
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/18 21:27:12


O:He has not done an interview in front of an audience in over ten years.Welcome Leonardo (Dicaprio)!(audience goes wild)
O:All you moms watching out there.This is going to get you.We learned that one of the greatest loves in Leo's life is his mother Irmelin Dicaprio)
O:Looking like a babe,isn't it?
L:Yes,it is.
O:Now,have you any idea that your son was going to grow up to be THE Leonardo Dicaprio?
I:No,I had no idea at all.
O:What were your hopes for him when he was a boy?
I:When he would argue with me and I would tell him,he should be an attorney.So he could make some money.You can make some money arguing.I remember.Then he liked arts.So I thought perhaps an artist,since his name was Leonardo Dicaprio.So that was...
O:Why was he named Leonardo?I think it's a good story.
I:I was inspired by the name of Leonardo da Vinci when I saw,when I visited,Italy.Yes.And I saw it's on the dirt smooth.
O:Was he always getting into trouble growing up?
I:He was great.
L:That's right,mom.
Audience:I was just wondering if you're looking forward to starting a family,getting married,having a wife and kids,you know.(pick friends?)
A:You're going to answer that.
L:I will.Sure.Right now.No.Not this particular moment.Right now,I'm just too happy doing what I'm doing.But,you know,that's all on the future.
O:Ellen Smith.I like your question.This is good.Where are ya?Okay.Okay,what is it?
Audience 2:Tell us who was your favorite in the movie kiss?
L:Oh,boy.There's going to be some mad actresses.I'm just going to go with,you know.Kate Winslet.Good old classic.That is because we did more times than anyone could ever imagine on set.
O:A lot at times.
L:A lot.Yeah.
O:Kate Winslet was here for the making of Titanic and she told us the truth about working with Leonardo.This is what she said.
L:The truth.Huh?
K:Leo and I,we had a laugh together.We usually got on incredibly well.And there was never...
O:Seven months.
K:Yeah,absolutely.I was like,you know,probably the oldest woman in this audience,and so when I saw Leonardo Dicaprio intially and I thought,How am I going to work with this beautiful man?He's such brilliant actor.And I met him.He's so,honestly,he's so lovely and down-to-earth normal,and so good at what he does.But it was actually never about that,it was,well,brother-sister thing.We were very very close.And we really stuck together.
L:That's my girl.
O:That's your girl.
O:True or false.You almost died skydiving?
O:Why would you skidiving?
L:I don't know.I'll never do it again.I'll tell ya that.I do not recommend skydiving to anyone.
O:Because it's
L:Because it's fundamentally wrong about looking out of a plane being thousands of feet in the air thinking,OK,I'm going to hurl myself out and fall and plummet to the earth.
O:What happened?
L:It was a tandem dive.I'll make the story short.But it was a tandem dive.I pulled the cord.I looked,and the chute was going like this.And I heard the xxx go,Oh,blank,oh,blank.You know.I said,what?You know,it's like.You know,it's all tied up.So he cut the cord.We started plummeting to earth.I had,uh,you know,one of those flashes,photos,you know,8 x 10 glosses of my life.You,now,two years old,eight years old,ten.
O:Did that really happen to you?
L:That really happened.And then,I did know there was a second chute.I pulled the second chute.That was crumpled up as well.So I said,oh,wow,now,I'm really going to die.
O:Do you have time to think?
L:Yeah,you have those moments going,ah,God,why do I...

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