求奥运英语本人需大量关于奥运的英语语句,要求:1、不少于25句.2、前面英语,后面汉语.请注意!我要的事关于奥运期间使用的英语!(比如:one world ,one dream 或是礼貌用语!

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/07/26 06:42:18

求奥运英语本人需大量关于奥运的英语语句,要求:1、不少于25句.2、前面英语,后面汉语.请注意!我要的事关于奥运期间使用的英语!(比如:one world ,one dream 或是礼貌用语!
请注意!我要的事关于奥运期间使用的英语!(比如:one world ,one dream 或是礼貌用语!

求奥运英语本人需大量关于奥运的英语语句,要求:1、不少于25句.2、前面英语,后面汉语.请注意!我要的事关于奥运期间使用的英语!(比如:one world ,one dream 或是礼貌用语!
"One world, one dream," I hope my dream will become a reality.
Beijing Olympic Games must be a true "Green Olympics, People's Olympics, Hi-tech Olympics" from ourselves and from now on.
I. Good Wishes 祝愿用语
1. Good Luck!祝你顺利(祝你好运)!
2. All the best!祝你万事如意!
3. Have a good trip! 旅途愉快!
4. Wish you a success!祝你成功!
5. Have a good day! 祝你今天开心!
6. I hope to see you soon.我希望不久见到你.
7. Congratulations! 祝贺(你)!/恭喜!
8. Happy birthday! 生日快乐!
9. I wish you the best of health! 祝你身体健康!
10. Long live our friendship! 愿我们友谊长存!
II. Asking for and offering help请求提供帮助
11. Could you help me? 你能帮助我吗?
12. Would you please do me a favor? 能帮我个忙吗?
13. Would you please give me a hand? 帮我个忙好吗?
14. What can I do for you? 您需要什么帮助?
15. Can(May)I help you? 我可以帮你吗?
16. Let me help you. 我来帮助你.
17. It's very kind of you! 你真是太好啦!
III. Asking the Way 问路
18. Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the station?
劳驾, 请问去车站怎么走?
