关于电影的介绍 英文 最好有中文对照关于电影的介绍 不是特指的一两部电影 是指比较大的范围 电影的种类 比如文艺片啊爱情片啊恐怖片什么的 还有分类 比如形式主义,经典主义,现实主义

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/07/11 17:38:33

关于电影的介绍 英文 最好有中文对照关于电影的介绍 不是特指的一两部电影 是指比较大的范围 电影的种类 比如文艺片啊爱情片啊恐怖片什么的 还有分类 比如形式主义,经典主义,现实主义
关于电影的介绍 英文 最好有中文对照
关于电影的介绍 不是特指的一两部电影 是指比较大的范围 电影的种类 比如文艺片啊爱情片啊恐怖片什么的 还有分类 比如形式主义,经典主义,现实主义等等 我需要的是比较专业的介绍 最好还有电影的流派以及20世纪伟大的导演介绍 最好是中英文 但英文更重要

关于电影的介绍 英文 最好有中文对照关于电影的介绍 不是特指的一两部电影 是指比较大的范围 电影的种类 比如文艺片啊爱情片啊恐怖片什么的 还有分类 比如形式主义,经典主义,现实主义
比如我们的《英雄》一部片子投了将近三个亿,这次我们是张艺谋文艺片中最大的投资是六千万,《十七岁的单车》(2000年) ,该片是第六代导演代表人物王小帅的最新作品.王小帅在没有拿到审片结论之前便携片参加了柏林国际电影节,虽赢得一尊银熊,却被禁止公映.
(1)商业片专指向票房 ,从编剧到主演均从此角度考虑 .
本意为文学作品改编成的电影 ,已经是专门针对商业片讲的了.
(3)什么是文艺片? 什么是商业片?
最好的艺术片, 肯定也是最好的商业电影 !
但是另一部分, 就是确实是完美的艺术电影但是永远没有办法让另一部分人理解和接受
荣格说:世界上不同部分的人 ,都会有集体无意识 .
那么也许是触动了一部分人的集体无意识, 就会被这部分人所推崇 .
(4)文艺片是什么?文艺片是一种气氛和情境,更是脱离现实的情节,可能是小小的幸福,也可能是深深地无奈.文艺片是无病呻吟也是珍惜拥有.好的文艺片就像一种忽而入梦的心境,或者一种无缘故的感伤和一种微小的却很重的感受.文艺片和商业片的区别抽象来说,是一种是有条理的有套路的具体事实的表现,一种是没那么多的利益和光荣的抽象内在. (5)至今,也没有准确的定义来说什么叫做文艺片,什么叫做商业片,但在中国,倘若中国的文艺片在能阳光灿烂的日子里讲述一个生动的故事,我想,在比较浮躁的社会里,还会有更多人喜欢上文艺片的.
中国《山楂树之恋》《阳光灿烂的日子》《霸王别姬》《秋菊打官司》《大红灯笼高高挂》《苏州河》《泥鳅也是鱼》《甜蜜蜜》《十七岁的单车》《南京!南京!》《孔雀》《三峡好人》《茉莉花开》《牵牛花》《我们天上见》《半生缘》《重庆森林》《花样年华》 等等
《石榴的颜色》导演:谢尔盖·帕拉杰诺 (法国“诗意电影”代表人物之一)
《梦旅人》 导演:岩井俊二
演员介绍: 葛优 巩俐 姜武 牛犇 郭涛 张璐 倪大红 肖聪
A cross between a commercial films and art films clustering, it refers to the mainproduction seriously, has certain positive significance, follow the popular narrativeform, a class of the film also has individual characteristics and style characteristic of certain. [1]
2 definition editor
The film is not art. Literary piece more, need to cause resonance (such as the film is more inclined to the female audience), in order to express human emotions (love the majority) film. The director of the art style of filming and actors performing arts, so that the audience deeply human good feelings, cause emotional resonance, so as to achieve the ultimate goal of filming. The film is also a set of literature and art in one of the. The film through the unique atmosphere embodies the unique features of its. Use the language of film is more simple, more suitable for people to accept the habit.
The difference between 3 and commercial movie editing
The opposite is more artistic elements, commercial film element more, emphasize thestory content is not the same, the form is not the same, there are fundamental differences between the investment.
4 classic example of editing
For example, our "hero" a film for nearly three hundred million, the US sixty million is the biggest investment in Zhang Yimou's film, "seventeen year old bicycle" (2000), the film is the sixth generation of director Wang Xiaoshuai's latest work representative.Wang Xiaoshuai didn't get the review conclusion before portable tablet in the BerlinInternational Film Festival, won a silver bear, were banned from release.
(1) a commercial film designed to box office, from the writers to the star from thisperspective.
The piece is the reverse
Literature and art films, the full name of "literature and art piece", this word should be the partial structure, "literary" modified "art", rather than parallel structure.
Intended for the film adaptations of literary works, is aimed at business story.
(2) what is the artistic film? Rocca think literary piece in the five, sixty time is puteducation in entertainment, and relative to the martial arts films, comedy, fantasy film,gangster film and opera piece of film. At the same time also heavy social ethics,traditional code of conduct and the subject is correct.
(3) what is art? What is the commercial?
5 and commercial contact editor
The best art piece, is certainly the best commercial film!
But another part, that really is the perfect art film but never let other peopleunderstand and accept
Carl Jung said: the different parts of the world, will have the collective unconscious.
It may be touched a part of the collective unconscious, will be part of this esteemed.
(4) what is the artistic film? The film is a kind of atmosphere and situation, it isdivorced from the reality of the plot, may be a little happiness, may also be deeplyhelpless. The film is also cherish moan and groan without being ill. Good art films likea suddenly dream state of mind, or a non reason sentiment and a small but veryheavy feeling. The difference between the piece and the commercial abstract, is aconcrete fact methodical routines performance, one is not so much interest and theabstraction inherent. (5) up to now, no accurate definition of what is called art films,what is called a commercial film, but in the China, if art film China in sunny day tells avivid story, I think, in the impetuous society, more people will like the film.
6 representative films and plot editing
Chinese "under the Hawthorn Tree" "sunny days" "Farewell to My Concubine" "the story of Qiu Ju" "raise the red lantern" "Suzhou River" "loach is fish" "honey""Seventeen" "Nanjing bike! Nanjing. "" Peacock "" Three Gorges "Jasmine Flower" ""morning glory "" we see the sky "" half life "" Chongqing forest "" in the mood for love"and so on
"Les miserables" foreign "big fish" "when happiness to knock" "marine piano teacher""Rashomon" "Paris" "fire" "desire" and so on the bow
More representative
"The color of pomegranates" director: Sergei Parajno (French "poetic film" one of the representative)
"Dreamer" director: Shunji Iwai
"The red balloon"
"The man from"
... "seventeen year old bicycle" (2000)
This piece is the sixth generation of director Wang Xiaoshuai's latest workrepresentative. Wang Xiaoshuai didn't get the review conclusion before portable tabletin the Berlin International Film Festival, won a silver bear, were banned from release.
"Devils on the doorstep" (2000)
Cannes International Film Festival jury award. The film with a unique perspectivereveals the cruel nature of the Japanese militarists, circle the good reputation.
Have the Spring Festival "home" (1999)
Won Best Director in 1999 fifty-sixth session of the Italy Venice Film Festival award.This is a story about love and tolerance, the protagonist have the Spring Festivalhome, poured out 17 years of difficult life.
"Suzhou River" (2000)
Holland won the best film prize at the Rotterdam International Film Festival, the GinzaFilm Festival Awards in japan. The film Wong Kar Wai's movie style tells a tragic love story, to explore the expression of love and the meaning of love. Because the firstreleased in Taiwan banned mapping.
"Xiao Wu" (1997)
Director Jia Zhangke on the "Xiao Wu" in the international film spring into fame,become the representative of the young director in catch up from behind. The same with others his style of filmmaking, are taking the international financing and issue of the road, basic and domestic film market does not have any

