
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/07/02 17:50:11
请求英语阅读大师.请求英语阅读大师. 请求英语阅读大师.76ItisoneoftheoldestcitiesinEurope.(Yes)77PeoplefirstlivedinParisov


76 It is one of the oldest cities in Europe.(Yes)
77 People first lived in Paris over 2000 years ago.
78 Lovers and young people.
79 They enjoy walking down old streets and seeing the beautiful buildings.
80 Yes,I do.Because it has a long history,and it's a romantic,beautiful city.

76. Yes, it is.
77. People first lived in Paris 2000 years ago.
78. Lovers and young people think Paris is a romantic place.
79. History lovers like walking down the old streets and seeing the beautiful buildings.
80. Yes, I do. Because it's a funny and romantic city with a long history.