
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/06 19:37:36


1. Edna:What's so "super" about supermodels? They are only skinny girls with the big hair and poofy lips.
2. Bob:[yelling] Yeah, baby!
Lucius:We're gonna get caught.
Bob:Fire! Yeah!
3. [as the cops burst into the jewelry store where Bob and Lucius are, Lucius reaches for a water cooler to replenish his freezing powers]
Lucius:I'm thirsty.
Lucius:I said freeze!
Cop:I'm just getting a drink.
[takes the cup to his lips and drinks]
Cop:Okay, you had your drink. Now, I want you to...
Lucius:I know, I know. Freeze.
[freezes the cop]
4. Gilbert Huph:I'm not happy, Bob. Not happy. Ask me why.
Bob:Okay. Why?
Gilbert Huph:Why what? Be specific.
Bob:Why are you unhappy?
Gilbert Huph:Your customers make me unhappy.
Bob:Have you gotten complaints?
Gilbert Huph:Complaints I can handle. What I can't handle is your customers' sudden knowledge of Insuricare's inner workings. They're experts! Experts, Bob! Exploiting every loophole! Dodging every obstacle! They're penetrating the bureaucracy!
5. Mirage:The supers are not gone. You're still here, Mr. Incredible. You can still do great things. Or you can sit all night listening to police reports. Your choice.
6. Syndrome:[after the plane is shot down] Aw, you'll get over it. I seem to recall you like to work alone.
[laughs maniacally; Mr. Incredible tries to catch him, but Mirage pushes Syndrome out of the way and is captured]
Mr. Incredible:Release me, now!
Syndrome:Or what?
Mr. Incredible:I'll crush her.
Syndrome:That sounds a little dark for you. All right, go ahead.
[Mirage gasps]
Mr. Incredible:It'll be easy, like breaking a toothpick.
Syndrome:[chuckles] Show me.
[after a tense few moments, Mr. Incredible lets go of Mirage]
Syndrome:I knew you wouldn't do it, even when you have nothing to lose. You're weak, and I've outgrown you.
7. Helen:Of course I have a secret identity. I mean, do you see me at the supermarket wearing this? Who wants to go shopping as Elastigirl, know what I'm saying?
8. Syndrome:You, sir, truly are Mr. Incredible. I was right to idolize you. I knew you were tough, but eluding the probe by hiding behind the bones of another super? I'm still geeking out about it!
Syndrome:And then you had to go and ruin the ride. I mean, Mr. Incredible calling for help?
[Mocking voice]
Syndrome:Oh, help me! Help me! Lame, lame, lame, lame, *lame*!
9. Edna:Men at Bob's age are unstable, prone to weakness.
Helen:What are you saying?
Edna:Do you know where he is?
Helen:Of course...
Edna:Do you *know* where he is?
10. Elastigirl:Let go of me, you lousy, lying, unfaithful creep.
Mr. Incredible:How can I betray the perfect woman?
Elastigirl:Oh, you're referring to *me* now?
11. [Mirage releases Mr. Incredible from his restraints and rushes over to him]
Mirage:There isn't much time.
[Mr. Incredible grabs her by the throat]
Mr. Incredible:No, there isn't.
[He stands up and holds her in the air]
Mr. Incredible:In fact, there's no time at all.
Mirage:[Choking] Please.
Mr. Incredible:Why are you here? How can you *possibly* bring me lower? What *more* can you take away from me?
Mirage:[Choking] You're family... survived the crash. They're here... on the island.
Mr. Incredible:They're alive?
12. [Bob sneaks into the house late at night, but Helen has been waiting up for him]
Helen:I thought you'd be back by 11.
Bob:I said I'd be back later.
Helen:I assumed you'd be back later. If you came back at all, you'd be back "later".
Bob:Well I'm back, okay?
13. Syndrome:[during his fixed fight with the Omnidroid] Somebody needs to teach this hunk of metal... a few manners!
14. [Syndrome captures a fuel truck in mid-air with his zero-point energy beam]
Voice in crowd #1:The Supers have returned!
Voice in crowd #2:Is that Fironic?
Voice in crowd #3:Fironic?
Voice in crowd #4:No, Fironic has a different outfit!
15. Syndrome:This isn't the end of it! I will get your son eventually! I will get your son!
16. [the Incredibles enter their house to find Syndrome holding Jack-Jack. Syndrome paralyses them with his immbobi-ray before they can make another move]
Syndrome:Shhh. The baby's sleeping.