19. Straight on. 一直往前走.
20. Go down this street. Then turn left. 沿这条街走下去, 然后朝左拐.
21. Turn right at the second crossing. 在第二个路口往右拐.
22. I'm sorry. I have no idea where it is. 对不起,我不知道它在哪儿.
23. Thank you all the same. 尽管如此, 还是要谢谢你.
24. Is it far from here? 离这儿远吗?
25. Yes. You'd better take a bus. 远,你最好坐公共汽车去.
26. It's about 1 kilometer from here. 距这里约一公里.
27. Excuse me, does the Bus No. 4 stop at the China Trade Center? 劳驾,
28. How long is the ride? 坐车要用多长时间?
29. It will take about 20/twenty minutes. 大概需要20分钟.
30. Thank you very much. 非常感谢.It's a pleasure. 乐意为您效劳.
IV. Shopping 购物用语
31. Can I help you? 您要买点什么?
32. Yes, I'd like to buy a book. 是的, 我要买本书.
33. Ok. Here you are. 行,给你.
34. How much is it? 多少钱?
35. It is seventeen yuan and fifty cents. 十七块五.
36. May I help you? 您要买什么?
37. Yes, I want to buy a shirt. 是的, 我想买一件衬衫.
38. What color/size/style do you want? 要什么颜色/尺寸/样子的?
39. A blue/red/green/yellow/white/black one. 蓝色的/红/绿/黄/白/黑
40. It's wonderful. I like it very much. 真不错.我非常喜欢.
41. All right. I'll take it. 好的, 我买这件衬衫.
42. Where can I pay? 在哪付款?
43. You can pay at the cashier over there. 您可以在那边的收银台付款.
44. Can I use my credit card? 我能使用信用卡吗?
45. Sure. Go ahead. 当然.请便.
46. Here's your change/receipt. 这是找您的钱/给您的收据.
47. Thanks for your good service. 谢谢你的热情服务!
48. Do come again, please. 欢迎再来.
49. Thank you. 谢谢!You're welcome. 不用谢.
V. Restaurant English 饭馆英语
50. May I have a look at the menu/wine list? 请给我看看菜谱/酒水单.
51. What's the specialty of this restaurant? 这个餐馆的的招牌菜是什么?
52. Are you ready to order? 您现在可以点菜了吗?
53. I'd like something spicy. 我想吃些辣的东西.
54. What do you recommend? 有什么菜可以推荐一下吗?
55. The steak sounds good to me. 听起来牛排不错.
56. I'm full. I can't eat any more. 我饱了,不能再吃了.
57. Bill, please. 劳驾,结帐.
58. Keep the change. 不用找零钱了.
VI. Time, Days and Months 时间、星期和月份
59. What time is it? 几点了?
60. It's 6∶00 o'clock. 六点了.
61. Excuse me, could you tell me the time? 劳驾,请问现在几点了?
62. It's half past ten. 现在十点半.
63. Excuse me, have you got the time, please? 对不起, 请问现在几点了?
64. It's a quarter to nine. 现在差一刻九点.
65. What day is it today? 今天是星期几?
66. It's Sunday/Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday/Saturday. 今天是星期天/周一/周二/周三/周四/周五/周六.
67. What's the date today? 今天几号?
68. Today is Aug. 2nd. 今天是八月二号.
69. What month is it? 今天是几月份?
70. It's January/Feburary/March/April/May/June/July/August/September
/October/November/December. 现在是一月/二月/三月/四月/五月/六月/七月/八月/九月/十月/十一月/十二月.
71. When were you born? 你哪年初生的?
72. I was born in 1949/nineteen forty-nine. 我1949年初生的.
VII. Entertaining Guests 招待客人
73. Hello! 您好! How are you doing? 你好吗?
74. Hello! Welcome to our unit (home)! Sit down, please. 你好! 欢迎到我们单位(家)来!请坐.
75. Would you like a cigarette? 您吸烟吗?
76. No. Thanks. 不,我不吸烟.谢谢.
77. Would you like to drink something, coffee, tea or cola? 您想喝点儿什么,咖啡、茶,还是可乐?
78. Tea is fine with me. Thank you. 喝茶就行了.谢谢!
79. Help yourself to some fruits. 请随便吃点儿水果.
80. Give /Pass me a cup of tea/a glass of water, please! 请递给我一杯茶/.
81. Cheers! 干杯!
82. To our friendship! 为我们的友谊干杯!
83. Thanks a lot. 多谢.
VIII. Other Expressions 其它用语
84. What's the weather like today? 今天天气怎么样?
85. It's fine today. 今天天气很好.
86. Lovely day, isn't it? 天气很好,是吧?
87. Autumn is the best season here. 秋天是这里最好的季节.
88. Where are you from? 您是哪里人?
89. I'm from Hong Kong. 我是香港人.
90. Are you American? 你是美国人吗?
91. No, I'm Chinese. 不,我是中国人.
IX. Saying Goodbye 话别
92. When are you off? 你什么时候走?
93. I'm flying back on Sunday. 我星期天坐飞机回去.
94. Goodbye then and all the very best! 再见了, 祝你顺利!
95. Please say hello to your family. 请代问你的家人好.
96. I hope you'll come back to China again! 希望你能再来中国!
97. I'll do that. 我一定来.
98. See you again in the near future. 后会有期!
99. Take care. 多保重.
100. Goodbye! (See you!)再见!


田径 Track and Field
赛艇 Rowing
自行车 Bicycle
棒球 Baseball
游泳 Swimming
拳击 Boxing
排球 Volleyball
皮划艇 Canoes
马术 Equestrian
篮球 Basketball
足球 Football
体操 Gymnastics
曲棍球 Hockey
手球 Handball
举重 Weightlifting

sprint/middle-distance/long run 短跑/中/长距离跑
marathon 马松
relay race;relay 接力
hurdles;hurgle race 跨栏
walking;walking race 竞走
steeplechase 障碍赛
high jump 跳高
pole jump;pole...


