英语翻译Dear **,有几件事情还想请假一下,I’m afraid I am having trouble in my work.I’ve included the questions below and I would appreciate your help with this.1.可否麻烦帮我办公室添置一把椅子,以便如有人员来面

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/09/09 08:03:11

英语翻译Dear **,有几件事情还想请假一下,I’m afraid I am having trouble in my work.I’ve included the questions below and I would appreciate your help with this.1.可否麻烦帮我办公室添置一把椅子,以便如有人员来面
Dear **,
I’m afraid I am having trouble in my work.I’ve included the questions below and I would appreciate your help with this.
I want to apply for a chair so that I can arrangement the interview in my office.
I was wondering if you could give me the Candidate Registration Form so that I can carry out the recruitment.
If I want to arrange the interview how can I describe the traffic information to the candidate?

英语翻译Dear **,有几件事情还想请假一下,I’m afraid I am having trouble in my work.I’ve included the questions below and I would appreciate your help with this.1.可否麻烦帮我办公室添置一把椅子,以便如有人员来面
Cathy,你的意思是对的,但是受中文影响的痕迹很重噢,例如爱用I 作主语.改得简练一些吧.
Dear XXX,
How are you?
As we know,the interview is just around its corner and could you please offer me a chair and the Excel Worksheet of interviewee registration for convenience of my work?
And one more thing is that whether you povide direction information to interviewees or not.If so,please kindly tell me how to decribe our address.
Best Regards

1、I’m afraid I have some problems in my work.....
2、"so that I can arrangement the interview ",应改为 so that I can arrange the interview

Dear **,
Sorry for my distub,and I'm writing to seek help from you.
1. A chair is needed for the interview arragement in my office.
2. Candidate Registration Form(E-version) is needed in ...


Dear **,
Sorry for my distub,and I'm writing to seek help from you.
1. A chair is needed for the interview arragement in my office.
2. Candidate Registration Form(E-version) is needed in case there is recruitment.
3. How to describe the traffic information to the candidate?
Your early reply will be highly appreciate.
Thanks in advance!
