伽利略 英文需要有关他挑战权威,提出地心说这个故事的英文

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伽利略 英文需要有关他挑战权威,提出地心说这个故事的英文
伽利略 英文

伽利略 英文需要有关他挑战权威,提出地心说这个故事的英文
Heliocentric model 地心说,这是英文的 Galileo,伽利略
A planet with smaller planets orbiting it was problematic for the orderly, comprehensive picture of the geocentric model of the universe, in which everything was supposed to circle around the Earth. As a consequence, many astronomers and philosophers initially refused to believe that Galileo could have discovered such a thing.
Galileo continued to observe the satellites over the next eighteen months, and by mid 1611 he had obtained remarkably accurate estimates for their periods—a feat which Kepler had believed impossible.
From September 1610, Galileo observed that Venus exhibited a full set of phases similar to that of the Moon. The heliocentric model of the solar system developed by Copernicus predicted that all phases would be visible since the orbit of Venus around the Sun would cause its illuminated hemisphere to face the Earth when it was on the opposite side of the Sun and to face away from the Earth when it was on the Earth-side of the Sun. In contrast, the geocentric model of Ptolemy predicted that only crescent and new phases would be seen, since Venus was thought to remain between the Sun and Earth during its orbit around the Earth. Galileo's observations of the phases of Venus proved that it orbited the Sun and lent support to (but did not prove) the heliocentric model.

伽利略 英文需要有关他挑战权威,提出地心说这个故事的英文 伽利略善于思考,敢于向权威挑战,跟表现了他对真理 的科学态度 有关不迷信书本,敢于挑战权威的故事,伽利略、麻雀和丰子恺的有了,求其他的,急 求有关成功与失败、创新、挑战权威类的英文格言! 有关创新和挑战权威还有科技的好处的的名人名言,要英文的! 有关伽利略不迷信权威的事例 简短 挑战权威的人不要伽利略和布鲁诺的太老套了 伽利略是位年轻的数学家.伽利略敢于向亚里士多德这位权威挑战.用恰当的关联词把两句话合并为一句话. “伽利略是位年轻的物理学家.伽利略敢于向亚里士多德这位权威挑战” 用恰当的关联词把上述两句话合并 是谁提出地心说的? 是谁提出地心说的? 敢于向权威挑战的人有哪些要简单一点,例如: 伽利略敢于挑战权威,在比萨斜塔上公开做实验,证明著名哲学家亚里士多德说的话是错误的.我说简单一点,也没说太短吧? 改倒装句:伽利略挑战的是人们信奉的亚里士多德,所以人们说他胆大妄为. 关于敢于挑战权威的名人小故事简短一些.我找到了别的,有简短的,但是有些不是很有名的人有的就是伽利略的, 敢于挑战权威的事例 挑战权威的科学家是谁 你敢于挑战权威吗 简述地心说和日心说,和提出他的科学家名字.不要太繁琐了!呵呵~