对单词括号部分辩音 h(ere),th(ere) D(eer),f(ear) (ea)t ,br(ea)kfast B(ee),t(ea) dr(aw)ing,l(aw)n一.对括号里部分提问1.Aice and her parents are walking (on the path.)2.Alice and her parents are (walking) on the path.3.(Alice and her pa

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/07/14 11:47:54

对单词括号部分辩音 h(ere),th(ere) D(eer),f(ear) (ea)t ,br(ea)kfast B(ee),t(ea) dr(aw)ing,l(aw)n一.对括号里部分提问1.Aice and her parents are walking (on the path.)2.Alice and her parents are (walking) on the path.3.(Alice and her pa
对单词括号部分辩音 h(ere),th(ere) D(eer),f(ear) (ea)t ,br(ea)kfast B(ee),t(ea) dr(aw)ing,l(aw)n
1.Aice and her parents are walking (on the path.)
2.Alice and her parents are (walking) on the path.
3.(Alice and her parents) are walking on the path.
4.There is (a key) in the sand.
5.These nice pictures are (Jill's).
6.These are (Jill's) nice pictures.
1.The sun rises behind the hill in the morning.
2.There is something in the sand.

对单词括号部分辩音 h(ere),th(ere) D(eer),f(ear) (ea)t ,br(ea)kfast B(ee),t(ea) dr(aw)ing,l(aw)n一.对括号里部分提问1.Aice and her parents are walking (on the path.)2.Alice and her parents are (walking) on the path.3.(Alice and her pa
不同读音:th(ere):[ɛə] // 读音相同:[iə]:h(ere),D(eer),f(ear)
不同读音:br(ea)kfast :[e]// 读音相同:[i:](ea)t ,B(ee),t(ea)
1.Where are Aice and her parents walking
2.What are Alice and her parents doing on the path?
3.Who are walking on the path?
4.What is there in the sand?/What's in the sand
5.Whose are these nice pictures
6.Whose nice pictures are these
1.Does the sun rise behind the hill in the morning?
Yes,it does .
2.Is there anything in the sand?
Yes,there is .

对单词括号部分辩音 h(ere),th(ere) D(eer),f(ear) (ea)t ,br(ea)kfast B(ee),t(ea) dr(aw)ing,l(aw)n一.对括号里部分提问1.Aice and her parents are walking (on the path.)2.Alice and her parents are (walking) on the path.3.(Alice and her pa th(ere),h(ere),wh(ere),th(eir)括号里发什么音 找出括号里发音与其它两个不同的单词.A.wh(ere) B.h(ere) C.th(ere) 六年级英语辨音.判断下列各组单词括号内部分发音是否相同.①y(ear) wh(ere) ()②c(a)mera gl(a)sses ()③th(ere) th(eir) ()④sp(or)ts n(o)ise() 把下列单词括号部分按读音归类(u)s sk(y) mou(th) (wh)ich (wh)om clo(s)e (th)an(wh)ere (th)ree m(e) Jul(y) earl(y) (y)ellwo heav(y) th(ose) (wh)ose th(e)se ea(sy) (y)ear1./aI/2./s/3./θ/4./h/5./j/6./z/7./I/8./犭/(打不出来那 选出下列各组中括号部分读音不同的单词( )A.sh(ee)p B.b(e ) C.br(ea)d D.r(ea)d ( )A.d(o)ctor B.d(oo)r C.h(o)t D.(o)range ( )A.m(a)ke B.c(a)ke C.pl(ay) D.h(a)ve ( )A.(th)ree B.(th)ere C.(th)ank D.fo 一.选出括号部分发音不同的单词a.b(a)by b.p(a)int c.c(a)tch d.pl(a)y 2. a.j(oy) b.c(ou)nt c.t(oi)let d.s(oi)l 3. a.t(our) b.s(ure) c.p(oor) d.f(our) 4. a.b(ear) b.th(ere) c.h(ere) d.w(ear) 5. a.ch( 在空白处填入与所给单词括号部分读音相同的字母或字母组合1.dr(aw) w__l w___k w_ter2.c(oa)t p__st kn__ sh__lder3.h(ere) h___ z__ro r__lly4.spea(k) __ome stoma___ clo___5.tele(ph)one o___ cou___ __ollow6.th(ir)ty h___ w____d l__ 根据所给的例词写出两个与打括号部分音素发音相同的单词例:p(ar)k garden shark1、s(ea)l2 th(ere)3 (o)cean4 l(ay )5 wa(tch) 英语对括号部分辩音 1.j(u)mp英语对括号部分辩音2012-09-16 13:47484300 | 分类:英语考试 | 浏览19次1.j(u)mp r(u)n 2.d(i)ve sw(i)m 3.th(i)s th(i)n 4.h(ea)d h(a)nd 5.w(a)sp w(a)tch 6.c(oo) b(oo)k 英语对括号部分辩音1.j(u)mp r(u)n 2.d(i)ve sw(i)m 3.th(i)s th(i)n 4.h(ea)d h(a)nd 5.w(a)sp w(a)tch 6.c(oo) b(oo)k 二、Read and choose.(写出()部分发音不同的单词)1.( ) J(a)ne c(a)n m(a)ke a p(a)per aeropl(a)ne.2.( ) Wh(ere) are th(eir) toy b(ears)?They’re h(ere) .3.( ) His l(o)st w(a)tch is (o)n the s(o)fa.4.( ) W Today ia (March 12th.) 对括号部分提问 school day is ( October 10th).对括号部分提问 Today is (November 8th).对括号部分提问 在括号内填入与所给单词加粗部分读音相同的字母或字母组合,组成新单词.1.dr aw w( )l w( )k w( )ter 2.c oat p( )st kn( ) sh( )lder 3.h ere h( ) z( )ro r( )lly 4.spea k ( )ome stoma( ) clo( ) 5.tele ph one o( ) cou( ) ( )ollo 单词辨音,选出划线部分读音与其他单词不同的单词急及急!door good book look (画oo)living window kitchen magazine (画n)near there where hair (画ear,ere,ere,air)armch 找出画括号发音不同的单词1.A.kn(ee) B.n(e)ck C.r(ea)d D.f(ee)l 2.A.(th)ree B.wi(th)C.bro(th)er D.(th)ere 3.A.f(oo) B.b(oo)k C.aftern(oo)n D.l(oo)k 4.A.d(ow)n B.gr(ow) C.t(ow)n D.h(ow) 5.A.should(er) B.wait(er) C.fing(er) D.diff(er)ent 6.A.