请问这样的雅思作文可以拿到5分吗?Some people think that the use of animal for experimentation is cruel; others think it is good for the development of science.Discuss the two sides and give you opinions.文章:In current society,it is a

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/06 13:22:12

请问这样的雅思作文可以拿到5分吗?Some people think that the use of animal for experimentation is cruel; others think it is good for the development of science.Discuss the two sides and give you opinions.文章:In current society,it is a
Some people think that the use of animal for experimentation is cruel; others think it is good for the development of science.Discuss the two sides and give you opinions.
In current society,it is a well-known fact that science is advance at an amazing speed .But at the same time,controversy has arisen about whether we should use animal for experimentation.Some individuals think is id cruel for animal while others say it can enhance efficiency of science.From my own perspective,I support the latter view.
Granted,it is inhumane to use animal for experimentation.To begin with,the animal is our companions.It is clearly that we can get happiness from our pet.Moreover the animal is also has right to live,their lives can't be controlled by human.the problem of endangered animals is very serious today by the cause of killing animals.
Having said this,However we still need using animal for experimentation is cruel,it is fact that we just use the cells of animal in some experimentations.In the second place,we use the animal which has strong ability of living.Therefor,they will never become the endangered animals.Last but not least,The people can profit from this kind of experimentation.It is true that we can test a kind of new medicine is useful or not,This experimentation can tell us.
On the basis of the above discussion,using animal for experimentation may bring some problems.But we still need this experimentation to get a better result of science.
Having said this,However we still need using animal for experimentation.In the first place,not all the experimentation is cruel.

请问这样的雅思作文可以拿到5分吗?Some people think that the use of animal for experimentation is cruel; others think it is good for the development of science.Discuss the two sides and give you opinions.文章:In current society,it is a
这次明显比上次那篇public museum vs computer的要好呢.其中最大的改善之处就是中间两段的结构很清晰,主题句在段首,每个论点都有逻辑顺序的词组引领,看起来满舒服的.另外,开头没有再照抄题目,结尾试图呼应主题等等,都是很不错的进步呢.
问题1:阐述现状的第一句和第二句关系不紧密.从科学快速发展直接就到了动物实验的争论,可以尝试这么写:There has been an increasing trend that animals are engaged in scientific experiments nowadays,which contributes to the boom in science development.However,controversy has arisen at the same time about whether we should use animal for experimentation.
问题2:最后一句点题跟上次的问题差不多,既然说from my own perspective,后面最好说一下具体的观点,不要再说I support the latter view,感觉很罗索.可以写成:From my own perspective,hurting or even killing animals for the purpose of research do more good than harm to both the mankind and the nature.
最后一段作者试图简洁明了,但写得有点单薄了.用了个still更显得有些语气勉强.建议修改成:To sum up,if guided properly,animal experiments are supposed to be nothing but beneficial to the development of science as well as the nature and animal protection.
结合以前那篇文章,我发现你的一个问题不是语言方面,而是不太擅长论述,拿过一个论题来似乎找不到话说,离“思如泉涌”还有一段距离.建议你多读些文章,积攒一下各方面的知识.另外,语言语法方面比上次有明显提高,但同篇文章中依然有很多错误和不地道的地方.比如get happiness,is also has right,Therefor之类的,这些都是低级错误,在写作和检查的时候是可以避免的.

请问这样的雅思作文可以拿到5分吗?Some people think that the use of animal for experimentation is cruel; others think it is good for the development of science.Discuss the two sides and give you opinions.文章:In current society,it is a 雅思口语4.5到5分的水平在托福中可以拿到多少分 20120811雅思大作文让写年轻人失业对个人和社会的影响和解决办法,我写成了失业的原因和解决措施(与原因相对应),跑题了,这样可以拿到多少分啊 请问高中英语120的水平考雅思大概能拿到雅思多少分听力和口语很好的情况. 雅思作文备考用什么参考书比较好现在看到很多人说雅思八分作文和胡敏的八分作文,请问这两本书怎么样,还有其他的书可以参考吗? 请问怎样提高雅思口语,一直处于5分的状态.还有雅思口语救生圈怎么样,能短期提高吗?我是希望可以达到6分或6. 请问雅思有分英式英语和美式英语吗?我学的是美语,去考雅思可以吗? 雅思写作5.5,复议成6可能性大吗?我是今年5月30日的雅思,在沈阳考的.总分6.5.听力6.5阅读7写作5.5口语7.5现在比较闹心的是写作5.5,我希望通过复议能够拿到6分,这样总分就能7,而且各个小项还都 雅思作文模板请问哪里可以载到好的雅思作文、写作模板. 雅思小作文括号的用法.例如可以这样吗?(up form 20 to 100) 雅思一个月突击英语四级600分,六级500分,CET口语B等,请问雅思有希望四项都拿到6分吗?临时报的雅思,五月中旬考试,时间很紧,上网看了一下发现口语和写作都比我想象的要难,我怕我写不出说不 雅思托福的难度 拿到雅思托福的证书以后可以找什么工作 我是否需要雅思作文模板?我的雅思有信心突击7分,但是作文方面还是软肋,我希望最后写作至少能拿到6.5分,最好是7分,请高人提提意见 关于 雅思成绩复议暑假里考了雅思,总分是7分单项分别是:R:8 L:7.5 W:6.5 S:5.5拿到口语成绩吓了一跳,我感觉当时发挥的不错的老师考前还说我作文还有可能5.5 口语倒不用担心……请问一 AP PHYSICS B我刚刚考完 在美国高中里考的 感觉可以拿到120-135左右 这样可以拿5分么?满分180 雅思总分5.听力4.5,阅读5.5,写作5,口语6分,请问这样的成绩申请澳大利亚的工作签证能过吗? 商志的作文模板究竟效果如何?他说起码可以拿到23分?我只要拿到20分就满足了 雅思成绩单多久可以拿到成绩单