ticket的用法及词组 举例举几个

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ticket的用法及词组 举例举几个
ticket的用法及词组 举例举几个

ticket的用法及词组 举例举几个
ticket ['tikit]
4.[美国口语] (给交通违章者开的)传票,罚款单
8.达到目标的办法(或手段) (与to连用)
9.[the ticket] [口语]合适的东西,所需的东西;正好的事情
Have they ticketed the merchandise?
They ticketed my baggage at the airport.
The children are too young to be ticketed.
to be ticketed for drunk driving
She is ticketed as a heroine.
She was ticketed for a job as Minister of Education.
air ticket 机票
ticket price 票价
train ticket 火车票,路票
airline ticket 飞机票
lottery ticket 彩票;奖券
admission ticket 门票;准考证;入场券
ticket office n.售票处
plane ticket 飞机票
return ticket (英)往返票;回程票
passenger ticket 客票;车票
ticket reservation 预订票,订座
bus ticket 公共汽车票
season ticket 长期票;月票
free ticket 免票,免费票;四坏球自由上垒
one-way ticket n.单程票
ticket agent 售票代理处;代理售票人
price ticket 标价条
round trip ticket 往返票;来回票
ticket counter 售票台;售票柜台;票务处
ticket machine 售票机;自动售票机
权威例句:He poked about in his bag for his ticket.
He turned out all his pockets looking for the ticket.
He swapped his radio for a ticket of a football match.

hot ticket
Fig. something that is really popular and attractive at the moment. Singers who can dance are a hot ticket right now. Who knows what folks will like next month?
buy someone's wolf t...


hot ticket
Fig. something that is really popular and attractive at the moment. Singers who can dance are a hot ticket right now. Who knows what folks will like next month?
buy someone's wolf ticket
to challenge someone's boast or taunt. He wants me to buy his wolf ticket bad. He's such a fighter. He'll buy anybody's wolf ticket.
get a ticket
to receive a traffic ticket. If you keep racing along at this speed, you will get a ticket!
get one's ticket punched
to die; to be killed. (Literally, to be cancelled.) Poor Chuck got his ticket punched while he was waiting for a bus. Watch out there, or you'll get your ticket punched.
just the ticket
Fig. to be just the perfect thing. This soup is just the ticket for a quick lunch. A good, hot cup of coffee will be just the ticket.
round-trip ticket
a ticket (for a plane, train, bus, etc.) that allows one to go to a destination and return. A round-trip ticket is usually cheaper than two one-way tickets. How much is a round-trip ticket to San Francisco?
That's the ticket!
Inf. That is what is required! Mary: I'll just get ready and drive the package directly to the airport! Sue: That's the ticket. Take it right to the airport post office. Bob: I've got it! I'll buy a new computer! Bill: That's the ticket!
ticket someone for some place
to supply a ticket for someone to go to some place. The airlines clerk ticketed me for Houston and checked in my baggage. I was ticketed for both flights, saving me some time.
See also: place, some
vote a split ticket
Fig. to cast a ballot on which one's votes are divided between two or more parties. I always vote a split ticket since I detest both parties. Mary voted a split ticket for the first time in her life.
vote a straight ticket
Fig. to cast a ballot on which all one's votes are for members of the same political party. I'm not a member of any political party, so I never vote a straight ticket. I usually vote a straight ticket because I believe in the principles of one party and not in the other's.
See also: straight, vote
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
a dream ticket
two politicians who have joined together to try to win an election and who are likely to succeed because together they have the support of many different groups of people Clinton and Gore transformed themselves into a dream ticket in the last American election.
a meal ticket
someone or something that you use as a way of getting regular amounts of money for the rest of your life Gone are the days when a university degree was a meal ticket for life.
a one-way ticket to something
if something is a one-way ticket to an unpleasant situation, it will cause that situation to happen A rejection of the peace deal would be a one-way ticket to disaster for the country. Experimenting with drugs is a one-way ticket to addiction and misery, as far as I'm concerned.
be just the job (British & Australian) also be just the ticket (British old-fashioned)
to be perfect for a particular purpose He needed a car to pick her up in and Will's sports car seemed just the job.
big ticket (American & Australian)
very expensive (always before noun) It's a good time to buy a big ticket item like a car or household appliance, as prices have fallen.
the hot ticket (American)
someone or something that is very popular at the present time Fashion writers predict that ankle-strap shoes will be the hot ticket this fall. Keira Knightley's become one of the hot tickets in Hollywood since she starred in 'Pride and Prejudice'. (American)
just the ticket
exactly what is needed If you love a splash of color, this striped T-shirt is just the ticket.
