
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/02 06:05:03


With the promotion of the 3G technology application and the constant innovation of the smart phones,mobile advertising bounds to become one of the most important forms of advertising in the next few years.In the background of the increasingly emphasized "precise marketing" and "effective arrival",the advantages of mobile advertising,such as segmentation,orientation,instant,interactive etc.,will increasingly prominent.While mobile advertising media and traditional media and Internet joint create mobile news,mobile television and mobile broadcast,mobile wap site and other emerging forms of advertising,which will become the new luminescent spot in the development of China advertising industry.However mobile advertising in the course of development has been rejected by the masses of users,due to false information and spam messages,therefore they suspect the mobile advertising value and development prospects .
Based on the principle of advertising and communication,this paper starts from the basic information and the development of China mobile ads,analyzing the status quo of mobile advertising development process problems and solving counter measures,and predict the mobile advertising development situation in the next few years in China.

With 3G technology, application and continues to introduce new smart phones, mobile advertising will become the next few years one of the most important forms of advertising. Increasing emphasis in ad...


With 3G technology, application and continues to introduce new smart phones, mobile advertising will become the next few years one of the most important forms of advertising. Increasing emphasis in advertising, "Precision Marketing" and "effective reach" of the background, mobile advertising, Focus, directional, real-time, interactive and other advantages will become increasingly prominent. The mobile advertising media and traditional media and the Internet to create a mobile joint report, mobile TV, mobile radio, mobile wap sites and other new forms of advertising, advertising industry will become a new bright spot. However, the development of mobile advertising in the process because of false information, spam and other factors has been rejected by the majority of users, leading to the majority of users of mobile advertising value and cast doubt on prospects for development.
In this paper, advertising and communication and other basic principles, the basic information from the mobile advertising and the current development of mobile advertising in China, analyzes the development process of mobile advertising problems and solutions. Mobile advertising in China and the development of the next few years to make a prediction.


英语翻译随着3G技术的推广应用和智能手机的不断推陈出新,手机广告势必成为今后几年最重要的广告形式之一。在广告日益强调“精准营销”和“有效到达”的大背景下,手机广告的分众 英语翻译随着信息技术和移动通信技术的发展,人们已经不满足传统的英特网交流方式,应运而生的便是无线网络通信技术的应用.Symbian作为一款智能手机操作系统,提供了各种网络操作API.作为 英语翻译3G时代的电子商务是以计算机网络和电子工具的应用为基础,由移动通讯设备和无线上网技术为支撑所构成的移动电子商务体系.随着3G业务在全球范围内的逐渐普及,移动互联网带宽的 英语翻译随着ADSL技术在全球范围的大规模推广以及针对于DSL技术的应用和服务的不断推出,基于电话双绞线的XDSL宽带接入已经占据宽带接入市场的半壁江山.但是,迫于业务发展的需要和更好 英语翻译 劳驾 谢谢拉!随着ADSL技术在全球范围的大规模推广以及针对于DSL技术的应用和服务的不断推出,基于电话双绞线的XDSL宽带接入已经占据宽带接入市场的半壁江山.但是,迫于业务发展 英语翻译内容摘要:我认为网络信息安全不仅仅是技术问题,也是思想意识问题.现在全世界都公认近几年的网络环境越来越差.随着新技术的应用以及推广信息安全形势将更加恶劣.本文以影响 英语翻译随着无线技术的日益发展,无线传输技术应用越来越被各行各业所接受.近十几年来,随着移动通信技术飞速发展,越来越多的信息采集和远程控制系统采用了无线数据传送技术,它与有 英语翻译自苹果公司App store问世,随着3G网络、智能手机的普及,手机应用软件商店逐渐成为了手机企业、电信运营商的必争之地.本文通过对手机应用软件商店的市场背景、市场竞争态势的分 英语翻译随着物联网知识的普及及技术的广泛推广应用,物联网被越来越多人所关注.而在物联网中,RFID技术是实现物联网的关键技术.在我国,近年来RFID技术以及物联网发展迅猛,普及速度快,应 英语表达“新产品推广“新的技术或方法的应用推广 英语翻译我将用日本和中国的两个市场,来对诺基亚的产品进行说明,在日本,电信业非常发达,是世界上3G通讯技术应用的最厉害的国家,而诺基亚针对3G通讯技术而研发的手机少之又少,因此,2008 英语翻译主要是“3G tech”到底是什么?还有3G技术和核反应堆有什么关系? 英语翻译随着3G技术的飞速发展,人们对于一种更高效的技术的渴求也越来越强烈.LTE(Long Term Evolution)项目是3G的演进,被通俗的称为3.9G,具有100Mbps的数据下载能力,被视作从3G向4G演进的主流技术. 英语翻译基于Android智能手机的车载监控系统。本文立足于满足现代社会对车辆导航监控系统的需求,在现有GPS和Android智能手机技术的条件下,从分析车载系统,简单介绍了如何开发一套具 英语翻译引 言目前,随着数字化信号处理技术的不断提高,单片机,数字信号处理器以及语音处理大规模集成电路的进步,语音合成,语音识别,语音存储和回放技术的应用越来越广泛.本文提出的 英语翻译专家认为,该项目具有自主知识产权,技术经济指标先进,经济效益明显,具有很好的应用推广前景,技术装备达到国际先进水平 英语翻译摘要:本文介绍工具式超高单侧支模技术在天津站改扩建工程中的应用,并介绍了改技术的工艺特点,施工要点,质量标准,安全措施、效益分析及应用推广前景关键词:墙体模板、工具 牛耕技术的使用和推广有何重大意义?