
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/05 23:26:23


1 Suchow is close to Shanghai,you know,and is famous for its special sceneries and its pretty girls,and I am definitely one of them,hehe.
2 Calmness and cool treatment are the first things first to a pilot though team spirit and obedience cannot go without,besides the fact that yoiu are born talented.
3 As a member of the leading body in a hospital,i am in charge of the hospital's medical safety / security.

Close to Shanghai, Suzhou, characteristic of developed economies, China is famous landscapes and beautiful girls.I think the pilot is most in need of quality of calm reflection, of course, team spirit...


Close to Shanghai, Suzhou, characteristic of developed economies, China is famous landscapes and beautiful girls.I think the pilot is most in need of quality of calm reflection, of course, team spirit and obedience to command as well as the excellent talents is essential.I was at the hospital headed by a grass-roots level, in charge of health security work.


Suzhou close against the Shanghai, with developed economy, Chinese characteristics of landscape and beautiful girl is famous in the world. I think the most to have the quality of the pilot is cool thi...


Suzhou close against the Shanghai, with developed economy, Chinese characteristics of landscape and beautiful girl is famous in the world. I think the most to have the quality of the pilot is cool thinking, of course, team consciousness and obey the command and outstanding talent is indispensable.
I'm at the hospital is a grassroots leaders, responsible for the safety of medical treatment.


英语翻译苏州紧靠着上海,以发达的经济、中国特色的风景和漂亮的女孩而闻名于世.我认为飞行员最需要具备的素质是冷静的思考,当然团队意识和服从指挥以及出色的天赋都是必不可少的.我 广东经济发达还是上海经济发达? 香港,澳门,台湾,上海,北京,广州这几个城市中哪里经济最发达,按经济发达程度排名是怎样的? 上海的经济很发达 用英语怎么说 19世纪末的上海有黑帮吗,经济发达吗 香港和上海哪个经济发达我个人觉得香港是中国最发达的地方 英语翻译 我的卧室里有一张床紧靠着衣柜(there be句型) 上海的交通和经济很发达,上海的东方明珠很美丽.用英语怎么说 英语翻译上海的发展日新月异.在700年历史的变迁中,沧海桑田,上海由一座“小渔村”演变成为了“东方明珠”.特别是经过近10年的经济腾飞,上海已是中国经济最发达、现代化程度最高的城市 说一下广州,北京,上海,深圳,天津,苏州六个城市政治、经济、文化各方面的差异. 上海是最大的城市,指的是占地面积还是经济发达? 东亚各国中,经济最发达的国家是? 在我国邻国中,经济最发达的是美国 七大洲中经济最发达的是哪个洲 上海经济发达的原因是什么?上海发达靠的是什么?是广东地区经济上的贡献吗?还有自身条件呢? 英语翻译张家港澳样医院现已形成以张家港为核心覆盖中国沿江及沿海两大经济带的交汇处并在100公里范围内上海、苏州、无锡、常州、南通等大中城市环列四周的医疗市场,市场占有率和品 香港的经济发达还是广州的经济发达 经济发达能够代表什么?什么是经济发达的城市?