small talk的句型结构是什么?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/05 23:01:41

small talk的句型结构是什么?
small talk的句型结构是什么?

small talk的句型结构是什么?
Q: You’re welcome to China. I hope you’re enjoying your stay here. (欢迎你到国来.希望你在这里过得愉快.)
A: Thank you. I really am enjoying myself here. (谢谢你.我在这里确实过得很愉快.)
Q: where are you from? (你是从哪个国家来的?)
A: I’m from America. (我从美国来.)
Q: How long have you been in China? (你在国多长时间了?)
A: Only a few days. (才来几天.)
I just got here yesterday. (我昨天才来的.)
Q: How long are you planning to stay? (你打算呆多久?)
A: Two weeks. (两个星期.)
Until the trade fair is over. (到交易会结束.)
Q: Could you answer a question for me? Forget it if the question bothers you. (你能回答我一个问题吗?如果你不想回答,就算了.)
A: Go ahead. I don’t mind. (问吧.我不介意.)
Ask me anything. I’m not that sensitive. (什么问题都可以问.我没那么敏感.)
Q: Are you here on business or for pleasure? (你来这里是出差还是游玩?)
A: I’m here on vacation. It has always been my dream to come to China. (我到这里来度假.我一直都梦想着来国.)
I’m here on business. I come to China regularly. Actually, I have a factory here. (我是出差到这里.我经常来国.确切地说,我在这里有一家工厂.)
Q: Tell me something about your country. (给我讲讲你的国家.)
A: America is a big and exciting country. You should come and see it for yourself someday. (美国是一个富有情趣的大国.将来什么时候你应该来亲自看一看.)
Q: What is your hometown known (famous) for? (你的家乡什么最有名?)
A: My hometown is well-known for oranges. (我的家乡盛产橘子.)

