
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/18 18:08:40


对某人友好,友善,介词可以用"to"也可以用"with" ...
The seven-year-old boy is always friendly with(to) the old and he is also willing to help others.
另外,如果你不一定要用这个句式的话,也可以选择 not only,but also的句型:
The boy is not only friendly with(to) the old but also glad(willing) to help others.
如:the young年轻人;the drunk喝醉的人...等等

That 7-year-old boy is very friendly to the old,and he's willing to help others.

That 7-year-old boy was very friendly to those elderly people,and liked to help others as well.

The seven-year-old boy was very friendly to the elderly, he is also very helpful

That seven years old boy is friendly to the old man and he is happy to help others.

That seven year-old boys are very friendly to old person, he is also glad helps the human.

1That 7-year-old boy was very friendly to those elderly people,and liked to help others as well.
2That seven years old boy is friendly to the old man and he is happy to help others.
3That 7-y...


1That 7-year-old boy was very friendly to those elderly people,and liked to help others as well.
2That seven years old boy is friendly to the old man and he is happy to help others.
3That 7-year-old boy was very friendly to those elderly people,and liked to help others as well.
4The seven-year-old boy was very friendly to the elderly, he is also very helpful


英语翻译三个不一样的答案了,那位说得对呢? 英语翻译两位大侠的答案不一样啊,是对方接机要的信息,能不能指教一下,说准确点, 英语翻译我们都认为 应该是 得:同“德”,感激.【←老师把我们这个答案否定了,考试的时候都算错了、、】但我们老师说 是 同“德”,感激恩德.那为什么我们老师会这么说呢? 英语翻译我想了好久,好是没有合适的答案,希望那位爱情届的高手能够告诉我,这个答案对我是非常重要的, 一个消防队员爬梯子去救火,他爬到正中一级时,又往下退了三级,然后爬了5级,又爬了8级,我有三个答案,两位老师说了两个,分别是21级和23级;同学们想了一个,是22级,到底哪个答案正确呢?那位 昨晚你在电视看了对那位英雄的采访了吗?英语翻译 英语翻译那个肯定对的,你的翻译好别扭啊,要是按照你翻译的结果,那说这话的人的心情和上边的3个答案可是完全不一样啊! 高一电学物理题,谢谢~~答案说有图像得,电荷速度大小不变,电场力不做功 我的疑问是,如果是在匀强电场呢,速度不也一样吗,那不就有做功吗,电势不就不一样了吗 英语翻译怎么每个答案都不一样呢? say,stay,today三个ay的发音一样吗,如果不一样,那又是那个呢 为什么说惯性与速度无关呢?惯性与质量有关,与速度无关.例如我跑得快和跑得慢惯性不是不一样吗?当然是我跑得快的惯性大了呀.那为什么这么说.还有,机动车辆限速是与惯性有关吗?我知道 芙蓉是长在陆地上的一种花吗?那为什么又说是“出水芙蓉”呢?老师说芙蓉是荷花,可百度百科的答案不一样 七个自然数的平均数《保留两位小数》,小名的答案是25.49,老师说最后一位数字错了,其他的都对,正确的答案是多少呢 英语翻译老师告诉答案了!讲解是这样的:翻译是:他说那个男孩用得that是对的!最前面和最后面的that可以删掉!第二个that修饰第三个that.第四个that是定语从句的引导词.就是这样了. 英语翻译如题.或者说 孤独的一个人.- 怎么答案都还不一样呢。谁能给个常用的,口语或者标准英文。 什么是昆虫的对足?有什么特点为什么说蝗虫有两对“对足”呢?难道昆虫的“足”还不一样吗?那对足的特点又是什么呢? 公鲨鱼有天回家,对母鲨鱼说:现在的人类女的进化成乌贼了.母鲨鱼暗想,那次幸好选对了材料.还是没看明白楼下几位的答案 《魂驻小红桥》阅读答案阅读第三个画线句子,谈谈你对“不一样了,但有一点都没有变”的理解