来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/22 23:51:42
你没看错,我就是要把整本书打下来. 一小撮 a handful of 一大二公 first, big in size; second, public ownership both great and public 一切归公 everything goes to the public 一分为二 to divide one into two 一元化 to unite 一元论 monism 一打一拉 striking and stroking alternately 一次歌名 theory of single revolution 一味persistently 一律without distinction 一面之辞 one-sided statement 一面倒 to lean to one side 一针见血 to hit the nail on the head 一纸空文 a mere scrap of paper 一致uniform 一致意见 unity of views 一致同意 to agree on unanimously 一脉相承 to be imbued with the same spirit 一般社会人士 the rank and file of working personnel 一斗,二批,三改 one struggle, two criticism, three reformations 一专多能 one specialty and many skills 一贯consistently 一视同仁 to give equal treatment 一棍子打死 to kill with one blow 一劳永逸 with one effort to achieve eternal ease 一意孤行 to persist wilfully and arbitrarily 一碗水端平 hold a bowl of water steady 一鼻孔出气 breathe through the same nose 一穷二白 firstly poor and secondly blank, poverty and blankness 一概而论 to lump together under one discussion heading 一颗红心,两种准备 one red heart, two preparations 一帮一,一对红 with one assisting another, a couple will be red 一揽子计划 a package plan 七三布告 July 3 Notice 七类分子 seven categories of bad elements landlords, rich peasants, counterrevolutionaries rightists, bad elements, bourgeois, black gangsters 下中农 lower middle peasant 下水to launch 下令取消 to order an end of 下半旗 to fly a flag at half-mast 下台step down, to be deprived of office 下放to set down (to lower levels) 下放干部 transfer cadres to lower levels 下限lower limit 下级lower class 下级服从上级 the lower level subordinates itself to the higher level 下班be off the duty 下野to retire 下场(作者理解成了动词 to leave the scene,实际上在TG术语一般是作为名词,译为end sb deserves更好) 三七制 the three-seven system 三七指示(1967.3.3)March 7 Directive 三八作风(三项纪律八大注意)three-eight working style; the three main rules of discipline and the eight points for attention. 三三制 the three-three system 三大任务 the three main tasks (to grasp revolution, promote production, and promote the preparation for war) 三大民煮 The three democracies 三大敌人 the three big enemies (imperialism, feudalism, and bureaucratic capitalism) 三大作风 the three great work styles (firm and correct political direction, arduous and plain work style, and agile and mobile strategy and tactics). 附:作者把“敌人”和“作风”词条中英文对错了.作者说有中国教授过目,不知为何出现这种错误 三反the three anti (corruption, waste, bureaucratism) 三反分子 the three antis 三化the three changes 三不怕精神 the three no-fear spirit (hardship, fatigue, or injury) 三民煮义 the three principles of the people 三好学生 the three good students 三光政策 the three atrocity policy 三自一包 the three freedoms and one contract 三位一体 the Trinity(这个翻译用词给人联想不好,虽然字面上对) 三忠于运动 the three loyalties movement 三红the three reds 三面红旗 the three red banners (社主,大跃,公社) 三级所有,队为基础 three-level system of ownership,with the production team as the base 三家村 the three-family village 三害the three calamities 三座大山 the three big mountains 三结合 the three combined 三忆三比 the three recollections and three comparisons 上级挡萎 the next higher level party committee 上中农 upper middle peasant 上台step onto the stage 上级机关 higher authorities 上层建筑 super-structure 上挡课 to attend party class 不一致 not in agreement 不三不四 neither one thing nor another 不上算 unprofitable 不分轻重缓急 without regard to the degree of importance or urgency 不分昼夜 around the clock 不分敌我 not to distinguish between the enemy and ourselves 不予答复 to refrain from answering 不正当 improper 不出所料 not unexpected 不甘心 not reconciled to 不可战胜 invincible 不可分割 indivisible 不可告人 unspeakable 不可调和 implacable 不可推卸 unshirkable 不可动摇 unfaltering 不平等条约 unequal treaties 不白之冤 a wrong that has not been righted 不朽immortal 不含糊 unequivocal 不良倾向 unwholesome trend 不咎既往 not to go into past misdeeds 不约而同 in agreement without prior discussion 不宣而战 undeclared war 不耻下问 not be ashamed of asking people below you 不屑not to stoop to 不伦不类 neither fish nor fowl 不破不立 not establishing without destroying 不冻港 ice-free port 不坚定 lack resolution 不惜一切代价 at all costs 不惜牺牲 spare no sacrifice 不问青红皂白 without asking for the facts 不义之财 ill-gotten wealth 不择手段 to resort to all means 不识时务 ignorant of current affairs(好像不对劲这个翻译) 不识抬举 not to know how to appreciate favours 不断隔命论 the theory of uninterrupted revolutions 不骄不躁 free from arrogance and rashness 世界主义 cosmopolitanism 世界水平 world class 世界舞台 world arena 中小工商业者 middle and small manufacturers and merchants 中心城市 metropolis 中心环节 central link 中心问题 key problem 种养机关 central organs 种养局 the central committee bureau 中国人民志愿军 Chinese people's volunteers 中国工农鸿钧 Chinese red banner army of workers and peasants 中间分子 middle elements 中等教育 secondary education 中队company sized unit 中伤vilify 中农middle peasants 串联to liaise 串通to conspire with 主人翁 master of own house 主力main action 主要指标 major targets 主要环节 key link 主要矛盾 principal contradiction 主要标志 outstanding feature 主席团 presidium 主导思想 dominant ideaology 主体main body 主观能动性 subjective initiative 主观唯心主义 subjective idealism 久经考验 well-steeled, long tested 乘风破浪 to ride the wind and break the waves 乘胜前进 to advance in victory 乘隙make use of a loophole 乱搞to make a mess 乱来run amuck 事迹past deeds 事变,事端,事件 incident 到“二”部.