英语翻译Provence,the city which is full of lavender ...

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英语翻译Provence,the city which is full of lavender ...
Provence,the city which is full of lavender ...

英语翻译Provence,the city which is full of lavender ...
浪漫普罗旺斯,醉人薰衣草花海 普罗旺斯位于法国南部,从地中海沿岸延伸到内陆的丘陵地区,中间有大河Phone流过,很多历史城镇,自古就以靓丽的阳光和蔚蓝的天空,令世人惊艳.从诞生之日起,法国南部的普罗旺斯(Provence)就谨慎地保守着她的秘密,直到英国人彼得·梅尔的到来,普罗旺斯许久以来独特生活风格的面纱才渐渐揭开.在梅尔的笔下“普罗旺斯”已不再是一个单纯的地域名称,更代表了一种简单无忧、轻松慵懒的生活方式;一种宠辱不惊,看庭前花开花落;去留无意,望天上云卷云舒的闲适意境.如今,每年有数百万人涌入南法的普罗旺斯与蔚蓝海岸,亲临画册上难以描摹的景致及小说中不可置信的悠闲,如果旅行是为了摆脱生活的桎梏,普罗旺斯会让你忘掉一切.永远的普罗旺斯 整个普罗旺斯地区因极富变化而拥有不同寻常的魅力——天气阴晴不定,暖风和煦,冷风狂野,地势跌宕起伏,平原广阔,峰岭险峻,寂寞的峡谷,苍凉的古堡,蜿蜒的山脉和活泼的都会——全都在这片法国的大地上演绎万种风情.7-8月间的熏衣草迎风绽放,浓艳的色彩装饰翠绿的山谷,微微辛辣的香味混合着被晒焦的青草芬芳,交织成法国南部最令人难忘的气息.在美食方面,普罗旺斯最大的优势在于农产品丰富,新鲜的蔬菜水果、橄榄油、大蒜、海鲜、香料组合成食客的天堂.这个地区的活动之多,更是令人目不暇接,从年初2月的蒙顿柠檬节到7月-8月的亚维农艺术节.欧洪吉的歌剧节到8月普旺斯山区的熏衣草节,四时呼应着山城无拘无束的岁月.这股自由的色彩蛊惑艺术家创作的灵感,包括塞尚、梵谷、莫内、毕加索、夏卡尔等人均在普罗旺斯展开艺术生命的新阶段,蔚蓝海岸的享乐主义风气,也吸引了美国作家费兹杰罗、英国作家D.H劳伦斯、法国作家赫胥黎、尼采等人前来朝圣,当然,还囊括以《山居岁月》(A Year in Provence)将普罗旺斯推向颠峰的彼得梅尔.普罗旺斯——薰衣草——浪漫的色彩,没完没了的艺术也吸引着我们闻风而来.漫游薰衣草的天下 Lavender——薰衣草,这种花语为“等待爱情”的紫色小花,不知迷倒了多少人.Self Voyages Provence(普罗旺斯自助游旅行社)的Pascal先生开着他的丰田带着我们穿山过野,翻过白色石灰岩即使是夏天看起来也像是白雪皑皑的冯杜山(Mont Ventoux),穿过大片大片金色的向日葵园,终于停在了一片紫霞蒸腾的土地.薰衣草之都Lavender Sault 赛尔真是太美了.如此纯粹的紫色在高高低低的田园里绽开,在夏日的风中打开浪漫的符号,像那种最沉静的思念,最甜蜜的惆怅,仿佛藏身于深爱者的心中却永远无法执子之手的那种温暖而忧伤的感觉.





咱们被耍了,现在的帮忙的人变成孙子,整天,谢谢啊,希望您接受啊,什么的…居然还有人在这里耍我们…这么简单的句子,我估计又是一个恶作剧…就像,重赏一亿,看谁认识‘I love you’一样…还搞匿名





英语翻译Provence,the city which is full of lavender ... 英语翻译为什么那个广东后面没有Provence. 英语翻译The final implementation rules and sub sequent circulars citifying the New CIT Law should be watched with interest. 英语翻译Street Address* Suite/Apt Suburb City* State/Provence* Country* ZIP/Postal Code* Provence 怎么读 英文“Provence”怎么读 en provence是什么意思 en provence哪个好 in the flowers of provence用英语怎么说如果有标中文的读音就更好了。 我想问下这句英语有病句吗?I'd like to talk with you together in Provence for the rest of our life!或者说:我想与你一起在Provence共度余生,该怎么翻译?I'd like to talk with you together in Provence for the rest of our life 英语翻译The Americans Living In The Suburbs Since the 1960s,a lot of houses have been built in the suburbs of Americans,far from the center of large cities.While more and more people are working in around big cities,most prefer not to live in cit 英语翻译The network says the graduation rate was seventy percent last year in the four New York schools open long enough to have graduating classes.That,compared with twenty-three and a half percent for English language learners in all of the cit 英语翻译Boy watched the girl,without speaking.Boys do not know how to speak,in fact,the girl has lost his sense.Said simply - Girl lost the strong courage,suddenly burst into tears.Girl decided to leave the city that made her sad,because this cit CIT是什么行业 化学式 cit是什么意思 Cit是哪种氨基酸 英语翻译第一篇:Guilin is in the northeast of Guangxi.It is famous for its green hills,clear waters,special caves and rocks.It is one of the wellknown scenic cities in China.Harbin is the capital of Heilongjiang Province.It is a beautiful cit 英语翻译对不起 要翻译课文Turn left on First Avenue and enjoy the cit`s quiet streets and small parks.Take a walk through park on Center Avenue.Acrossfrom the park is an old hotel.Next to the hotei is a small house with an interesting gaed