[Syndrome gets up with Jack-Jack still in his arms, preparing to leave]
Syndrome:You took away my future. I'm simply returning the favor. Oh, don't worry. I'll be a good mentor: supportive, encouraging.
[Syndrome glares at Mr. Incredible]
Syndrome:Everything you *weren't*. And in time, who knows? He might make a good sidekick.
17. Mr. Incredible:You mean you killed off real heroes so that you could *pretend* to be one?
Syndrome:Oh, I'm real all right. Real enough to defeat you! And I did it without your precious gifts. Your oh-so-special powers. I'll give them heroics. I'll give them the most spectacular heroics the world has ever seen! And when I'm old and I've had my fun, I'll sell my inventions so that *everyone* can have powers. *Everyone* can be Super! And when everyone's Super... no one will be.
18. [a captured Mr. Incredible is begging Syndrome to call off the attack on Helen's jet]
Mr. Incredible:No! Call off the missiles. I'll do anything!
Syndrome:Too late! 15 years too late.
19. Kari:[on phone message] Hi, this is Kari, sorry for freakin' out but your baby has *special needs*.
20. Dash:She'd eat if we were having Tonyloaf.
21. [going through an identification process]
Edna:Edna Mode...
[laser guns point at Elastigirl]
Edna:...and guest.
[laser guns retract]
22. Bob:[yelling to Helen as she holds up the RV] How ya doin', honey?
Helen:[screaming back] Do I have to answer?
23. Helen:Now our kids are in trouble?
Bob:Well, if you suspected danger, why did you bring them?
Helen:I didn't bring them! They stowed away! And I don't think you're striking the proper tone here!
24. [to her panicking children, having just survived a plane crash]
Helen:Stop it, both of you! We are not going to die! Now, you will both get a grip or so help me, I'll ground you for a month. Understand?
25. [In the RV, traveling to the mainland]
Dash:Are we there yet?
Bob:We get there when we get there!
26. Dash:Are we there yet?
Bob:We get there when we get there!
27. Little Boy on Tricycle:[after witnessing a huge explosion] That was totally wicked!
28. Buddy:[about his newest Omnidroid] It's bigger. It's badder. Ladies and gentlemen, it's too much for Mr. Incredible!
29. [repeated line]
30. Helen:You're in charge until I get back, Violet.
Violet:You heard her.
31. [repeated line]
32. Bob:[to Buddy] You're not affiliated with me!
33. Bob:You know I'm retired from hero work.
Edna:As am I, Robert, yet here we are.
34. Edna:What are you talking about? You are Eliasti-girl! My god! Pull yourself together! 'What will you do?' Is this a question? You will show him that you remember that he's Mr. Incredible, and you will remind him who *you* are. You know where he is, go and cofront the problem. Fight. Win! And do call me when you get back, Darling. I enjoy our visits.
35. Oliver Sansweet's Lawyer:Mr. Sansweet didn't asked to be saved. Mr. Sansweet didn't want to be saved. And the injuries received from Mr.Incredible's "actions," so-called, causes him daily pain.
Bob:[lunging towards Sansweet] Hey, I saved your life!
Oliver Sansweet:You didn't save my life, you ruined my death, that's what you did!
36. Lucius:Superladies, they're always trying to tell you their secret identity. Think it'll strengthen the relationship, or something like that. I say: girl, I don't want to know about your mild-mannered alter ego. You say that you're a... Ultra Mega Lightning Babe or something like that, that's all right with me. I'm good. I'm good.
37. Bob:Want to catch a robber?
Lucius:No. To tell you the truth, I'd rather go bowling. Look, what if we actually did what our wives think we're doing... just to shake things up?
38. Edna:It will be bold! Dramatic!
Bob:Yeah. Something classic - like Dynaguy. Oh, he had a great look! Oh, the cape and the boots...
Edna:[throws a wadded ball of paper at Bob's head] No capes!
Bob:Isn't that my decision?
Edna:Do you remember Thunderhead? Tall, storm powers? Nice man, good with kids.
Bob:Listen, E...
Edna:November 15th of '58! All was well, another day saved, when? his cape snagged on a missile fin!
Bob:Thunderhead was not the brightest bulb...
Edna:Stratogale! April 23rd, '57! Cape caught in a jet turbine!
Bob:E, you can't generalize about these things...
Edna:Metaman, express elevator! Dynaguy, snag on takeoff! Splashdown, sucked into a vortex!
Edna:No capes!
39. Edna:You need a new suit, that much is certain.
Bob:A new suit? Well, where the heck am I gonna get a new suit?
