护士用的日常单词 英语就是例如打针啊,护理啊之类的,手术 啊就是护士日常用的单词,中英文对照,越多越好

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/07/08 06:08:04

护士用的日常单词 英语就是例如打针啊,护理啊之类的,手术 啊就是护士日常用的单词,中英文对照,越多越好
护士用的日常单词 英语
就是例如打针啊,护理啊之类的,手术 啊就是护士日常用的单词,中英文对照,越多越好

护士用的日常单词 英语就是例如打针啊,护理啊之类的,手术 啊就是护士日常用的单词,中英文对照,越多越好
take temperature 测体温
feel pulse 测脉搏
test blood pressure 量血压
infusion 注射
allergic 过敏 to
penicillin 青霉素
skin test 试敏
intramuscular injection 肌肉注射
intravenous infusion 静脉注射
operation 手术

打针Have an injection
护理nursing care
做手术have an operation
建议自己在百度或者谷歌里面搜索“护士 英语” “护士 英语词汇” “医疗 英语”“医疗 英语词汇”等等,那样可以搜索出很多东西,我不是学医的搜索了一点(不太全...


打针Have an injection
护理nursing care
做手术have an operation
建议自己在百度或者谷歌里面搜索“护士 英语” “护士 英语词汇” “医疗 英语”“医疗 英语词汇”等等,那样可以搜索出很多东西,我不是学医的搜索了一点(不太全)希望对你有用。
内科系统 Medicine Systems
外科系统 Surgery Systems
医技科室Medical Laboratory
血液病科Hematology Department
普外(肝胆)General Surgery
临床检验Clinical Laboratory
输血科Blood Bank
内分泌科Endocrinology Department
胸外科Thoracic surgery
病理科Pathology Deparment
脑电图室ECG Laboratory
消化内科Digestive System Department
心外科Cardial Surgery
传统放射科Traditional Radiology Department
肺功能室Lung Function Laboratory
心血管内科Vasculocardiology Deparment
泌尿外科Urology Surgery
MR室MR Laboratory
胃镜室Dndoscope Laboratory
神经内科Neurology Department
肿瘤外科Oncological Surgery
SCT室SCt Laboratory
人工肾室Hemodialyses Room
介入科Invasive Technology Department
神经外科Neurological Surgery
超声诊断科UItrasonic Diagnosis Deparment
呼吸科Pneumology Department
骨科Orthopedics Department
超声多谱勒室UItrasonic Doppler Laboratory
血液净化室Laminar Airflow (LAF) Room
肾内科Urology Department
小儿外科Pediatric Surgery
核医学科Isotopic Laboratory
高压氧仓室Hyperbaric Chamber
小儿科Pediatrics Department
整形科Plastic Surgery
ECT 室ECT Laboratory
院内感染监控室Nosocomial Infection Monitory
中医科Traditional Chinese Medicine Department
烧伤科Department of Burn
供应室Supply House
血液成份分离室Cytopheresis Laboratory
高干病房Senior Officials inpatient Ward
妇产科Obstetric and Gynecologic Department
营养室Nutrition House
体外反搏室Counter Extropulsative Room
华侨病房Overseas Chinese Ward
口腔科Stomatological Department
康复科Rehabilitation Department
保健科Medical Care Department for personnel
眼科Ophthalmologic Department
针灸科Acupuncture and Moxibustion De-parment
耳鼻喉科Otorhinolaryngologic Department
理疗科Physiotherapy Deparment
痔疮科Hemorrhoids Deparment
按摩科Massage Department
皮肤科Dermatology Department
麻醉科Anesthesia Department
省级重点学科 Key Subjects at the Provincial Level
血液病、内分泌疾病、肝胆外科、胸心外科Hematology, Endocrinology, Genneral Surgery and Cardio-Thoracic Surgery
省级医疗领先特色专业 The Leading Subjects of Medicine at the Provincial Level
心内科、烧伤科、儿科心理学Cardiology, Department of B urn , Pediatric Psychology
医院特色专科Characteristic Professional Subjects of Union Hospital
消化内科、普外、肿瘤、泌尿、神经、整形、耳鼻喉科、介入、影像Digestive System Diseases, GeneralSurgery, Oncology, Urology, Neurology, Plastic Surgery,
Otorhinolary, Invasive Department and Medical Imagery


还是多看看专业的护理英语网站吧 :)

registration n. 挂号
gender n.性别
address n. 住址
department n. 科,系,部门
register vi挂号
fee n. 费
lift n. 电梯
corridor n. 走道
relieve vt 缓解
fill the prescription 抓药


registration n. 挂号
gender n.性别
address n. 住址
department n. 科,系,部门
register vi挂号
fee n. 费
lift n. 电梯
corridor n. 走道
relieve vt 缓解
fill the prescription 抓药
by the way 顺便问一下
take the medicine 服药
three times a day 每日三次
in no time 很快
bellyache 肚子痛
enteritis 肠炎
gastralgia 胃痛
gastritis 胃炎
appendictis 阑尾炎
enterogastritis 肠胃炎
constipation 便秘
nephritis 肾炎
diabetes 糖尿病
uraemia 尿毒症
urethritis 尿道炎
cystitis 膀胱炎
diarrhoea 痢疾
dysentery 痢疾
piles 痔疮
clean up the wound 清洗伤口
dress the wound 包扎伤口
give sb. a few stiches 给……缝几针
take the stiches out 拆线
be hospitalized 住院
right away 立即,马上
normal adj. 正常
urine n. 尿
pregnancy n. 妊娠
positive adj 阳性
miscarriage n. 流产
injection n. 注射
orally adv. 口服
emergency n.急诊
severe n.严重
cervix n. 子宫颈口
fetus n. 胎儿
transfusion n. 输血
cure n. vt 治愈,治好

短语 Phrases
suffer from 遭受
sleeping pills 安眠药
on the edge 紧张不安
take sb's blood pressure 量血压
temperature n. 温度,高烧
examination n. 检查,体检
chest n. 胸部,胸膛
unbutton vt 解开扣子
lung n. 肺
tuberculosis n. 肺结核
definitely adv 确定地,肯定地
inflame v. 发炎
symptom n. 症状
influenza n. 流行感冒
prescription n. 药方
prescription n. 药方
allergic adj. 过敏的
medication n. 药物
recommend vt 推荐
label n. 标签
miracle n. 奇迹,特效药
penicillin n. 盘尼西林
certificate n. 证书,证明
prescription n. 药方
tablet n. 药片
syrup n. 糖浆
spoonful n. 勺
recover vi康复
