初中英语、有几个问题呢.改错:1.Do you have a lot of work to do 2.My stockings were dirty.Miss Allan ordered me to buy another one.3.It is John brother's.还有,Class TWO ___ going to play a football match against Class One.是用is 还

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/09/17 01:41:20

初中英语、有几个问题呢.改错:1.Do you have a lot of work to do 2.My stockings were dirty.Miss Allan ordered me to buy another one.3.It is John brother's.还有,Class TWO ___ going to play a football match against Class One.是用is 还
改错:1.Do you have a lot of work to do
2.My stockings were dirty.Miss Allan ordered me to buy another one.
3.It is John brother's.
还有,Class TWO ___ going to play a football match against Class One.是用is 还是 are
翻译八米高,8-metre-long 和8 metres long 哪个对?

初中英语、有几个问题呢.改错:1.Do you have a lot of work to do 2.My stockings were dirty.Miss Allan ordered me to buy another one.3.It is John brother's.还有,Class TWO ___ going to play a football match against Class One.是用is 还
1.Do you have a lot of (a lot of 改为much)work to do
2.My stockings were dirty.Miss Allan ordered me to buy another pair.
3.It is John 's brother's.
The building is 8 meters tall.It's a 8-meter-tall building.

改错:1 正确的 2 one--pair 3 John---John's
class two is going to.. 在这把二班看成一个整体
八米长:eight-meter long

2.one 改成 ones
3.John 改成 John's
4.is 因为强调是整体

1 正确 a lot of可以修饰可数和不可数
2 one改成 pair
3 John 改成Jonh's
用is 二班和一班比赛 如果指二班里的每个成员要用复数
这里把二班作为一个整体 所以用单数is
八米长 两种写法:eight-metre-long eight metres long

1 a lot of 改成 much
2 one 改为 pair
3 John's
8 meters tall(high)

a lot of -----much
were -----was
8 metres long

初中英语、有几个问题呢.改错:1.Do you have a lot of work to do 2.My stockings were dirty.Miss Allan ordered me to buy another one.3.It is John brother's.还有,Class TWO ___ going to play a football match against Class One.是用is 还 (初中英语)单句改错. (初中英语)单句改错. 初中英语改错题急求三道初中英语有代表性的改错题,要包含解析,不是短文改错题,是一句一句的改错题, 初中英语辅导重点知识有哪些呢? 关于定语从句的几个问题改错题1.That's the man I spoke 我还有几个问题呢 谁有an English letter. IF 从句练习改错题 初中英语 一个初中英语句子改错There will be many people to come to China from all over the world.这句话中,第一个to应不应该有呢to come to China 是做people的定语? 初中英语不定代词1题问题..就1.题而已改错:someone come here every day. 初中英语改错题What's you name? 初中英语第13 14题改错 求初中英语故事,带翻译,顺便带几个问题 初中英语有哪些语法固定搭配,例如:make sb do sth,help sb (to) do sth 初中英语中to+do的有哪些(仁爱版)急用!to+do固定搭配 我有几个问题 1.圆台有几条交线,有几个面围成,有几条线是曲的,三棱柱呢?2.圆锥的底面是曲的还是直的? 我有几个问题 1.圆台有几条交线,有几个面围成,有几条线是曲的,三棱柱呢?2.圆锥的底面是曲的还是直的? 初中英语有那些单词,词组加to do的,有哪些加doing?全一些最好