请懂法律英语的高手帮忙翻译一下以下条款33 Whenever a mining concession is physically divided, the excess shall become part of the neighboring mining concession and if two or several concessions are adjacent it shall be considered as

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/05 09:37:11

请懂法律英语的高手帮忙翻译一下以下条款33 Whenever a mining concession is physically divided, the excess shall become part of the neighboring mining concession and if two or several concessions are adjacent it shall be considered as
33 Whenever a mining concession is physically divided, the excess shall become part of the neighboring mining concession and if two or several concessions are adjacent it shall be considered as part of the first one mentioned in the title or instrument of the division. The same rule shall apply when a vacant space or excess that benefits a concession that has been divided is created.
36 Neither a sponsoring attorney at law nor the granting of a power of attorney is required for filing the writ requesting a concession to explore, the filing of a claim or for the writ correcting errors referred to in the first subsection of article 49, without prejudice to fulfilling said requirements in the first writ submitted thereafter.
37 The Civil Court with competent jurisdiction over the site of the middle point shown on the petition for a concession to explore or the point of interest shown on the application for a concession to mine shall be empowered to hear requests for the creation of a mining concession.
An error incurred in the presentation or filing of a petition for a concession to explore or to mine submitted to a court lacking jurisdiction because of territorial reasons shall not affect the validity of said presentations provided the corresponding jurisdictional territories are not clearly and properly limited by natural or ostensible lines at the central point indicated in the petition for a concession to explore or the point of interest in a request for a concession to mine.

请懂法律英语的高手帮忙翻译一下以下条款33 Whenever a mining concession is physically divided, the excess shall become part of the neighboring mining concession and if two or several concessions are adjacent it shall be considered as
我觉得上面翻译的并不好 有很多问题
其次phisically divided 也不是“身体上地分开”,本人认为应该是“实际上的划分开了”,physical 有“客观实际的”之意,比如,physical delivery 指的就是“实际交付”
33 当一个采矿特许权被实际上划分开时,超额部分将成为相邻采矿特许权,并且如果两个或多个采矿特许权是相邻的,其将被认为是所有权划分证书或者文件首先提到的那个特许权的一部分.当有益于已被划分的采矿特许权的空闲区域或超额区域产生时,相同的规则同样适用.
36 只要不影响满足提交的第一份文件的要求,提交文件申请采矿特许权,提出权利请求或者修正第四十九条第一款提到的错误,皆不需要主办律师,也不需要律师授权.
37 采矿权申请书指明的中心位置或者采矿权申请书中的利益点地的有管辖权的法院被授权聆听产生采矿特许权的申请.

very good

33 每当一个采矿让步被身体上地分开, 过度将变成附近的采矿让步的部份而且如果二或一些让步是毗连的它将被认为是一在名称或区分的工具中提到的第一部份。 相同的规则将应用当空的空间或对一个让步有益以已经被分开的过度被产生。
36既非一个在法律也不一个委任状的允许里赞助代理人被需要为改正在文章 49 的第一小部份中被提到到的错误令状为申请请求一个让步探究的令状 , 那文件一个要求或, 没有偏见...


33 每当一个采矿让步被身体上地分开, 过度将变成附近的采矿让步的部份而且如果二或一些让步是毗连的它将被认为是一在名称或区分的工具中提到的第一部份。 相同的规则将应用当空的空间或对一个让步有益以已经被分开的过度被产生。
36既非一个在法律也不一个委任状的允许里赞助代理人被需要为改正在文章 49 的第一小部份中被提到到的错误令状为申请请求一个让步探究的令状 , 那文件一个要求或, 没有偏见到实现说第一份令状的需求其后委托。


请懂法律英语的高手帮忙翻译一下以下条款33 Whenever a mining concession is physically divided, the excess shall become part of the neighboring mining concession and if two or several concessions are adjacent it shall be considered as 请各种英语高手帮忙一下.翻译一段文字哈.谢谢“文章主要是探讨了美国隐私权保护的制度基础,认为美国隐私权的发展有赖于美国宪法增修条文第十四条“正当法律程序”条款和美国的司法 懂英语的高手帮忙翻译一下你点以下图片就放大了 请帮忙翻译一下以下的文字: 请各位高手帮忙翻译成意大利语和西班牙语请各位高手帮忙翻译一下: 商品价格不包含关税、增值税等.我不确定你是否需要支付关税,那取决于你们国家的法律,我们必须遵守法律. 英语翻译请英语高手帮忙翻译一下下面链接的英语文章,法律方面的.http://hi.baidu.com/花前月下点根烟/blog/item/0b60ded0dd0cea349b5027dc.html由于百度字数限制,原文在这里发不上来,只能劳驾各位回 有没有法律英语高手帮忙翻译一下“仲裁前置”和“劳动争议程序研究”急求! 请高手帮忙翻译一下“磁疗护肤”的英文,谢谢! .. .-- -.-- . . -.. 请高手帮忙翻译一下成中文 请各位高手帮忙翻译一下 国际贸易合同条款请帮忙翻译一下,一句话这个条款的14.3不知道怎么翻译更准确,请高手帮忙啊!谢谢啦!14. REGULATING LAW & ARBITRATION14.1 All disputes and contradictions, which may arise out of the present Contract o 请地理高手帮忙一下看看以下的图片分别是什么地貌 会产生什么地质灾害 请英语高手帮忙翻译:韬光养诲. “浅析涉外婚姻的法律适用”帮忙翻译一下谢谢,急用 帮忙翻译一下CISG(国际货物买卖条约)的这条条款. 请各位英语高手及摇滚爱好者帮忙翻译一下Its my life这首歌 请各路高手帮忙翻译一下“恒绿”用英语怎么说,和写! 英语翻译请英语高手帮忙翻译一下这个地址:广东省海丰县梅陇镇西丽苑源昌楼一楼.