If =a(a+1)/2 for all integres a and b =,then is( )

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If =a(a+1)/2 for all integres a and b =,then is( )
If =a(a+1)/2 for all integres a and b =,then is( )

If =a(a+1)/2 for all integres a and b =,then is( )

如果 =a(a+1)/2 对所有的整数a 都适用,b =<7>,那么 是()

If =a(a+1)/2 for all integres a and b =,then is( ) If=[x(x+1)]/2,for all integers x,andy=,thenis____. ______,the price would be reasonable.选项:a、All things are consideredb、For all things to considerc、All things consideredd、If all things considered #includeusing namespace std;template int Search(T a[],int now,int all){int min,j = now;min = a[now];for(int i = now + 1; i < all; i ++){if(min > a[i]){min = a[i];j = i;}}return j;}template void swap(int& a,int& b){T p;p = a;a = b;b = p;}template void For a = 1 To 100 For b = 1 To 100 For c = 1 To 100 If a ^ 2 + b ^ 2 = c ^ 2 一道简单的英语数学题:If x²-7x+9=(x+a)²+b for all x,then what are the values of a and b For t = 1 To 3 If t >= 1 Then a = 3 If t >= 2 Then a = 2 If t >= 3 Then a = 1 Print a; Next t Print 2道线性代数题目,If you finish all of them,I will give you 50 more points for real.1.对角化下面这个矩阵4 1 0-12 -1 -6-5 -1 -1如果不能对角化,说明理由第二题:矩阵a=-1 2 0 11 2 4 3-2 1 -3 -1(1) A basis for the column spac AP微积分题If f is differentiable and difference quotients overestimate the slope of f at x=a for all h>0,which must be true?A f'(a)>0 B f'(a)0 D f''(a) If I cried a tear of painful sorrow,If I lost all hope for a new tomrrow ,Would you dry my tear and Let f be a function such that f(x)=f(1-x) for all real numbers x.If f is differentiable everywhere,then f'(0)=?为什么是-f'(1)而不是f'(1)? If F(x)=∫(e,x)log t dt for all positive x,then F'(x)=?(a)x(b)1/x(c)log x(d)xlog x(e)xlog x-1 英语翻译Use Psendocodeto write an algorithm:Read a number N,then multiply all the numbers from 1 toN (for example :if N is 5 then add 1*2*3*4*5),Print out the final product. Math Problem,Welcome To Answer?If the equation m(x-1)=2005-n(x-2) for x has infinite roots,then m的2005次方+n的2005次方=?This is a special question of Grade six.Waiting for an understandable answer,thank you all!请使用中文回答本问题, If only we didn't go all the way for a long time这句话什么意思? The desire for good health is universal.If a person feels ill all the time,he will in most cases We'll order tea for twelve people()that all twelve will come.A.in case B.on the assumption C.for feaC.for fear D.as if 几道英语谜语1)What do we say that a river is very rich?2)What will she do if a man-eating tiger is running after her?3)What is smaller than an insect's mouth?4)What's too much for me,just right for two,but nothing at all for three?5)On what d