a.-- Who broke the vase?--谁打碎了花瓶?b.-- Me.这里为什么用宾格?用主格行吗?
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/19 17:34:46
a.-- Who broke the vase?--谁打碎了花瓶?b.-- Me.这里为什么用宾格?用主格行吗?
a.-- Who broke the vase?--谁打碎了花瓶?
b.-- Me.
a.-- Who broke the vase?--谁打碎了花瓶?b.-- Me.这里为什么用宾格?用主格行吗?
这里是It is me (who broke the case).的缩略形式,实际上是宾语,所以用宾格.
It's me.
人称代词做宾语和介词宾语时,用宾格;人称代词做表语时,口语中经常用宾格. 在书面语中仍然用主格,特别是在it引起的句中.
Who is it? It is me.
Don't blame Tom. It's me who broke it.
It wasn't she/ he who broke the window.
Who broke the dishes?
who broke the glass?the dog broke.改错
who is that ___ broke the window?A.who B.that 选哪个?
It was _______ broke the glass.A.he B.him C.he who D.him who
The chair is broke.Please ___(查明)who broke it
Who broke the window?A.Him B.He C.He broke D.It is him选什么谢谢!
66页95.Who -----the window------------?A.break ,open B.broke ,is open C.open ,broken D.broke ,open 为什么
tony ,who broke the cup?--maybe petter ____,but i am not sure .A.dose B.did C .broke
has mr .wang ___ who broke the cup?has mr .wang ___ who broke the cup?A、found B、lookfor C、found out D、looked up
That is the boy ()broke the window A he B it Cwhich D who
Who broke the glassesWho brokn the glassesI ---A.am B.wasC.brokeD.did
The window is broken.Try to ( ) who broke it.A.find outB.findC.lookD.look for
Please () who broke the window.A find out B find C look for
who broke the window?------ a him b he c i d me
who broke the window this morning?was it ( A you Byours Cyour Dyours
Who broke the window?--- Jenny ___.A does B is C did D do
---who broke the window?----______.A.Him B.He C.He broke D.It is him 正确答案是A,为什么?省略专练上面的题,百思不得其解
please find out who broke the window.中who broke the window是有who 引导的从句吗?