Edna:You can't! It's impossible! I'm far too busy, so ask me now before I again become sane.
Bob:Wait? you want to make me a suit?
Edna:You push too hard, darling! But I accept!
40. Bob:Weren't you in the news? Some show in, Prayge... Prague?
Edna:Milan, darling. Milan. Supermodels. Heh! Nothing super about them... spoiled, stupid little stick figures with poofy lips who think only about themselves. Feh! I used to design for *gods*!
41. [the Incredibles crash/park their RV]
Bob:Is everybody okay back there?
Violet:Super duper, Dad.
Dash:Let's do that again!
42. [Helen hands the kids two masks]
Helen:Put these on. Your identity is your most valuable possession. Protect it. And if anything goes wrong, use your powers.
Violet:But you said never to use...
Helen:I know what I said!
Helen:Remember the bad guys on the shows you used to watch on Saturday mornings? Well, these guys aren't like those guys. They won't exercise restraint because you are children. They *will* kill you if they get the chance. Do *not* give them that chance.
43. Mirage:He's not weak, you know.
Mirage:Valuing life is not weakness.
Syndrome:Oh, hey, look, look, if you're talking about what happened in the containment unit, I had everything under control.
Mirage:And disregarding it is not strength.
Syndrome:Look, I called his bluff, sweetheart, that's all. I knew he wouldn't have it in him to actually...
Mirage:[through her teeth] Next time you gamble, bet *your own* life.
44. Bob:I should have told you I was fired, I admit it. But I didn't want you to worry.
Helen:You didn't want me to *worry*? And now we're running for our lives through some godforsaken jungle?
Bob:[grinning happily] You keep trying to pick a fight, but I'm still just happy you're alive.
45. Violet:You mean Dad's in trouble, or Dad is the trouble?
Helen:I mean, either he's *in* trouble, or he's *going* to be.
46. Dash:You want to go *toward* the people that tried to kill us?
Helen:If it means land, yes.
47. [checking himself out in his superhero costume]
Dash:Look, I'm The Dash. The Dash likes. Yeah-hah.
48. [Bob notices the little boy on the tricycle staring at him for the second day in a row]
Bob:Well, what are *you* waiting for?
Little Boy on Tricycle:I don't know. Something amazing, I guess.
Bob:Me too, kid.
49. Edna:I cut it a little roomy for the free movement; the fabric is comfortable for sensitive skin; it can also withstand a temperature of over 1000 degrees. Completely bulletproof; and machine washable, darling. That's a new feature.
50. Violet:Mom and Dad's lives could be in jeopardy, or worse -
Violet:their marriage.
51. Bob:I can't believe you don't want to go to your own son's graduation.
Bob:It's not a graduation. He's moving from the 4th grade to the 5th grade.
Helen:It's a ceremony!
Bob:It's psychotic! They keep creating new ways to celebrate mediocrity, but if someone is genuinely exceptional...
52. [Bob and Lucius are rescuing people from a burning building]
Bob:Can't you put this out?
Lucius:I can't lay down a layer thick enough. It's evaporating too fast.
Bob:What's that mean?
Lucius:It means it's hot! And I'm dehydrated, Bob!
Bob:You mean you've run out of ice? You can't run out of ice. I thought you could use the water in the air.
Lucius:There *is no* water in the air! What's your excuse, run out of muscle?
Bob:I can't just go smashing through walls. This building's getting weaker by the second. It's going to come down on top of us.
Lucius:I wanted to go bowling!
53. Boy on Tricycle:[after watching the Parr Family defeat Syndrome over their house] Oh, man?
Boy on Tricycle:That was totally wicked!
54. Syndrome:[Slams Mr. Incredible against the ground] Am I good enough now?
[Slams him again]
Syndrome:Who's super now? I'm Syndrome, your nemesis and...
[inadvertently throws Mr. Incredible]
Syndrome:Oh, brilliant.
55. Syndrome:Whoa, whoa, whoa. Time out!
56. [after the Parr's house is destroyed]
Dash:Does this mean we have to move again?
57. Bob:Are you doing anything later?
Helen:I have a previous engagement.
58. Helen:You're late. When you asked me if I was doing anything later, I didn't realize you'd actually forgotten. I thought it was playful banter.
Bob:It *was* playful banter.
Helen:Cutting it kinda close, don't ya think?
Bob:You need to be more... *flexible.*
59. Lucius:We look like bad guys. Incompetent bad guys!
60. Helen:I love you, but if we're going to make this work, you have to be more than Mr. Incredible.
61. Edna:I never look back, darling, it distracts from the now.
62. Gilbert Huph:[in Huph's office] You know, Bob... a company...
Bob:Is like an enormous clock.