sprint/middle-distance/long run 短跑/中/长距离跑
marathon 马松
relay race;relay 接力
hurdles;hurgle race 跨栏
walking;walking race 竞走
steeplechase 障碍赛
high jump 跳高
pole jump;pole vault 撑竿跳高
long jump 跳远
high skip and jump 三级跳
shot put 推铅球
discus 铁饼
weight throw 链球
gavelock;javelin 标枪
decathlon 男子十项全能(100米跑、跳远、铅球、跳高、400米跑,110米跨栏跑、铁饼、撑竿跳高、标枪、1500米跑)
heptathlom 女子七项全能(100米跨栏跑、跳高、铅球、200米跑、跳远、标枪、800米跑)
triathlon 铁人三项:游泳(1500米);自行车(40公里);跑步(10公里)
射击: shooting
Men's/Women's shooting 10m Air Rifle
Men's/Women's Shooting 10m Air Pistol 男子/女子10米气手枪
shooting Trap 多向飞碟
Shooting 10m Running Target 10米移动靶
Shooting 25m Pistol 25米运动手枪
Men's/Women's Diving Synchronised 10m platform男子/女子10米双人跳台
Men's/Women's 10m platform 男子/女子10米跳台
Men's/Women's 3m platform 男子/女子3米跳板
Men's/Women's Synchronized 3m springboard
400 medley 400米混合泳
freestyle 自由泳
breaststroke 蛙泳
butterfly 蝶泳
backstroke 仰泳
Men's/Women's 4x100 freestyle 男子/女子4x100混合泳接力
canoe/kayak 划皮艇
canoe slalom 轻舟激流
sailing 帆船运动
repechages (赛艇和击剑等运动的)补充赛
rings 吊环
balance beam 平衡木
trampoline 鞍马
vaulting horse 跳马
Women's Artistic Gymnastics Uneven Bars 竞技体操女子高低杠
Women's Artistic Gymnastics Beam 竞技体操女子自由体操
Men's Artistic Gymnastics Parallel Bars 竞技体操男子双杠
Men's Artistic Gymnastics horizontal Bar 竞技体操男子单杠
Men's/Women's Artistic Gymnastics Team Finals 男子/女子团体竞技体操
Men's/Women's Artistic Gymnastics All-Around Finals 竞技体操男子/女子个人全能决赛
Men’s/Women’s Fencing Sabre 击剑男子/女子长剑
Men's Fencing (Team) Foil 击剑男子(团体)花剑
Women’s Fencing Foil 击剑女子花剑
Men's/Women’s Fencing (Team) Epee 击剑男子/女子(团体)重剑
Men's Weightlifting 77kg 男子77公斤级举重
Women's Weightlifting 75+ kg 女子75公斤以上级举重
clean and jerk 挺举
snatch 抓举
球类运动:ball games
golf 高尔夫球
cricket 板球
hockey 曲棍球
volleyball 排球
badminton 羽毛球
table tennis 乒乓球
baseball 棒球
basketball 篮球
football/soccer 足球
tennis 网球
rugby 橄榄球
softball 垒球
handball 手球
water polo 水球
跆拳道: taekwondo
滑冰: ice skating
figure skating 花样滑冰
摔跤: wrestling
freestyle wrestling 自由式摔跤
Greece-Roman wrestling 古典式摔跤
自行车: cycling
individual/team pursuit 个人/团队争先赛
Women's 500m Time Trial 女子500米计时赛
Men's 1km Time Trial
Men's/Women's Team Sprint 男子/女子个人追逐赛(男4000米,女3000米)
Men's Team Sprint 男子团队追逐赛(4000米)
Men's/Women's Points Race 男子/女子记分赛
Men's Keirin 林赛
Men's Madison 麦迪逊赛
Cycling Mountain Bike:Cross Country 山地车:越野
dressage 盛装舞步
jumping individual show jumping 单马超越障碍比赛
acrobatic gymnastics---技巧运动
athletics/track & field---田径
Beach Volleyball---沙滩排球
boat race---赛艇
bobsleigh, bobsled---雪橇
canoe slalom---激流划船
downhill race---速降滑雪赛,滑降
dragon-boat racing---赛龙船
figure skating---花样滑冰
gliding; sailplaning---滑翔运动
Greece-Roman wrestling----古典式摔跤
