in X-ray studies.
Recent discoveries of meteorites with anomalous concentrations of certain isotopes indicate that a supernova might have precipitated the birth of our solar system more than four and a half billion years ago. Although the cloud that collapsed to form the Sun and the planets was composed primarily of hydrogen and helium, it also contained carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen, elements essential for life as we know it. Elements heavier than helium are manufactured deep in the interior of stars and would, for the most part, remain there if it were not for the cataclysmic supernova explosions that blow giant stars apart. Additionally, supernovas produce clouds of high-energy particles called cosmic rays. These high-energy particles continually bombard the Earth and are responsible for many of the genetic mutations that are the driving force of the evolution of species.

翻译一下这段英文,谢谢About twice every century, one of the massive stars in our galaxy blows itself apart in a supernova explosion that sends massive quantities of radiation and matter into space and generates shock waves that sweep through

有关每个世纪两次,银河系中的恒星之一吹本身除了发送大量的辐射的超新星爆炸和物质排放入空间和生成扫过星系的武器的冲击波。激波热星际气体、 蒸发小云,和压缩规模较大的他们自己要形成新的恒星的引力下崩溃的点。已经为超新星爆炸和及其后果的总体情况是这样。整个演化,明星就像漏的气球。它通过对倾向于其本身的重量下崩溃的内部压力平衡保持其平衡图。压力是由星,它必须不断提供能量平衡的形式的辐射泄漏的能量的核心中的...


有关每个世纪两次,银河系中的恒星之一吹本身除了发送大量的辐射的超新星爆炸和物质排放入空间和生成扫过星系的武器的冲击波。激波热星际气体、 蒸发小云,和压缩规模较大的他们自己要形成新的恒星的引力下崩溃的点。已经为超新星爆炸和及其后果的总体情况是这样。整个演化,明星就像漏的气球。它通过对倾向于其本身的重量下崩溃的内部压力平衡保持其平衡图。压力是由星,它必须不断提供能量平衡的形式的辐射泄漏的能量的核心中的核反应生成的。最终核燃料耗尽,和压力下降的核心。这件事在恒星的中心向内,用不着它,折叠创建更高和更高的密度和温度,直到原子核和电子融合到一块超高密度的已知的中子星的事。
叠加图层雨中子星的表面上,随着温度升高,直到与辐射片炫目的闪光,崩溃反。热激波贯穿于现在扩大恒星的信封、 较轻的元素融入重的和生产辉煌的视觉突出可比美 10 亿个太阳的光芒。引发爆炸的物质外壳犁通过周围的气体,产生的高温气体,数以百万计的度中的气体温度与膨胀的泡泡。这种气体排放将会大部分及其能量 x 射线的波长,所以它不是令人惊讶的是 x 射线观测站提供了一些最有用的洞察超新星现象的本质。二十多个超新星现在 x 射线研究中检测到。
陨石的某些同位素异常浓度的最近发现表明一颗超新星可能促成了超过四个半我们太阳系的诞生亿年前。云的折叠为太阳与行星组成的形式主要是氢和氦气的尽管它还载有基本的生活,我们所知的碳、 氮、 氧、 元素。比氦元素深中的恒星内部制造和会,很大程度上,留在那里如果不是吹巨人明星分开的灾难性的超新星爆炸。此外,超新星产生宇宙线高能粒子的云。这些高能粒子不断炮轰地球,并负责为很多人的基因突变,是生物进化中的驱动力。