My hometown hosted the Olympics last year. (我的家乡去年举办了奥运会.)
Q: What’s America famous for? (美国以什么出名?)
A: America is famous for its freedom. (美国作为一个自由的国度而闻名于世.)
America is famous for its big companies. (美国以拥有大公司而出名.)
Q: What do people think of China in your country? (你们国家的人怎么看中国?)
A: George Bush thinks that China is our competitor, Bill Clinton thinks that China is our strategic partner. Most Americans agree with Mr. Clinton. (乔治?布什认为中国是美国的竞争对手,比尔?克林顿把中国当作战略伙伴.大多数美国人赞成克林顿的观点.)
Q: What do people my age love to do the most in your country? (你们国家像我这样年纪的人最喜欢做什么?)
A: They love to have fun. They love to have parties and spend time with their friends. (他们爱玩,喜欢各种聚会,跟朋友们在一起.)
Q: How are the people in your country different from the people in China? (你们国家的人和中国人有什么不同?)
A: The people here care about their families more than people in my country do. (中国人比我们更顾家.)
Q: What’s the population of your city/country? (你所在的城市 / 国家的人口是多少?)
Q: What do people like to talk about in your country? (你们国家的人喜欢谈论什么?)
A: People in Beijing enjoy talking about politics. People in Guangzhou enjoy talking about eating, business and making money. People in Hunan enjoy talking about all the great leaders they’ve produced! People in Shanghai enjoy taking about going abroad and marrying foreigners. Li Yang enjoys talking about his dreams. Kim enjoys talking about how happy she is teaching in China. Lots of foreign friends enjoy talking about opportunities in China and how fast China is developing. We enjoy talking about how to build our future! (北京人爱侃国家大事.广州人爱谈吃、做生意和赚大钱.湖南人津津乐道于出自他们省的领袖!上海人嘴边挂着的是出国和嫁老外.李阳喜欢畅谈他的梦想.KIM逢人便讲她在中国教书的乐趣.很多外国朋友喜欢谈论在中国的商机以及中国迅猛的发展速度.我们喜欢谈论如何营造我们的未来.)
Q: What was your first impression of China? (你对中国的第一印象是什么?)
A: I was so amazed by the population. There are so many people everywhere. (中国的人口让我吃惊.到处都是人.)
Q: What do you like best about China? (关于中国,你最喜欢的是什么?)
A: The hospitality of Chinese people. (中国人的热情好客.)
Q: What do you dislike most about China? (对于中国,你最不喜欢的是什么?)
A: The pollution. (污染问题.)
Q: What do you find interesting about the life in China? (你发现在中国生活有什么有趣之处?)
A: There are so many people and so many differences from western culture. (人很多,而且中西文化有很大差异.)
Q: What cities have you been to? / where have you been? (你去过哪些城市?)
A: I’ve been to Beijing and Shanghai. They are very impressive. (我去过北京和上海,我对这两个城市印象很深.)
Q: where would you like to go? (你想去哪里?)
A: I’d like to go to Xi’an and Guilin. (我想去西安和桂林.)
Q: What is your favorite place in China? (你最喜欢中国的哪个地方?)
A: I have two favorite places in China. Sanya and Shanghai. Sanya in Hainan is the most beautiful beach I have ever seen. Shanghai is a very energetic and exciting city. (中国有两个地方是我最喜欢的,三亚和上海.海南的三亚是我见过的最美丽的海滩.上海是一个充满活力和激情的城市.)
Q: What would you like to buy and take back from China? (你想在中国买点什么带回去?)
A: China is so famous for its silk. I’d like to buy some for my mother. (中国的丝绸文明遐迩.我要带回去一些给我母亲.)
Q: Do you think it’s difficult to make friends with Chinese people? (你认为和中国人交朋友难吗?)
A: No. I think it’s very easy. Chinese people are very kind and friendly. (不难,我觉得很容易.中国人是非常友好善良的.)
Q: Do you think Chinese people are less sensitive than the people in your country? (你认为中国人比你们国家的人更随和吗?)
A: Yes. Chinese people are very tolerant. (是的.中国人懂得容忍.)
Q: What makes you feel embarrassed in China? (在中国,什么让你感到尴尬?)
A: I don’t like being stared at. It makes me uncomfortable. (我不喜欢人们盯着我看,我觉得很不自在.)
Q: What are your suggestions regarding the development of China? (关于中国的发展,你有何建议?)
A: Learn lessons from western countries and protect the environment.(从西方国家吸取教训保护环境.)
Q: What do you like to do in your spare time? (你在闲暇时喜欢做什么?)
A: I play golf, go to the movies and travel. (我打高尔夫,看电影,旅游.)
Q: Are you married? (你结婚了吗?)
A: No, I’m single. (没有,我是独身.)
Q: What do you do for a living? (你是做什么工作的?)
A: I work in the stock market. (我在证券交易所工作.)
I’m a computer salesman. (我是一个电脑销售人员.)
Q: Why did you come to China? (你为什么来中国?)
A: I always wanted to see the Great Wall. (我一直以来很想看看长城.)
Q: What are you good at (doing)? (你擅长做什么?)
A: I’m a great cook. (我是个出色的厨师.)
Q: What do you enjoy doing most? (你最喜欢做什么?)
A: Teaching English and meeting new people. (教英语,结识新朋友.)
Q: What’s your dream? (你的梦想是什么?)
A: To retire and travel around the world. (退休以后去周游世界.)
Q: What’s your goal in life? (你人生的目标是什么?)
A: To become a millionaire before I am 30. (在我30岁之前成为百万富翁.)
Q: Do you play any musical instruments? (你会演奏乐器吗?)
A: I play guitar. (我会弹吉他.)
Q: What sports do you like? (你喜欢什么体育运动?)
A: All kinds of sports. But I like golf the best. (我喜欢所有的体育运动.不过高尔是我的最爱.)
Q: What’s your opinion on money? / What are your thoughts on money? (你怎么看待钱?)
A: Money is great. Money makes the world go around. (钱是个好东西.钱使世界运转 / 有钱能使鬼推磨.)
【Note】This question is acceptable and people will be glad to give an answer. However, it is not acceptable to ask someone what their salary is or how much money they make! 这个问题是可以接受的,而且对方会很乐意地给你答复.但是,要是问对方工资是多少,那就不可接受了!