英语翻译第一个 威尼斯,素有“亚得里亚海明珠”之称,四周环海,位于意大利东北部,是亚得里亚海威尼斯湾西北岸重要港口.第二个 圣马可教堂(Basilica di San Marco)不仅只是一座教堂,它也是

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/07 06:01:31

英语翻译第一个 威尼斯,素有“亚得里亚海明珠”之称,四周环海,位于意大利东北部,是亚得里亚海威尼斯湾西北岸重要港口.第二个 圣马可教堂(Basilica di San Marco)不仅只是一座教堂,它也是
第一个 威尼斯,素有“亚得里亚海明珠”之称,四周环海,位于意大利东北部,是亚得里亚海威尼斯湾西北岸重要港口.
第二个 圣马可教堂(Basilica di San Marco)不仅只是一座教堂,它也是一座非常优秀的建筑,同时也是一座收藏丰富艺术品的宝库.
第三个 圣马可广场(Plazza San Marco) 又称威尼斯中心广场,一直是威尼斯的政治、宗教和传统节日的公共活动中心
第四个 也许鸽子是圣马可广场最大的特色
第五个 这是“贡多拉” 被称为“水上奔驰”“水上法拉利” 一只“贡多拉”的造价要20万人民币
第六个 威尼斯狂欢节是当今世界上历史最久规模最大的狂欢节之一,最大的特点是它的面具,其次是它的华丽服饰.
第七个 假面面具是威尼斯极具特色的传统工艺品之一
第八个 威尼斯的玻璃工艺品和花边制品独树一帜
第九个 玻璃制品制作精美,颜色鲜艳,可作酒杯、花瓶、手饰以及各种装饰品
第十个 威尼斯的花边是花边工艺历史上最灿烂、最富趣闻的,其产品色泽淡雅、手感舒适、制作精巧.
第十一个 当然意大利的冰激凌是非常美味的,在全世界都享有美誉.
有点麻烦 ⊙﹏⊙ 劳驾劳驾...

英语翻译第一个 威尼斯,素有“亚得里亚海明珠”之称,四周环海,位于意大利东北部,是亚得里亚海威尼斯湾西北岸重要港口.第二个 圣马可教堂(Basilica di San Marco)不仅只是一座教堂,它也是
1. Venice is commonly known as ''the Pearl of Adriatic.'' It is an important port in the area of northwest Adriatic seashore lying in the northeast Italy and it is totally sorrounded by the sea.
2. Basilica di San Marco is not only a church, but also a famous architecture. In the mean time, it is a treasure house of work of arts.
3. Plazza San Marco is also known as Venice Central Square, which is alsways the public activity center of Venice's politics, religions and tradtional festivals.
4. Pigeons may be the distinctive mark of Plazza San Marco.
5. This is 'gondola', known as ''Mercedes-Benz on the water'' or ''Ferrari on the water''. It costs 200, 000 RMB to build one.
6. Venice Carnival is one of the largest and oldest carnivals in the world nowadays. The two most impressive part of it are first the mask and seond the apparel.
7. Mask is one of those impressive traditional Venice artifacts.
8. Venice has distinctive glass artifacts and laces.
9. Colorful glass artifacts are well produced, which can be used as winecups, vases, jewelry and many kinds of ornaments.
10. Venice lace is most known and most successful in the history of lace fabrics. Its products
are well made to be elegant and comfortable.
11. Of course, Italy Icecream is very tasteful and is well known all around the world.
楼主, 加分吧!累死我也! =)

1. Venice, known as the "Pearl of the Adriatic", surrounded by the sea, located in northeastern Italy, is an important port for the northwestern coast of the Adriatic Sea Venice Beach.
2. Basilica...


1. Venice, known as the "Pearl of the Adriatic", surrounded by the sea, located in northeastern Italy, is an important port for the northwestern coast of the Adriatic Sea Venice Beach.
2. Basilica di San Marco is not just a church, it is also a very good building, but also a rich collection of art treasures.
3. Piazza San Marco, also known as Central Square in Venice, has always been the Venetian political, religious and traditional festivals of the public activity center.
4. Perhaps, pigeons is the most prominent feature of Basilica di San Marco.
5. This is the "gondola" which is called "water-Benz", "Water Ferrari," a "gondola" of the cost to 200,000 yuan.
6. Venice Carnival is the world's oldest and one of the largest carnival, the biggest feature is its mask, followed by its finery.
7. Venetian mask is one of a very unique traditional arts and crafts.
8. Venetian glass and lace products are unique.
9. Production of glass are fine. Having bright colors, can be used for glasses, vases, jewelry and various accessories.
10. Venice lace craft is history's most brilliant and interesting, and its products have elegant color, feel comfortable, ingenious.
11. Of course, the Italian ice-cream is very delicious, enjoy good reputation in the world.
好多阿=.= 累死了..


英语翻译第一个 威尼斯,素有“亚得里亚海明珠”之称,四周环海,位于意大利东北部,是亚得里亚海威尼斯湾西北岸重要港口.第二个 圣马可教堂(Basilica di San Marco)不仅只是一座教堂,它也是 威尼斯 阅读威尼斯位于亚得里亚海北部的拉古纳湖中,是意大利北部的威尼托区的首府,有10万居民.威尼斯素有“水都”之称.水、桥、船构成了威尼斯的三大特色.威尼斯全市约有177千米大小 英语翻译威尼斯“因水而生,因水而美,因水而兴”,别名“亚得里亚海的女王”、“享有“水城”“水上都市”“百岛城”等美称,堪称世界最美丽的城市之一.威尼斯的风情总离不开“水”,蜿 蓝蓝的威尼斯里的下面几个句子中加点词语都用得很好,试做一定的赏析亚得里亚海的瑰宝,是威尼斯人用双手雕塑起来的.雕塑加点 威尼斯是一个奇特的城市,这里不是开门见山而是开门见水. 威尼斯素有''水都”之称,威尼斯的三大特色指什么? 威尼斯的人们 用英语翻译 第一个问题:人们还会用威尼斯的小艇做什么?第二个问题:假如你坐在小艇里游览威尼斯,会有哪些感受? 英语翻译打开第一个 威尼斯的小艇 真是一个( )的威尼斯快 仿写《威尼斯的小艇》第二段 缩写威尼斯商人第四幕第一场 威尼斯有什么特点?(一个词语形容)6年级语文书第6克课中的词语 《威尼斯小艇》第2自然段,第一句.我也能照样子写一个句子.是带有3个比喻的句子. 地理欧洲西部地形在欧洲西部有一个海是亚得里亚海,该海的西部是亚平宁山脉,请问该海的东部是什么山脉啊! 正交设计表的问题3因素,第一个因素有4水平,第二个因素有3水平,第三个因素有2水平..怎么设计表啊? 英语翻译第一个第二个 英语翻译第一个准确的, 威尼斯小艇第 5、6节 向我们介绍威尼斯小艇的什么?