
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/27 13:40:59

1.正如第三点上文所说,中国人认为用于称谓的词都要体现的词都要体现敬意,这样才能充分照顾到对方的积极面子.比如人们习惯用表示血缘关系的名词去称呼非亲属,这正是汉文化中的“集体主义思想”的体现,而该现象在西方文化背景下是难以接受的.此外中国人喜欢加上前缀如老李、小王等等,以便充分照顾到对方的积极面子.但西方人忌讳‘老’字,无法适应这种称谓方式.再来看看道歉行为礼貌的差异,首先,就道歉频率而言,英美国家的人对道歉的使用远远高于中国人.特别是针对咳嗽这样的日常小事,中国人很少会因此向对方道歉,而英美国家的人会立即向对方说I’m sorry.

Courtesy of the cultural characteristics of different cultural values differences are a reflection of differences.Courtesy of the cultural differences mainly in:1.As the third point mentioned above,Chinese people believe that the words should reflect the title used the word should reflect the respect,so as to fully take care of each other's positive face.For example,people accustomed to using that term to refer to blood ties of non-relatives,this is the Chinese culture "collective ideology," the manifestation of the phenomenon in Western culture and the background is unacceptable.Besides Chinese people like to add a prefix,such as Lao Li,Wang,etc.,in order to fully take care of each other's positive face.But the Western taboo 'old' word,can not adapt to this title way.Look at the differences polite apologies,first of all to apologize for the frequency,the Anglo-American countries,the use of people an apology is much higher than Chinese.Especially for small cough that day,the Chinese people an apology to each other so rarely,and Anglo-American countries,people will immediately say to each other I'm sorry.

different aspects of cultural courtesies are reflections of different cultural values. The reflections of different cultural values are mainly demonstrated in:
1. as according to the mentioned 3 p...


different aspects of cultural courtesies are reflections of different cultural values. The reflections of different cultural values are mainly demonstrated in:
1. as according to the mentioned 3 points above, chinese think that all descriptions used for addressing others need to express with respect to the other party as his reputation and appearances should be cared for. for example, chinese are used to addressing other unrelated personels with descriptions that are used to address relatives. This is a reflection of collectivism and it is not well accepted in the western cultures.
other than that, Chinese like to add descriptive terms such as "old" or"little" in front of a person's surname while addressing him. This was practised as a way to show respect and closeness to the other person. however, the term "old" is considered to be impolite in western cultures and people with western cultural background are unlikely to be able to adapt to this type of appeallation.
Let's look at the differences in apologetic behaviours, first, as for the freqency in which apologetic terms are used, people in western cultures are more frequent users than people in the Chinese culture. especially for behaviours such as coughing and any usual daily behaviours, Chinese are less apologetic for such behaviours while people in western cultures are likely to say "i'm sorry" immediately after such inappropriate behaviours take place.


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英语翻译礼貌的文化特征差异是不同文化价值观差异的反映.礼貌的文化差异主要表现在:1.正如第三点上文所说,中国人认为用于称谓的词都要体现的词都要体现敬意,这样才能充分照顾到对 英语翻译不同的国家存在着不同的文化,因此在婚俗文化方面必然存在差异,这一点在中西方文化之间表现的尤为明显.拒绝机器! 东西方文化间的差异研究东西方文化的意义与价值!课题研究的反思 东西方文化的差异 英语翻译东西方文化是两种不同类型的文化.东西方在生活环境、风俗习惯、宗教信仰以及人们的价值体系等方面存在着很大的差异,从而形成了各自独特的文化.许多学者在东西方文化比较方 万里长城的文化价值 英语翻译一、中、西方礼貌原则之比较   礼貌原则由于中、西方文化的不同,其标准也各有差异.如Leech根据英美等西方国家人们的言语习惯、会话的文化特点等提出了礼貌原则的六个准则 英语翻译中西方文化各有其特征.中西方文明由于建立在各自自成系统的迥然各异的文化背景上,两种孑然不同差异悬殊的文化背景,造成中西双方在价值追求和伦理取向上旨趣迥异,从而使得中 先秦文化和秦汉文化的差异 文化翻译即是翻译中要把不同的文化意识译出来,分析译作和原作之间产生的差异的社会文化因素.要快啊 美国的文化特征? 后现代文化的特征 中东的文化特征 文化的差异是不同意识形态的反映 为什么错了 谁知道我国南北文化的差异吗?主要是我国南北文化的差异.从文化和艺术两个方面的? 罗马的文化特征是怎样的? 英语翻译语言是文化的载体和传播工具,文化则是语言形成和发展的基础,不同民族在人文历史、风俗习惯、价值观念等方面的差异必然会在其语言上打下深刻的烙印 “文化价值”具体是指什么?请举例说明,例如,艺术品的文化价值是什么呢?