雅思作文,教育类,马上考试了,最好给个分数!Q Schools and universities should teach practical skills rather than theoretical knowledge,what is your view?A Today,many universities set fundamental computer cause as compulsory unit for all

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/18 21:06:02

雅思作文,教育类,马上考试了,最好给个分数!Q Schools and universities should teach practical skills rather than theoretical knowledge,what is your view?A Today,many universities set fundamental computer cause as compulsory unit for all
Q Schools and universities should teach practical skills rather than theoretical knowledge,what is your view?
Today,many universities set fundamental computer cause as compulsory unit for all their students and lots of people regard the education of practical skills are much more important than theoretical knowledge.Personally,I believe such an opinion is understandable but might not be able to hold its ground.
The labour market in today’s society has fierce competition and more companies prefer to hire those professionals who have sound practical skills.Accountants of many international firms have to know how to use the related computer accounting software such as MYOB is a living example.Therefore,parents hope their kids learning as many practical skills as they can in schools,to enhance their capabilities for future employment opportunities.Further,kids can have better self care abilities.For instance,the cooking classes help children to look after their stomaches even if their parents are not at home.Thus,the reason why people arguing schools should teach more actual skills is obvious.
On the other hand,teaching theoretical knowledge is a traditional method in education and the advantages of it cannot be denied.Logically,whenever human need to accept new event,they have to know about its basic principles first and theoretical class is the way delivering those principles.In other words,theoretical knowledge is a must for people to fully grasp skills.(E.g.English teachers always teach grammar and vocabulary in the first step.Subsequently,they talk and chat with their students to boost their communication ability.) Moreover,study in schools is not only for future career but also for better understanding about the world.History class teaching children national culture and expanding their outlook over other countries is a case in point.
In conclusion,the integration of theoretical knowledge and practical skills is critical.I believe those two different type of studies are not mutually exclusive but equal important.

雅思作文,教育类,马上考试了,最好给个分数!Q Schools and universities should teach practical skills rather than theoretical knowledge,what is your view?A Today,many universities set fundamental computer cause as compulsory unit for all

雅思作文,教育类,马上考试了,最好给个分数!Q Schools and universities should teach practical skills rather than theoretical knowledge,what is your view?A Today,many universities set fundamental computer cause as compulsory unit for all 托福作文 最好给个分 雅思作文批改 最好根据评分标准给出改正及提高的意见,马上就要考试了 请越详细越好A类大作文 Q:The advantages brought by the spread of English as a global language outweigh the disadavantages.To what extent do you a 我熟悉的一个人开头(最好是父母)要长一点独特最好用上修辞手法我马上就考试了,这是我压的作文,希望能给我一些好的开头。 有雅思地图题小作文的真题吗?同求范文.最好能提供最近两年的.能把《向雅思流程图说yes》里的地图那部分的电子版发给我一份吗?我马上要考试,来不及去买了. 雅思作文准备考6.用十天突破雅思作文好还是雅思8分万能作文好,给个意见吧 雅思阅读5分怎么提高?两次考试阅读都是5分,听力、写作6分,口语5.5.基础不太好,单词量不够,导致每次都答不完卷.上次是阅读最后一个直接看题猜的答案.小作文也了一半.马上要考第三次了,怎 本人烤鸭一枚,马上就要雅思了,写了一篇大作文,希望有能力的大神给评个分, 马上要考试了! 尽快马上考试了 `````````````````````````````````````````````````````` 怎样提高雅思作文?最近一次考雅思,就作文给拉分了,阅读听力都是7 请高手帮忙制定一份雅思自学计划,1个月时间要到7分.已经考过两次雅思了,都是6分.第一次听力5.5 阅读6 口语6 作文5.5 最近一次考试是听力 5.5 阅读7.5 口语6 作文5.想在短时间内提高听力和作 什么水平能考出雅思7分什么水平能考出雅思听说读写均是7分.最好举个熟悉的考试的例子,比如大学英语六级水平,或其它。 雅思一个月4分冲5分,应该怎么计划学习学校马上就要让交雅思成绩了,我最近考了一次才4分.基础很差,单词量也特别少,说实话自我感觉雅思口语考试我能用到的词汇量绝对不超过150-200,也不知 初中英语作文诀窍明天要英语期中考了,希望高手给一点初中作文常用的连词,比如not only...but also之类的,最好要有用法和例句,分可以再加,我明天考试了,要实际点的答案,哪怕只有2,3个也可以. 校园生活作文开头明天要考试,只要开头,要好的,最好30分钟内好的给50分 花木兰回家的作文 不要多于250字 发了马上给分 《我改变了》 作文500字左右,速度好的我给分!马上就要!