gymnastic apparatus----体操器械
hold, lock-----揪钮
horizontal bar-----单杠
hurdles; hurdle race----跨栏比赛
ice skating---滑冰
item Archery---箭术
mat exercises---垫上运动
modern pentathlon---现代五项运动
mountain bike---山地车
parallel bars---双杠
relative work---造型跳伞
relay race; relay---接力
roller skating----滑旱冰
side horse, pommelled horse---鞍马
ski jump---跳高滑雪
ski jumping competition---跳高滑雪比赛
shuttlecock kicking---踢毽子
table tennis---乒乓球
walking; walking race---竞走
wall bars---肋木
water polo----水球
weightlifting ---举重
weights ---重量级
winter sports -----冬季运动
wrestling --- 摔交
yacht --- 游艇
Men's 10m Platform 男子10米跳台
Women's Taekwondo Over 67kg 女子67公斤级以上跆拳道
Women's Athletics 20km Walk 女子20公里竟走
Men's Diving Synchronized 3m Springboard 男子3米跳板
Women's Diving 3m Springboard 女子3米跳板
Women's Diving Synchronized 10m Platform 女子10米跳台
Men's Wrestling Greco-Roman 58kg 男子58公斤古典摔交
Men's Diving 3m Springboard 男子3米跳板
Men's Artistic Gymnastics Parallel Bars 竞技体操男子双杠
Women's Artistic Gymnastics Beam 竞技体操女子自由体操
Men's Table Tennis Singles 男子乒乓单打
Women's Diving 10m Platform 女子10米跳台
Women's Artistic Gymnastics Uneven Bars 竞技体操女子跳马
Women's Table Tennis Singles 女子乒乓单打
Men's Badminton Singles 男子羽毛球单打
Women's Badminton Doubles 女子羽毛球双打
Men's Diving Synchronized 10m Platform 男子双人10米跳台
Women's Diving Synchronized 3m Springboard 女子双人3米跳板
Men's Table Tennis Doubles 男子乒乓球双打
Women's Badminton Singles 女子羽毛球单打
Men's Fencing Team Foil 击剑男子团体花剑
Women's Judo Heavyweight +78kg 柔道女子重量级78公斤
Men's Shooting 10m Running Target 射击男子10米移动靶
Women's Shooting 25m Pistol 射击女子25米运动手枪
Women's Table Tennis Doubles 女子乒乓球双打
Men's Weightlifting 77kg 举重男子77公斤级抓举
Women's Weightlifting 75+ kg 举重女子75公斤以上级抓举
Mixed Badminton Doubles 羽毛球男子双打
Women's Artistic Gymnastics All-Around Finals 竞技体操女子个人全能决赛
Women's Judo Half-Heavywt 78kg 女子次重量级78公斤级柔道
Men's Artistic Gymnastics All-Around Finals 竞技体操男子个人全能
Women's Fencing Team Epee 击剑女子团体重剑
Women's Artistic Gymnastics Team Finals 竞技体操女子团体
Women's Judo Half-Middlewt 63kg 女子次中量级63公斤级柔道
Women's Weightlifting 63kg 女子63公斤级挺举举重
Women's Weightlifting 69kg 女子69公斤级抓举举重
Men's Artistic Gymnastics Team Finals 男子团体竞技体操
Men's Shooting 10m Air Rifle 射击男子10米气步枪
Women's Shooting Trap 射击女子多向飞碟
Women's Weightlifting 53kg 举重女子53公斤级抓举
Women's Judo Half-Lightwt 52kg 女子次轻量级52公斤柔道
Women's Shooting 10m Air Pistol 女子10米汽枪
Women's Cycling Track 500m Time Trial 运动场自行车赛女子500米计时赛
Men's Shooting 10m Air Pistol 男子10米气手枪
Women's Shooting 10m Air Rifle 女子10米气步枪
Men's Weightlifting 56kg 男子56公斤级挺举
Olympic Games Bidding Words
2008夏季奥运会2008 summer Olympics
国际奥委会the International Olympic Committee (IOC)
