If Text1.Text = "" Then s_id = "%" Else s_id = Text1.Text End If,中的%是什么意思?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/22 23:00:04

If Text1.Text = "" Then s_id = "%" Else s_id = Text1.Text End If,中的%是什么意思?
If Text1.Text = "" Then s_id = "%" Else s_id = Text1.Text End If,中的%是什么意思?

If Text1.Text = "" Then s_id = "%" Else s_id = Text1.Text End If,中的%是什么意思?

If text1.text then... If Text1.Text = Then s_id = % Else s_id = Text1.Text End If,中的%是什么意思? VB中Text1.text=text1.text+CStr(a(i))+ If i=4 then text1.text=text1.text+chr(13)+chr(10)VB中Text1.text=text1.text+CStr(a(i))+ If i=4 then text1.text=text1.text+chr(13)+chr(10)中1, 2,chr(13)+chr(10)是不是ASCII的代码, Private Sub Text1_Click() If Text1.Text = 请输入 Then Text1.Text = End Sub这条语句的作用是什么Private Sub Text1_Click()If Text1.Text = 请输入 Then Text1.Text = End Sub Text1.Text = Text1.Text + CStr(a(i)) + If Text1.Text Then 是什么意思啊? for k =1 to 5,怎么算的?private sub command1_click()dim k as integer ,s as single,a as single,b as singlea=val(text1(0).text)s=ab=afor k =1 to 5s=s+val(text1(k).text)if aval(text1(k).text)thenb=val(text1(k).text)end if next ks=(s-a-b)/4s=s*3*val(t VB编程If Len(Text1.Text) = Len(Text1.Text) - 1 Then len(Text2.Text) = Len(Text2.Text) - 1 End If 缺缺标识符,不会回答别乱答.浪费时间 a(i) = Mid(Text1.Text,i, t = DateDiff(s, Text1(1).Text, Time$) ,请问这段代码中“S”是什么意思? VB 怎样定义A&B=C D&E=CPrivate Sub Form_Load()怎样定义A&B=C D&E=CEnd SubPrivate Sub Command1_Click() If Text1.Text & Text2.Text = C Then MsgBox XXX当在Text1.Text 输入A Text2.Text 输入B时 那么MSGBOX或当在Text1.Text 输入D Text2.Te 在VB 语句中 x = Val(Text1.Text) Val Dim y As IntegerPrivate Sub Command1_Click()Text2.Text = yEnd SubPrivate Sub Text1_Change()x = Val(Text1.Text)If x < 0 Or x > 100 ThenText1.Text = Text1.SetFocusLabel1.Caption = 请重新输入ElseLabel1.Ca 如何在VB 中使用datediff计算某开始日期到结束日期之间的月数,并均分到每年在text1中输入200803-200907kssj = Left(Me.Text1.Text,4) & - & Mid(Me.Text1.Text,5,2) '开始时间jssj = Mid(Me.Text1.Text,8,4) & - & Mid(Me.T vb中这句话“If e = + Or - Or × Or ÷ ”为什么是错的啊?d = Len(Text1.Text) - 1e = Mid(Text1.Text,d,1)If e = + Or - Or × Or ÷ ThenText2.Text = 1ElseText2.Text = Text2.Text & 1End Ifdim d%,dim e as string Text1.Text 里面的. 编写一个VB程序,计算m和n值的最大公约数t,其中m,n是整数且大于0,要求输入m和n.Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim m,n As IntegerDim i,min,t as Integerm = Val(Text1.Text)n = Val(Text2.Text)If m a = Mid(Text1.Text,i,1)表示什么啊? text1.text.enable=true 有什么作用啊?