Gilbert Huph:...Is like an enormous cl... Yes, precisely.
63. Edna:This is a hobo suit, darling. You can't be seen in this. I won't allow it.
64. Elastigirl:I'm at the top of my game! I'm right up there with the big dogs! Girls, come on. Leave the saving of the world to the men? I don't think so.
65. Helen:[in Airplane with Dash and Violet] Wait a minute, you left Jack-Jack *alone*?
Violet:Yes, Mom, I'm completely stupid. Of course we got a sitter. Do you think I'm totally irresponsibile? Thanks a lot.
Helen:All right, well, who'd you get?
[scene switch to telephone]
Kari:You don't have to worry about one single thing, Mrs. Parr. I've got this baby-sitting thing wired. I've taken courses and learned CPR, and I've got excellent marks and certificates I can produce on demand.
Kari:I also brought Mozart to play while he sleeps to make him smarter because leading experts say Mozart makes babies smarter?
Kari:...And the beauty part is the babies don't even have to listen ?cause they're asleep! You know, I wish my parents played Mozart when I slept because half the time I don't even know what the heck anyone's talking about!
Helen:Kari, I really don't feel comfortable with this. I'll pay you for your trouble but I'd really rather call a service.
Kari:Oh, there's really no need, Mrs. Parr. I can totally handle anything this baby can dish out. Can't I, little baby? Who can handle it? Who can handle it?
66. Dash:We're dead! We're dead! We survived but we're dead!
67. Helen:They're all just getting coffee... at the same time. Yeah.
68. Bob:Did I do something wrong?
Gilbert Huph:[begrudgingly] No.
Bob:Are you saying we shouldn't help our customers?
Gilbert Huph:The law requires that I answer, No.
Bob:I thought we were supposed to help people.
Gilbert Huph:You're supposed to help *our* people! Starting with our stockholders! Who's helping them out, Huh?
69. Henchman:Every time they run, we take a shot!
70. Bob:Wait here and stay hidden. I'm going in.
Helen:While what? I watch helplessly from the sidelines? I don't think so.
Bob:I'm asking you to wait with the kids.
Helen:And I'm telling you not a chance. You're my husband, I'm with you - for better or worse.
Bob:I have to do this alone.
Helen:What is this to you? Playtime?
Helen:So you can be Mr. Incredible again?
Helen:Then what? What is it?
Bob:I'm not...
Helen:Not what?
Bob:Not... I'm not strong enough.
Helen:Strong enough? And this will make you stronger?
Bob:Yes. No!
Helen:That's what this is? Some sort of work out?
Bob:[shouts] I can't lose you again! I can't. Not again. I'm not s-strong enough.
Helen:[kisses him] If we work together, you won't have to be.
Bob:I don't know what will happen...
Helen:Hey, c'mon. We're superheroes. What could happen?
71. Dash:Hey! No force fields!
72. [Watching news reports about his Omnidroids]
Syndrome:Oh, come on! You gotta admit this is cool!
73. Dash:Dad always said our powers were nothing to be ashamed of. Our powers made us special.
Helen:Everyone's special, Dash.
Dash:Which is another way of saying no-one is.
74. [to Mr. Incredible]
Syndrome:Oh, no. Elastigirl? You married Elastigirl? Ho, ho, ho...
[sees the kids]
Syndrome:Oh - and got biz-zay! It's a whole family of supers! Looks like I hit the jackpot! Oh, this is just too good!
75. Mr. Incredible:I'm sorry, Buddy. I shouldn't have treated you like that. I know that now.
Syndrome:Oh, so now you respect me, because I'm a threat. That's the way it goes. Seems there are lots of people, whole countries, that want respect, and will pay through the nose to get it. How do you think I got rich? I design weapons, and now I've designed a weapon that only I can defeat, and when I unleash it...
[Mr. Incredible throws a log at Syndrome, who dodges it and traps Mr. Incredible with his zero-point energy ray]
Syndrome:Oh, ho ho! You sly dog! You got me monologuing!
76. Helen:I think your father is in trouble.
Violet:If you haven't noticed, Mom, we're not doin' so hot either.
77. Edna:[to Mr. Incredible] My God, you've gotten fat.
78. Edna:I didn't know the baby's powers so I covered the basics.
Helen:Jack-Jack doesn't have any powers.
Edna:No? Well, he'll look fabulous anyway.