申办城市the bidding cities
候选城市 the candidate cities
申办2008年奥运会bid for 2008 Olympics
北京奥申委Beijing 2008 Olympic Games Bidding Committee (BOBICO)
主办2008年奥运会host the 2008 Olympic Games
奥林匹克精神the Olympic ideals; the Olympic spirit
世界奥林匹克日the International Olympic Day
环境保护 protect the environment
北京四环路the fourth ring road in Beijing
城市基础设施建设the city's infrastructure construction
最后的投票make the final vote
绿色奥运the Green Olympics
科技奥运the Scientific Games
节水龙头water-saving taps
再生纸recycled writing paper
废电池used batteries
无氟冰箱Freon-free refrigerators
闭路电视close-circuit television
友好大使the Goodwill Ambassador
长跑a long-distance running
世界大学生运动会the Universiade
acrobatic gymnastics——技巧运动
athletics/track & field——田径
boat race——赛艇
bobsleigh, bobsled——雪橇
canoe slalom——激流划船
downhill race——速降滑雪赛,滑降
dragon-boat racing——赛龙船
figure skating——花样滑冰
gliding; sailplaning——滑翔运动
Greece-Roman wrestling——古典式摔跤
gymnastic apparatus——体操器械
hold, lock——揪钮
horizontal bar——单杠
hurdles; hurdle race——跨栏比赛
shuttlecock kicking——踢毽子
ice skating——滑冰
item Archery——箭术
mat exercises——垫上运动
modern pentathlon——现代五项运动
mountain bike——山地车
parallel bars——双杠
qigong; breathing exercises——气功
relative work——造型跳伞
relay race; relay——接力
roller skating——滑旱冰
side horse, pommelled horse——鞍马
ski jump——跳高滑雪
ski jumping competition——跳高滑雪比赛
table tennis——乒乓球
walking; walking race——竞走
wall bars——肋木
water polo——水球
weightlifting ——举重
weights ——重量级
winter sports ——冬季运动
wrestling —— 摔跤
yacht —— 游艇
Men's 10m Platform 男子10米跳台
Women's Taekwondo Over 67kg 女子67公斤级以上跆拳道
Women's Athletics 20km Walk 女子20公里竞走
Men's Diving Synchronized 3m Springboard 男子3米跳板
Women's Diving 3m Springboard 女子3米跳板
Women's Diving Synchronized 10m Platform 女子10米跳台
Men's Wrestling Greco-Roman 58kg 男子58公斤古典摔跤
Men's Diving 3m Springboard 男子3米跳板
Men's Artistic Gymnastics Parallel Bars 竞技体操男子双杠
Women's Artistic Gymnastics Beam 竞技体操女子自由体操
Men's Table Tennis Singles 男子乒乓单打
Women's Diving 10m Platform 女子10米跳台
Women's Artistic Gymnastics Uneven Bars 竞技体操女子跳马
Women's Table Tennis Singles 女子乒乓单打
Men's Badminton Singles 男子羽毛球单打
Women's Badminton Doubles 女子羽毛球双打
Men's Diving Synchronized 10m Platform 跳水男子10米跳台
Women's Diving Synchronized 3m Springboard 跳水女子3米跳板
Men's Table Tennis Doubles 男子乒乓球双打
Women's Badminton Singles 女子羽毛球单打
Men's Fencing Team Foil 击剑男子团体花剑
Women's Judo Heavyweight +78kg 柔道女子重量级78公斤
Men's Shooting 10m Running Target 射击男子10米移动靶
Women's Shooting 25m Pistol 射击女子25米运动手枪
Women's Table Tennis Doubles 女子乒乓球双打
Men's Weightlifting 77kg 举重男子77公斤级抓举
Women's Weightlifting 75+ kg 举重女子75公斤以上级抓举
