以下哪个词是in a word的近义词?A.in short B.no doubt C.in detail D.in fact

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/09/09 01:06:00

以下哪个词是in a word的近义词?A.in short B.no doubt C.in detail D.in fact
以下哪个词是in a word的近义词?A.in short B.no doubt C.in detail D.in fact

以下哪个词是in a word的近义词?A.in short B.no doubt C.in detail D.in fact
in short 总而言之

以下哪个词是in a word的近义词?A.in short B.no doubt C.in detail D.in fact in a word in word in the word 的区别 at a word ,in a word ,for a word 与to a word的区别 in a sense/matter/word/field. 是什么意思?哪个是通常用法? in a word 的中文意思是神马? in short in a word in fact in word 的意思in short in a word in fact in word 的意思 failure fail差别?两个词 名词当 不及格 时候有什麼差别?还是没差可以交换?会的请告知下像是以下两句 是可以互换还是不可以?In a word,his failure in the final exam did not surprise me.He got a fail in history a 分辨以下几个短语in a word on the other hand in the world in a word的中文是什么 in a word 后面只能有一个word吗?我以前在in a word后面都是加的句子,但前不久到新东方上课,老师说in a word正确的用法是只加一个词.我翻了一下牛津词典,例句中的确只有一个词,但翻译又是 总而 a four letter word指的是哪个单词?是一个骂人的脏话 get in a word The word hour has _____h_____u and _____r in it.A.an,an,a B.a,an,an C.an,a,an D.a,an,a哪个是真的 请问以下的选择题哪个是正确答案?when i was young ,our family l---- in the south of china.A、live B、will C、lived D、is living _______,he is a good student.A.in words B.in a word C.at a word D.of a word 我选的是c 哪里错了? in words 和 in a word 的区别 as的用法选择题He handled the word prosessor in such a way___made it impossible to use afterwords.A as B that C which D who请问这道题选A as 是哪个语法点?请尽量用语法术语解释. There is( ) a in the word apple .A.a B.an C.the 选哪个?