关于电影的介绍 英文 最好有中文对照关于电影的介绍 不是特指的一两部电影 是指比较大的范围 电影的种类 比如文艺片啊爱情片啊恐怖片什么的 还有分类 比如形式主义,经典主义,现实主义 关于苏州网师园的英文的介绍文化背景.还有路线.最好的有中文对照翻译了.还要尽量短小点的. 关于木乃伊的英文介绍不是电影,最好中英互译 请问,谁知道哪有关于瑞典的英文的详细介绍!主要就是介绍个个城市的...还有瑞典的国王是谁.哪方面比较有名!最好,再有一些旅游景点之类的!如果有中文对照最好了! 急需关于第二次世界大战的英文文章,最好有中文对照着重二战对人类文明的破坏,对犹太人的残害 冰激凌的英文介绍最好有中文对照,详细一点的, 有关于电影《时尚女魔头》的英文介绍吗? 一些关于友谊,爱情的英文句子关于友谊的英文,爱情句子,能当签名的!最好有中文对照 约翰尼德普的英文介绍要关于他的 英文介绍,不用太长,就介绍他的成长还有他比较有名的电影,最好有中英对照 关于介绍百合花的英文文章大神们帮帮忙最好有中文注解 《闪电狗》电影的英文简介最好有故事梗概,以及对Bolt的介绍.我要写一篇关于这部电影的英文作文...Thanks! 有没有关于大熊猫的英文介绍?```请简单一点.还请附上中文.中文!中文!中文!最好能介绍体重,身高那些! 风险 英文文章哪位有关于保险或者风险的英文文章 最好是中英文对照的 中文在3000字左右的 关于圣诞节的故事,要英文和中文对照. 关于maya的英文命令的中文对照的书,有谁知道?推荐一本. 关于孝敬父母的英语作文!不少于100字!最好有中文对照 关于功夫熊猫的英文读后感6句,并有中文对照 谁有关于父爱英文诗歌朗诵稿要押韵的,请今天回答,我急死了.最好有中文对照,谢谢谢谢^^^^^^^^^^^^^