Mixed Badminton Doubles 羽毛球男子双打
Women's Artistic Gymnastics All-Around Finals 竞技体操女子个人全能决赛
Women's Judo Half-Heavywt 78kg 女子次重量级78公斤级柔道
Men's Artistic Gymnastics All-Around Finals 竞技体操男子个人全能
Women's Fencing Team Epee 击剑女子团体重剑
Women's Artistic Gymnastics Team Finals 竞技体操女子团体
Women's Judo Half-Middlewt 63kg 女子次中量级63公斤级柔道
Women's Weightlifting 63kg 女子63公斤级挺举举重
Women's Weightlifting 69kg 女子69公斤级抓举举重
Men's Artistic Gymnastics Team Finals 男子团体竞技体操
Men's Shooting 10m Air Rifle 射击男子10米气步枪
Women's Shooting Trap 射击女子多向飞碟
Women's Weightlifting 53kg 举重女子53公斤级抓举
Women's Judo Half-Lightwt 52kg 女子次轻量级52公斤柔道
Women's Shooting 10m Air Pistol 女子10米气枪
Women's Cycling Track 500m Time Trial 运动场自行车赛女子500米计时赛
Men's Shooting 10m Air Pistol 男子10米气手枪
Women's Shooting 10m Air Rifle 女子10米气步枪
Men's Weightlifting 56kg 男子56公斤级挺举
baseball棒球 baseball field, baseball ground 棒球场 softball垒球
softball field, softball ground 垒球场 infield, diamond 内场 outfield 外场
fair territory 界内地区 foul territory 界外地区 foul line边线
base line垒间线 base 垒 bag 垒垫, 垒包 home base 本垒
first base一垒 second base二垒 third base 三垒 home plate本垒板
pitcher's plate 投手板 pitcher's mound 投手土墩 pitcher's circle投手圈
batter's box 击球员区 on deck circle 击球员准备区 catcher's box 接手区
coacher's box 跑垒指导员区 bench, dug-out 队员席 bull-pen 候补投手练习区
glove 手套, 分指手套 milt 合指手套 bat 球棒 mask 护面
chest protector 护胸 leg protector 护腿 supporter 护裆 helmet 护帽
baseball player 棒球运动员 softball player 垒球运动员 pitcher 投手
catcher 接手 fielder 守场员 baseman 守垒员 infielder 内场手
first baseman 一垒手 second baseman 二垒手 third baseman 三垒手
shortstop 游击手 outfielder 外场手 batter, hitter 击球员
base-runner 跑垒员 batter-runner 击跑员 relief pitcher 候援投手
designated hitter (DH) 指名击球员 coacher 跑垒指导员 manager 总教练
plate umpire 司球裁判员 base umpire 司垒裁判员 inning 局次
visiting team 先攻队 home team 后攻队 offensive team 攻队
defensive team 守队 pitching 投手投球 windup position 正面投球法
set up position 侧身投球法 sling shot 后摆投球法 wind mill 绕环投球法
8 figure 8字投球法 throwing 传球 catching 接球 fieldin 防守
batting, hitting 击球 base running 跑垒 stealing 偷垒
sliding 滑垒 strike zone 好球区 fair ball 界内球 foul ball 界外球
illegal pitch 不合法投球 illegally batted ball 不合法击球
bunt 触击球 foul tip 擦棒球 bunting 触击 swing 挥击
ground ball, grounder 地滚球 liner, line drive 平直球
fly ball 腾空球 hit, safety hit 安全打 one base hit 一垒打
two base hit 垒打 three base hit 三垒打 home run, homer 本垒打
sacrifice hit 牺牲打 sacrifice bunt 牺牲触击 sacrifice fly 牺牲腾空球
squeeze bunt 抢分触击 run and hit, hit and run 击跑配合战术
safe 安全上垒 base on balls 四球安全上垒 struck-out 三击出局
run, score得分 batting order 击球次序 wild pitch 暴投
pick-off 牵制跑垒员的传球 balk 投手犯规 put-out 接杀
out, down, away 出局 touch out 触杀 force out 封杀